mbak, asam folat bukan dari susu ibu hamil, tapi biasanya dikasih tablet
asam folat, contah folavit. Ini justru paling dibutuhkan saat sebelum hamil
dan kehamilan bulan-bulan awal. Asam folat juga bisa didapat dari sumber2
alami, sayur2an dan buah2an.
di bawah ini ada artikelnya ya, sepanjang supplement asam folat diminum
(jika ada rasa khawatir makanan yg dimaen gak cukup mengandung asam folat),
gak masalh gak minum susu ibu hamil. Saya sendiri gak minum susu ibu hamil
koq dulunya, cuma rajin makan buah dan di awal2 hamil, rajin minum tablet
asam folat.

 Why do I need folic acid?
known as vitamin B9 or folate) is one of the few nutrients known to
prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida, which affects about
one in 1,000 pregnancies each year in the United States. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention report that women who take the recommended
daily dose of folic
one month before they conceive and throughout the first trimester
reduce their baby's risk of birth defects such as spina bifida by up to 70

This alone is reason enough to make sure you take folic acid before you get
pregnant and during pregnancy, but there may even be other benefits as well.
Some studies have shown that women who don't get enough folic acid may
increase their risk of miscarriage, as well as cleft lip and palate, limb
defects, and certain types of heart defects in their babies.

Your body needs this nutrient for the production, repair, and functioning of
DNA, our genetic map and a basic building block of cells, so getting enough
is particularly important for the rapid cell growth that occurs during
pregnancy. Folate is also required for a complex metabolic process that
involves the conversion of one amino acid in your blood (homocysteine) into
another amino acid (methionine). If you don't get enough folate, you can end
up with too much homocysteine in your blood, which is thought to contribute
to some birth defects. Elevated levels of homocysteine in pregnancy also
have been linked to blood clots, placental abruption, recurrent
miscarriages, and stillbirth. Researchers are trying to find out whether
taking folic acid throughout pregnancy decreases your risk for these
problems. Finally, folate helps make normal red blood cells, prevent anemia,
and produce the nervous system chemicals norepinephrine and serotonin.
 How much do I need?
A month before you start trying to get pregnant, you should be taking 400
micrograms (mcg) of folic
day to reduce your baby's risk of neural tube defects. (Your baby's
tube starts to develop about three weeks after conception, which is about as
soon as you're likely to find out you're pregnant.) In fact, since half of
pregnancies are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that
all women of childbearing age get 400 mcg of folic acid each day.

Once you're pregnant, you'll need at least 600 mcg daily, although many
practitioners suggest 800 mcg and some prenatal
1,000 mcg. Folic
a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you
take too much. For some women, there's an exception to this rule; getting
too much folate may hide a B12 deficiency. It's uncommon to be low in B12 if
you're a healthy young woman with a varied diet, but it can be a problem for
you if you're a vegetarian, particularly if you don't consume dairy
products. Ask your healthcare provider if you think you may be at risk.

If you're overweight or obese (with a body mass index (BMI) over 25), you
may have lower blood folate levels than smaller women, according to one
study. Overweight women's babies also have a higher rate of neural tube
defects, and although it's still unclear what the connection is between
weight, lower folate levels, and NTDs, it doesn't hurt to start taking 1,000
mcg folic acid in a supplement form before you conceive and keep it up
through pregnancy, says Paula Bernstein, an ob-gyn at Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center in Los Angeles.

