o..iya mbak...teorinya sih saya uda hapal  ;)
tp masalahnya, dr hsl pemeriksaan hampir semua makanan alergi, hanya beras
dan sereal yg nggak...trus anak saya mkn apa donggg ? :(

On 3/13/07, MamaKavin+Ija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Mbak Ela…

Masalah alergi yaaa..
Simpelnya sihh alergi bisa dijauhkan bila kita
menjauhi pencetus ALERGInya.. missal klo makan ikan
laut jd gatel2 ya wiss ga perlu makan ikan laut.. it

KARENA kadar alergi pda tiap2org itu lain2 n bisa
ilang nggaknya juga individual bgt…
Contohnya saya.. ga tau knapa2 klo hamil pasti dehh
alergian klo sore gatel2 n bentol2 gitu… tapi slesai
hamil ilang blas…
Anak2 saya juga gitu dr baby smp umur 3 bln alergi
dingin..klo pagi2 pilek n bersin2.. stl 3 bln ke atas
ilang alerginya.. tanpa obat or pengobatan..

klo mau lebih lengkap tu tanya aja ma tanteku si tante
Intan yg juga alergian..he..he..he..

Ini aku ada rtikel alergi dr mayoclinic yaaa
Allergy Treatment Guide

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is a common problem
in infants and children. The most common symptoms
include a stuffy or runny nose with clear drainage,
sneezing, itchy eyes and nose, sore throat, throat
clearing and a cough that may be worse at night and in
the morning.

These symptoms usually occur during certain times of
the year for people with seasonal allergies,
corresponding to being exposed to outdoor allergens,
such as tree pollens, grasses and weeds.

Other people may have perennial allergies, with
problems occurring year round from exposure to indoor
allergens, such as dust mites, pets, second hand smoke
and molds.

Other signs of having allergic rhinitis include the
'allergic salute,' a common habit of children which
consists of rubbing their nose upward. This is usually
because the nose is itchy and this practice can lead
to a small crease in the skin of the lower part of the

Children with allergic rhinitis also commonly have
'allergic shiners,' which are dark circles under the
eyes caused by nasal congestion.

Allergic rhinitis does run in certain families and are
more common in children that have asthma or eczema. It
is also more common in children that are exposed to
second hand smoke, air pollution and pets.

Having uncontrolled allergies can put your child at
risk for getting a secondary sinus infection, ear
infections, and for having poor concentration at
school. It can also make asthma symptoms worse.

Allergy Treatments

The best treatment for allergic rhinitis is to avoid
what your child is allergic to by following the
prevention and environmental controls described below.

Although food allergies as a trigger for a runny nose
is not common, if you notice that your child's allergy
symptoms always get worse after being exposed to
certain foods, then you should avoid those foods. The
most common foods that can cause problems include:
milk, eggs (especially egg yolks), peanuts, soybeans,
tree nuts, seafood, and wheat.

Allergy Prevention

These steps help to control common allergens,
including dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollens.

*       Get rid of dust collectors, including heavy drapes,
upholstered furniture, & stuffed animals.
*       Use an airtight, allergy-proof plastic cover on all
mattresses, pillows and boxsprings.
*       Wash all bedding and stuffed animals in hot water
every 7-14 days.
*       If you must keep pets in the house, at least keep
them out of your child's bedroom and wash your pet
each week to remove surface allergens.
*       Avoid exposing your child to molds by keeping him
away from damp basements or water-damaged areas of
your home (check under carpets).
*       Remove carpeting if possible.
*       Vacuum frequently (when your child is not in the
room, since many of the things that cause allergies
are small enough to go back out of the vacuum cleaner
*       Cover air vents with filters.
*       Avoid the use of ceiling fans.
*       For seasonal allergies, keep windows closed in the
car and home to avoid exposure to pollens and limit
outdoor activities when pollen counts are highest
(early morning for spring time tree pollens, afternoon
and early evening for summer grasses, and in the
middle of the day for ragweed in the fall)
*       Consider using a HEPA filter to control airborne
allergens (these only work if what you are allergic to
is airborne, which doesn't include dust mites and
*       Keep indoor humidity low, since dust mites and mold
increase in high humidity.
*       Provide a smoke-free environment for your child (it
is not enough to simply smoke outside).

Allergy Medications

The medications that are used to control the symptoms
of allergic rhinitis include decongestants,
antihistamines and steroids. If symptoms are mild, you
can use over the counter medications as needed. Avoid
using topical decongestants (such as Afrin) for more
than 3-5 days at a time or frequent use of over the
counter allergy medicines with antihistamines, as they
can cause drowsiness and poor performance in school.

Prescription allergy medications include the newer,
non-sedating antihistamines, such as Allergra,
Claritin, Clarinex and Zyrtec (usual dose is 1-2
teaspoons or 1 pill once a day), and topical steroids,
such as Nasonex, Flonase, and Nasacort (usual dose is
1-2 squirts in each nostril once each day). If your
child's symptoms are well controlled, then you can
decrease the dose of the nasal steroid that you are
using for 1-2 weeks and then consider trying your
child off of it and see how they do. Continue the
antihistamine for 1-2 months or until your child's
allergy season is over.

Keep in mind that Claritin is now over-the-counter and
it is also available in the generic forms Alavert and

Singulair is another medicine for kids with allergies.
Although previously just used as a preventative
medication for kids with asthma, it is now also
approved to treat allergies. It is available as a
chewable tablet and is approved for kids over age 1.

To be effective, your child should be using these
medications every day. They will not work as well if
just used on an as needed basis. They are in general
very safe with few side effects, but the nasal
steroids have been associated with growth suppression
when used in high doses. This is however rare, and
your pediatrician will monitor your child's growth to
make sure this does not happen.

If your child's symptoms are not improving with the
combination of the antihistamine and steroid, then we
may also use a decongestant, such as Sudafed, AH-CHEW
D, or as a combination (Claritin D).

For seasonal allergies, it is best to start using
these medications just before your child's season
begins and then continue the medicines every day all
through the season. For perennial allergies, your
child may need to take these medicines year round.

Your child may also benefit from nasal irrigations
using saline nose drops 1-3 times a day. This will
help the sinuses drain.

Important Reminders

*       Call your pediatrician if you need a refill on your
medications for allergic rhinitis, if your child is
not improving in 1-2 weeks, or if he is showing signs
of a secondary sinus infection, with a green runny
nose lasting more than 10 days.
*       If your child does not improve with these
interventions, then we will consider having him see an
allergy specialist for allergy testing to figure out
what he is allergic to and to possibly start
immunotherapy injections.

--- 2Fa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> parents,
> anak saya umur 2thn, ada indikasi alergi, efeknya
> gatel2, bisa digaruk2 smp
> luka, jd kaki dan tangannya skrng penuh dgn bekas
> luka.
> Saran dr teman, saya bawa ke dr Aris wibudi di OMC,
> utk terapi alergi
> menggunakan gelombang elektro gitu.
> Terapi tahap 1 memakan waktu 3-4 bulan dan sudah
> selesai, skrng sedang tahap
> 2. Menurut sang dktr, stlh tahap 2 selesai akan
> direview lg dr awal (blk
> ke tahap 1) utk memastikan faktor alerginya benar2
> ilanng, kalo msh ada ya
> hrs terapi ulang lagi.. *cape deee..*
> ada saran pengobatan alergi dgn metode lain yg tdk
> 'menyiksa' tdk ?
> saya butuh 2nd opinion ttg penyebab alergi anak
> saya, krn dr pengobatan yg
> skrng ini kok byk bgt pencetusnya :(
> thx b4
> ~ela~

Uci mamaKavin+Ija

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