Mbak Irma,

Sudah tak nguplek2 nyari, gak nemu jawaban yang pas, mungkin pasnya gini ya,
jika ditakutkan makanan yang dimakan tidak mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh, maka
dikasihlah multivitamin, tapi ini bukan untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari alias
daily use, saya ambil dari mayoclinic ya, mbak.

Multivitamins — Are they the best thing for you?

Do you take a multivitamin? Or a single vitamin, mineral, or combination
supplement? If so, you are in the company of tens of millions of U.S.

Why do you take them? Most people say it makes them feel healthier or they
believe it will prevent chronic diseases, or colds and flu. But you may be
surprised to know that what is in your bottle and on the label is not
strictly regulated. And there is no system in place to collect reports of
adverse affects.

Over the past few years there has been increasing evidence that
multivitamins and single or combination type vitamin/mineral supplements may
not provide the health benefit sought by you, the consumer. In some cases
the opposite or no beneficial effects have been reported.

Alarming to think that vitamin or mineral supplements could actually cause
more harm than good. An example of this is the use of beta carotene by
smokers actually increased the incidence of lung cancer. This is echoed by a
recent study out of the University of Washington that reports the use of
multivitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and folate did not reduce the risk of
lung cancer.

It is not all bad news though; there are studies to support the use of
folate (folic acid) prior to and during pregnancy in the prevention of
neural tube defects in the developing fetus. And history has proven that
vitamins and minerals play a critical role in our health — the reason we
know about the benefits of vitamins and minerals in food is because of the
major discoveries in disease prevention such as vitamin C and scurvy and
thiamine, a B vitamin, and beri beri (a wasting type disease).

This may leave you wondering if those vitamin mineral supplements in your
medicine cabinet are doing what they should or even worth your money.

Let's look at this way — do you eat a well balanced diet? If so, you may not
need a multivitamin and if you take one as a "safety net" know that you may
exceed what your body needs or can use.

Are you concerned about a chronic disease? If so, making changes in your
diet and exercise habits, not smoking and following through with recommended
screenings by your physician are more likely to benefit your overall health

Consider your current state of health, talk to your doctor and/or dietitian,
and weigh the possible benefits and risks of a multivitamin and mineral
supplement for you.

To your health,


On 12/4/08, Irma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi mom Lif,
> Thanks utk infonya, tp lebih lanjut sy mau tanya, kl misal kita dlm proses
> penyembuhan akibat sakit/luka/pascaoperasi, kan vit C & D dibutuhkan utk
> masa pemulihan dan membantu proses penyerapan gizi. Nah, dlm kondisi begini
> apakah tubuh tetap memerlukan 80mg ato tubuh akan menyerap lebih banyak dr
> vit ato kalsium yg kita makan. Kali aja karena tubuh lg gak fit, dia jd
> lahap minum vit :)
> Sekedar curhat, pasca SC sy infeksi, lalu diresepin Vit C 1000mg.
> Semoga paham pertanyaan sy yaa....
> - Irma Meilani -
> Mom to Kayla n Kalyca
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lif Rahayu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 8:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Vitamin
> Mbak Ai Erna,
>> Senin lalu ada pencerahan dari dokter kantor selama 1.5 jam untuk
>> kesehatan
>> secara umum. Pas bagian vitamin dan supplemen, apakah diperlukan? jawaban
>> dokternya, TIDAK. Apalagi buat anak2 kecil, balita, janganlah ibu dan
>> bapak
>> meracuni anak sendiri, karena supplemen biasanya berisi vitamin A, D, E
>> dan
>> K yang tidak larut dalam air, tapi larut dalam lemak, dan vitamin2 ini
>> semuanya disimpan di organ2 dalam tubuh. Terus pak dokter kasih tabel
>> berapa
>> sih vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh, ternyata sedikit banget koq, dan
>> masih sangat bisa dipenuhi dari makanan yang dikonsumsi atau dari
>> ASi/sufor
>> jika anak masih di bawah 2 tahun.
>> Nah, vitamin C diperlukan juga sedikit, kalo kebanyakan ya dibuang, orang
>> dewasa cuma perlu 80 mg vit C sehari, kalo minum 1000 mg, maka yang 920 mg
>> dibuang tubuh.
>> Seneng dah gua ama nih dokter, semakin mendukung kepercayaan saya bahwa
>> anak
>> balita gak perlu suppklemen vitamin dan macem2, yang penting makanan yang
>> lengkap plus susu.
>> Semoga berguna ya mbak Erna,
>> Lif
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias:
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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