Halo mbak Yuli,

biar lebih jelas, ini ada artikel mengenai hepatitis B dari
mayoclinic. sori, masih dalam bahasa inggris.

hepatitis tidak ada hubungannya dengan DNA. Karena DNA itu hubungannya
dengan gen, bukan dengan virus hepatitis B.

dari artikel di bawah, jika hasil tes HBsAg negatif, berarti saat
dites kita sedang tidak terinfeksi virus hepatitis B.

met baca2.


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B
virus (HBV). For some people, the infection becomes chronic, leading
to liver failure, liver cancer, or cirrhosis — a condition that causes
permanent scarring of the liver.

The hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with the blood
and body fluids of someone who is infected. You're especially at risk
if you are an intravenous (IV) drug user who shares needles or other
paraphernalia, have unprotected sexual contact with an infected
partner, or were born in or travel to parts of the world where
hepatitis B is widespread. In addition, women with HBV can pass the
infection to their babies during childbirth.

Most people infected as adults recover fully from hepatitis B, even if
their signs and symptoms are severe. Infants and children are much
more likely to develop a chronic infection. Although no cure exists
for hepatitis B, a vaccine can prevent the disease. If you're already
infected, taking certain precautions can help prevent spreading HBV to

Most infants and children with hepatitis B never develop signs and
symptoms. The same is true for some adults. Signs and symptoms usually
appear 12 weeks after you're infected and can range from mild to
severe. They may include some or all of the following:

    * Loss of appetite
    * Nausea and vomiting
    * Weakness and fatigue
    * Abdominal pain, especially around your liver
    * Dark urine
    * Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)
    * Joint pain

Hepatitis B can damage your liver — and spread to other people — even
if you don't have any signs and symptoms. That's why it's important to
be tested if you think you've been exposed to hepatitis B or if you
engage in behavior that puts you at risk.
Illustration showing location of the liver      The liver

Your liver is primarily located on the right side of your abdomen,
just beneath your lower ribs. It performs many functions, including
processing most of the nutrients absorbed from your intestines,
removing drugs, alcohol and other harmful substances from your
bloodstream, and manufacturing bile — the greenish fluid stored in
your gallbladder that helps digest fats. Your liver also produces
cholesterol, blood-clotting factors and certain other proteins.

The liver has an amazing capacity for regeneration — it can heal
itself by replacing or repairing injured tissue. In addition, healthy
cells take over the function of damaged cells, either indefinitely or
until the damage has been repaired. Yet in spite of this, your liver
is prone to a number of diseases that can cause serious or
irreversible damage, including hepatitis B.

Acute vs. chronic hepatitis B
Hepatitis B infection may be either acute — lasting less than six
months — or chronic, lasting six months or longer. If the disease is
acute, your immune system is usually able to clear the virus from your
body, and you should recover completely within a few months. When your
immune system can't fight off the virus, HBV infection may become
lifelong, possibly leading to serious illnesses such as cirrhosis and
liver cancer.

Most people who acquire hepatitis B as adults have an acute infection.
But the outlook isn't nearly as hopeful for infants and children. Most
infants infected with HBV at birth and many children infected between
1 and 5 years of age become chronically infected. Chronic infection
may go undetected for decades until a person becomes seriously ill
from liver disease.

Hepatitis B is one of six currently identified strains of viral
hepatitis — the others are A, C, D, E and G. Each strain is unique,
differing from the others in severity and in the way it spreads.

Major ways transmission occurs
In industrialized countries, you're most likely to become infected
with HBV in the following ways:

    * Sexual transmission. You may become infected if you have
unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner whose
blood, saliva, semen or vaginal secretions enter your body. You can
also become infected from shared sexual devices if they're not washed
or covered with a condom. The virus is present in the secretions of
someone who's infected and enters your body through small tears that
can develop in your rectum or vagina during sexual activity.
    * Transmission through needle sharing. HBV is easily transmitted
through needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood. That's
why sharing IV drug paraphernalia puts you at high risk of hepatitis
B. Your risk increases if you inject drugs frequently or also engage
in high-risk sexual behavior. Although avoiding the use of injected
drugs is the most reliable way to prevent infection, you may not
choose to do this. If so, one way to reduce your risk is to
participate in a needle exchange program in your community. These
programs allow you to exchange used needles and syringes for sterile
equipment. In addition, consider seeking counseling or treatment for
your drug use.
    * Transmission through accidental needle sticks. Hepatitis B is a
concern for health care workers and anyone else who comes in contact
with human blood. If you fall into one of these categories, get
vaccinated against hepatitis B in addition to following routine
precautions when handling needles and other sharp instruments.
    * Transmission from mother to child. Pregnant women infected with
HBV can pass the virus to their babies. If you have hepatitis B,
having your baby receive a shot of hepatitis B immune globulin at
birth, along with the first in a series of three hepatitis B vaccines,
will greatly reduce your baby's risk of getting the virus.