Women who've had a child with a neural tube defect have a significantly
higher risk of having a second with the same defect. Healthcare providers
now advise these women to take ten times as much folic acid — 4,000 mcg or 4
milligrams (mg) — starting one month before conception and continuing
through the first three months of pregnancy. See your practitioner for a
prescription for the supplement if you fall into this category.
 Should I take a supplement?
Definitely. If you're like most people, you don't get the amount of folate
you need from your diet, and research shows that the body actually absorbs
the synthetic version of this vitamin (found in supplements and enriched
foods) much better than the version that occurs naturally in certain foods.
On the days you can't stomach your prenatal vitamin in early pregnancy, at
least take a separate folic
(These pills are small and easy to get down.) But eating plenty
of folate-rich foods won't hurt either, since the recommended daily amount
you're supposed to get from your supplement is designed to complement the
amount you're likely to get from food sources.
 What are the best food sources?
Food manufacturers are required by the Food and Drug Administration to
add folic
enriched grain products such as breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, and
so that each serving contains at least 20 percent of the daily requirement,
and some breakfast cereals contain 100 percent (400 mcg) or more. Dark leafy
greens are also a good source of folate, as are legumes such as lentils and
chickpeas. Other sources include the following:

•  1/2 cup cooked lentils: 179 mcg

•  1 cup boiled collard greens: 177 mcg

•  1/2 cup canned chickpeas: 141 mcg

•  1 medium papaya: 115 mcg

•  1 cup cooked frozen peas: 94 mcg

•  4 spears steamed or boiled asparagus: 88 mcg

•  1/2 cup steamed broccoli: 52 mcg

•  1 cup strawberries: 40 mcg

•  1 medium orange: 39 mcg
 What are signs of a deficiency?
The signs of folic
can be subtle. You may have
loss of appetite, and weight loss, as well as weakness, a sore tongue,
headaches, heart palpitations, and irritability. If you're only mildly
deficient, you may not notice any symptoms at all, but you won't be getting
the optimal amount you need for your baby's early embryonic development.
That's why all women of childbearing age need to take folic acid, even if
they feel perfectly well.

> mbak, usahain lah minum susu sedapat mungkin..kalo perlu tutup idung atau
> apalah yang penting usahain minum susu selagi hamil.  aku mau share aja
> ..dan bukannya mau nakut2in ..  tetangga aku waktu hamil juga gak mau minum
> susu, waktu anaknya lahir ternyata ususnya terburai (maaf) dan berat badan
> kurang.  bayinya harus dioperasi sampai 2 kali dan nginap di rumah sakit
> sampai 1,5 bulan. dari info2 yang aku baca dan pernah denger talkshow
> mengenai ini juga, ternyata kasus seperti itu dan kadang kasus bibir
> sumbing juga disebabkan karena kurang folat , yang banyak terkandung dalam
> susu hamil selain vitamin2 hamil.
> mudah2an kita dijauhin dari hal2 begini, kasian anak2 kita. kalau memang
> masih bisa dicoba .. ayo kita beri yang terbaik buat cikal bakal pemimpin
> masa depan kita ..
> ayo mbak .. minum susu ... demi si kecil ...
> salam,
> iraf
>                      Aik
>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:
>            >              cc:
>                                               Subject: Re: [balita-anda]
> Ibu hamil nggak doyan susu
>                      08/05/2008 02:26
>                      PM
>                      Please respond
>                      to balita-anda
> Mumpung lagi membahas ibu hamil, nimbrung tanya.......buat lebih meyakinkan
> diri nih.
> Aku lagi hamil 2 bulan, cuma untuk kehamilan ini babar blas nggak doyan
> susu
> (susu biasa maupun susu ibu hamil), bahaya nggak sih nggak minum susu
> secara agak
> susah juga maksain makan keju karena masih gampang mun-mun.
> Rgds,
> Aik
> >mo vitamin or suplemen apapun selagi hamil adalah pilihan..
> >ke 3 bln pertama ko mual2 hebat ga bisa masuk apapun perlu suplemen
> >tambahan misalnya asam folat yg bener2 sangat diperlukan
> >tp idealnya soih yg asli aja..yg alami ..klo aku pribaddi sih gitu
> >
> >
> >masalah makan udang.. knapa ga langsung udangnya ja sih, mbak..kok pake
> >diblender segala kenapa nih??
> >
> >Uci mamaKavin+Ija
> >
> >S e m a r a n g
> >
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