Boss, lha kan ada yang betuknya sirup jadi diberikan sekian mL sesuai
kebutuhan bayi, contoh parasetamol yang sirup (dari yang generik sampai yang
paten), dengan konsentrasi X mg/mL nah nanti kan gampang tuh, jadi minumnya
0.8 mL sekali dikasih, misalnya.

Nah, sekarang yang jadi pertanyaan, kenapa koq malah dikasih yang dalam
bentuk tablet, kalau saya perhatikan dari resep2 yang Nayma dapet dulu,
kalau puyer, biasanya isinya adalah heptasan, luminal, (luminal, padahal
Nayma gak kejang), terus CTM (anti alergi). apadahal ada lho CTM yang sirup,
buat anak kecil.....

Terus obat pilek (padahal gak ada tuh obat pilek), kan bisa minta yang
sirup, contoh Alco. Atau obat batuk contoh dextromethorphan.

Btw, obat-obat batuk pilek untuk anak di bawah usia 2 tahun sudah tidak
direkomendasikan oleh FDA, salah satu yang ditarik FDA adalah TRIAMINIC, so
be very careful.

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  Infant Cough, Cold Drugs Withdrawn

*Makers Take Their Products Off the Market Citing Potential Misuse, Not
Safety *

*By Miranda 
WebMD Medical News*

*Reviewed By Michael Smith,
 Latest Healthy Kids News

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 Oct. 11, 2007 -- The makers of all over-the-counter oral cough and
for infants announced that they are taking those products off the

"Potential misuse of these infant medicines, not product safety, is driving
the voluntary withdrawal," the Consumer Healthcare Products Association
(CHPA), a trade group representing the makers and distributors of
over-the-counter medicines, states in a news release.

The withdrawal only applies to cough and cold medicines that refer to
"infants," not to children who are at least 2 years old.

The CHPA today issued this list of branded cough and cold medicines that are
being voluntarily withdrawn:

   - Dimetapp Decongestant Plus Cough Infant Drops
   - Dimetapp Decongestant Infant Drops
   - Little Colds Decongestant Plus Cough
   - Little Colds Multi-Symptom Cold Formula
   - PEDIACARE Infant Drops Decongestant (containing pseudoephedrine)
   - PEDIACARE Infant Drops Decongestant & Cough (containing
   - PEDIACARE Infant Dropper Decongestant (containing phenylephrine)
   - PEDIACARE Infant Dropper Long-Acting Cough
   - PEDIACARE Infant Dropper Decongestant & Cough (containing
   - Robitussin Infant Cough DM Drops
   - Triaminic Infant & Toddler Thin Strips Decongestant
   - Triaminic Infant & Toddler Thin Strips Decongestant Plus Cough
   - TYLENOL Concentrated Infants ' Drops Plus Cold
   - TYLENOL Concentrated Infants ' Drops Plus Cold & Cough

*FDA Reviewing Products*

In August, the FDA warned parents not to give children younger than 2
over-the-counter cough or cold medicines unless given specific directions to
do so by a health care provider.

The FDA is reviewing the safety and effectiveness of nonprescription cough
and cold drug use in children. An FDA panel will discuss the topic next

*Trade Group's Comments*

"It 's important to point out that these medicines are safe and effective
when used as directed, and most parents are using them appropriately," CHPA
President Linda Suydam, DPA, says in a news release.

"The reason the makers of over-the-counter, oral cough and cold medicines
for infants are voluntarily withdrawing these medicines is that there have
been rare patterns of misuse leading to overdose recently identified,
particularly in infants, and safety is our top priority," says Suydam.

The CHPA and its member companies have recommended to the FDA that the
labels on all over-the-counter cough and cold medicines for children 2 and
older be strengthened from "ask a doctor" before using to "do not use" in
children under age 2. That way, parents will be aware that these products
are not recommended for infants.

The CHPA states it made those recommendations in preparation for next week's
FDA panel meeting.

"These medicines are -- and always have been -- safe at recommended doses,"
says Suydam.

She adds that "these voluntary actions are being taken out of an abundance
of caution. The vast majority of parents and caregivers safely use these
medicines to help relieve their children's symptoms."

"But as with all medicines, it's important that parents read
over-the-counter medicine labels carefully, use these medicines only as
directed, and store them safely out of the reach of children," says Suydam.

SOURCES: News release, Consumer Healthcare Products Association. WebMD
Medical News: "FDA Warns on Tots' Cough, Cold Drug Use."

2008/5/5 Dhidi Mulyadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Alhamdulillah..selama ini anak saya dapet obat racikan selalu saya cross
> check dengan MIMS. Dokter biasanya memberikan puyer/racikan karena dosis
> obat yg tersedia masih tinggi untuk kebutuhan si anak, sehingga perlu
> dikurangi dengan cara dibuat racikan/puyer. Seandainya semua pabrik obat
> membuat dosis untuk kebutuhan anak-anak dibawah 1 tahun, mungkin
> racikan/puyer memang tidak dibutuhkan lagi.
> Dhidi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: diana safitri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 05 Mei 2008 15:01
> To:
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Balasan: Re: [balita-anda] (Artikel) Say NO
> toPuyer!!
> pak ama mba nich hehehehehe.
> pak biasanya kalo puyer itu malah berisi lebih dari satu macam obat.
> kalo
> ada merknya mungkin lebih dari satu merk. kadang pernah ada yang isinya
> itu
> sebenernya gak dibutuhkan sama penyakitnya.
> bapak pernah minta copy resep gak kalo misal dikasih puyer sama dokter.
> nah
> isinya itu coba dicek dech di coba dech pak sekali-klai
> liat serem juga loh hehehehehhe aku pernah nemuin obat penenang di resep
> puyernya anak aku yg dah lama.
> Diana
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias:
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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