memopad, payung, mug, block note

2008/5/2 Santy Dianlestari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear all,
> Mumpung Jumat nih..jadi bisa OOT
> Kantor saya mau menyebarkan kuesioner survey, tahun lalu setiap yang
> ngisi survey dikasih souvenir, tahun lalu souvenirnya pulpen.
> Nah tahun ini mo ngadain lagi...mohon masukannya dong souvenir apa yang
> cocok untuk acara survey tsb...jangan mahal2 ya..karena buat seluruh
> pegawai
> Thanks lho sebelumnya atas masukannya, japri aja juga ga apa apa
> Santy
> This Message is confidential; it contents does not constitute a commitment
> by PT. INDONESIA POWER, except where provided for in a written agreement
> between you and PT. INDONESIA POWER. Any unauthorized disclosure, use or
> dissemination of the content, either whole or partial, is strictly
> prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of the message or you have
> received this electronic transmission in error, please notify or contact the
> sender immediately.
> PT.INDONESIA POWER is subsidiary of PT. PLN PERSERO which operates in
> power generating business. Through its 130 power plants, with a total
> capacity of 8,872 MW, PT.INDONESIA POWER has contributed significantly to
> the Java Bali interconnection system electricity supply. PT.INDONESIA POWER
> operates through its eight generating Business Unit (GBU) : Suralaya, Priok,
> Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak Grati, Bali and one maintenance
> Services business unit (MSBU).
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias:
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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