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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fiona Siahaan
Date: Jan 30, 2008 3:13 PM
Subject: [Dunia Fiona] I am a big sister now ! Bye-bye diapers.. !

Kylie is having a tremendous improvement in term of her growth.. She's just
turned 2 last December (pf. 17 Dec.) and now she's already like a big
sister.. Oh yes, she is going to be a big sister for the coming baby... So,
not baby Kylie anymore, but Sister... kakak Kylie.. :)

She talks more, too much asking what and why and how and when and who?? to
everything and to all the things.... offcourse I enjoyed so much all the
conversations we had, even sometimes it bothered me when she screamed to
express her ego about something..

The most improvement, that since last 2 weeks, she refuses to wear the
diapers.. hehehe... bravo ! At the first place, it's only from morning to
afternoon but not at night... But since 3 days ago, we left her without
diapers when she goes to sleep...

Day 1, she expelled in her bed, and I changed her several times.... she
wasn't awake but annoyed..
Day 2, she slept and nervous when needed to pee, and I took her to the
toilet, also several times.... then, she went back to sleep
Day 3, means last night.... she only expelled once, and that was my fault
too.... I was late to take her to the toilet when she showed that she was on
edge. But, it was 5.30 am in the morning..!! Means that the whole night, she
sleep tightly.... uuch sweet baby...

So, I proudly say that my baby sweet baby is a bigger sister now.... I am so
happy with this condition... Without comparing with her brother, he was also
very great during his transition about wearing/not this diapers things, but
William has all the same condition when he was 3.

Posted By Fiona Siahaan to Dunia
1/30/2008 02:34:00 PM

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