Ways transmission does NOT occur
For you to become infected with HBV, infected blood, semen, vaginal
secretions or saliva must enter your body. You can't become infected
with hepatitis B in any of the following ways:

    * Casual contact, such as hugging, dancing or shaking hands
    * Coming into contact with the sweat or tears of someone with HBV
    * Sharing a swimming pool, telephone or toilet seat with someone
who has the virus
    * Donating blood

Risk factors

Anyone of any age, race, nationality, sex or sexual orientation can be
infected with HBV. But you're at greatest risk if you:

    * Have unprotected sex with more than one partner. You're at risk
whether you're heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Unprotected sex
means having sex without using a new latex or polyurethane condom
every time.
    * Have unprotected sex with someone who's infected with HBV.
    * Have a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.
    * Share needles during intravenous (IV) drug use.
    * Share a household with someone who has a chronic HBV infection.
    * Have a job that exposes you to human blood.
    * Received a blood transfusion or blood products before 1972.
    * Receive hemodialysis for end-stage kidney (renal) disease.
    * Travel to regions with high infection rates of HBV, such as
sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Amazon Basin, the Pacific
Islands and the Middle East.
    * Are an adolescent or young adult residing in a U.S. correctional facility.

Newborns whose mothers are infected with HBV also are at high risk.
The same is true of infants and children whose parents were born in
areas where HBV infection is widespread. In many developing countries,
the most common method of transmission of the virus is between mother
and child or among children living in the same household.

Sometimes you may become infected with HBV even if you have no known
risk factors for the disease.
When to seek medical advice

Seek medical care if you have signs or symptoms of hepatitis B or are
at risk of the disease and haven't been vaccinated or don't know if
you're protected.

Most children in the United States now receive HBV vaccine along with
other routine shots. But some children — especially those who don't
have access to regular medical care or whose parents are from
countries with high infection rates — may be overlooked. If your child
hasn't been vaccinated, contact a doctor, your state health department
or a public health clinic. Many states offer low-cost or free vaccines
for those who need them.

Lifelong monitoring of liver function and screening for liver cancer
are important for adults and children with chronic HBV infection. If
you or your child has already developed signs of liver disease, your
doctor can refer you to a specialist for additional care.
Tests and diagnosis

If you're pregnant, it's important to be checked for HBV early in your
pregnancy. Also, get tested if you have unprotected sex with more than
one partner, share needles when injecting drugs or have spent time in
an area where hepatitis B is widespread.

People who adopt children from areas where hepatitis B is common
should consider having their children tested when they arrive in the
United States. To best meet the special needs of adopted children,
doctors usually make testing for HBV part of a comprehensive health

You and your children can be tested at your doctor's office, a
hospital or a public health clinic. Many public clinics offer free
testing for HBV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Testing is
important to protect you and your children and to prevent transmission
of the virus to others.

Diagnosis based on tests
Because many people with hepatitis B don't have signs and symptoms,
doctors diagnose the disease on the basis of one or more blood tests.
These tests include:

    * Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Hepatitis B surface antigen
is the outer surface of the virus. Testing positive for this antigen
means you can easily pass the virus to others. A negative test means
you're probably not currently infected.
    * Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs). A positive
result on this test means you have antibodies to HBV. This may be due
to a prior HBV infection from which you've recovered. Or, you may
already have been vaccinated. In either case, you can't infect others
or become infected yourself because you're protected by the vaccine or
your own natural immunity.
    * Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc). Although this
test identifies people who have a chronic infection, the results can
sometimes be ambiguous. If you test positive for hepatitis B core
antibodies, you may have a chronic infection that you can transmit to
others. But you also may be recovering from an acute infection or have
a slight immunity to HBV that can't otherwise be detected. How this
test is interpreted often depends on the results of the other two
tests. When the results are uncertain, you may need to repeat all
three tests.

Additional tests
If you receive a diagnosis of hepatitis B, your doctor may perform
tests to check the severity of the HBV infection as well as the health
of your liver. These tests include:

    * E-antigen test. This blood test looks for the presence of a
protein secreted by HBV-infected cells. A positive result means you
have high levels of the virus in your blood and can easily infect
others. If the test is negative, you have lower blood levels of HBV
and are less likely to spread the infection.
    * Liver enzymes. These blood tests check for elevated levels of
liver enzymes which leak into the bloodstream when liver cells are
    * Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test. High blood levels of this protein
may sometimes be a sign of liver cancer.
    * Hepatitis B DNA tests. These tests detect parts of HBV DNA in
your blood, indicating how much virus is present (viral load).
Assessing your viral load can help monitor how well antiviral therapy
is working.
    * Liver ultrasound or computerized tomography (CT) scan. These
tests look at the liver for complications such as liver scarring
(cirrhosis) or liver cancer.
    * Liver biopsy. In this procedure, a small sample of liver tissue
is removed for microscopic analysis. A biopsy can accurately show the
extent of any liver damage and may help determine the best treatment
for you.


Having a chronic HBV infection eventually may lead to serious liver
diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Having had HBV infection
as an infant or child gives you a greater chance of developing these
illnesses as an adult.

In addition, hepatitis B puts you at risk of acute liver failure — a
condition in which all the vital functions of the liver shut down.
When that occurs, a liver transplant is necessary to sustain life.

Anyone chronically infected with HBV is also susceptible to infection
with another strain of viral hepatitis — hepatitis D. Formerly known
as delta virus, the hepatitis D virus needs the outside coat of HBV in
order to infect cells. You can't become infected with hepatitis D
unless you're already infected with HBV.

Injection drug users with hepatitis B are most at risk, but you can
also contract hepatitis D if you have unprotected sexual contact with
an infected partner or live with someone infected with hepatitis D.
Having both hepatitis B and hepatitis D makes it more likely you'll
develop cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Treatments and drugs

If you know you've been exposed to hepatitis B virus, call your doctor
immediately. Receiving an injection of hepatitis B immune globulin
within 24 hours of coming in contact with the virus may help protect
you from developing hepatitis B. You should also receive the first in
a series of three shots of the hepatitis B vaccine.

Once you've developed chronic hepatitis B, few treatment options
exist. In some cases — especially if you don't have signs and symptoms
or liver damage — your doctor may suggest monitoring, rather than
treating, your condition. In other cases, your doctor may recommend
treatment with antiviral medications. When liver damage is severe,
liver transplantation may be the only option.

Drug therapies
Doctors use five drugs to treat chronic HBV infection

    * Interferon. Your body naturally produces interferon to help
protect against invading organisms such as viruses. Taking additional
interferon that has been made in a laboratory may stimulate your
body's immune response to HBV and help prevent the virus from
replicating in your cells. Not everyone is a candidate for treatment
with interferon. In a few cases, interferon eliminates the virus
completely, although the infection can later return. Interferon has a
number of side effects — many of which resemble signs and symptoms of
hepatitis B. These include depression, fatigue, muscle pains, body
aches, fever and nausea. Signs and symptoms are usually worse during
the first two weeks of treatment and in the first four to six hours
after receiving an injection of interferon. A more serious side effect
that may occur over time is a decreased production of red blood cells.
Two interferon medications are available — interferon alfa-2b (Intron
A) and peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys). Intron A is given by injection
several times a week. Pegasys is given by injection once a week.
    * Telbivudine (Tyzeka). This antiviral medication helps prevent
HBV from replicating in your cells. It's taken in pill form once a day
and has almost no side effects for up to a year. Studies show
telbivudine is more effective than are other common treatments such as
lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil. However, you can experience a
severe worsening of symptoms when you stop taking the drug. And
telbivudine can cause a drug-resistant form of HBV, particularly when
taken as a long-term treatment.
    * Entecavir (Baraclude). This antiviral medication is taken once a
day in pill form. Studies comparing Baraclude with lamivudine found
Baraclude to be more effective. Baraclude may cause serious worsening
of symptoms when the drug is stopped.
    * Lamivudine (Epivir-HBV). This older antiviral medication is
similar to telbivudine, though slightly less strong. It's usually
taken in pill form once a day. Side effects during treatment are
generally minimal, but you may experience a severe worsening of
symptoms when you stop taking the drug. Lamivudine can also cause a
drug-resistant form of HBV, particularly when taken as a long-term
treatment. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems or a history
of pancreatitis before starting this medication. If you experience
worsening jaundice or any unusual bruising, bleeding or fatigue while
taking lamivudine, call your doctor right away.
    * Adefovir dipivoxil (Hepsera). This drug, taken in pill form once
daily, also helps prevent HBV from replicating in your cells. An added
benefit is that it's effective in people who are resistant to
lamivudine. Like lamivudine, side effects during treatment usually are
minimal, but symptoms may worsen when you go off the medication. And
Hepsera may cause kidney problems.

Liver transplantation
When your liver has been severely damaged, a liver transplant may be
an option. The encouraging news is that these transplants are
increasingly successful. Unfortunately, not enough donor organs are
available for every person who needs a transplant.

A number of hepatitis B vaccines are available. They have typically
been given in a series of three immunizations at zero, one and six
months, but some can also be given in an accelerated four-dose
schedule. Another is given in two doses in adolescents ages 11 to 15.
These vaccines provide more than 90 percent protection for both adults
and children, and they generally protect against HBV for at least 23
years. You can't get hepatitis B from the vaccine.

Almost anyone can receive the vaccine, including infants, older adults
and those with compromised immune systems. Infants often receive the
vaccine in the first year of life — typically at 2, 4 and 9 months of

Side effects tend to be mild and may include weakness, fatigue,
headache, nausea, and soreness or swelling at the injection site.
Although concerns have been raised that the HBV vaccine may increase
the risk of autoimmune disease, studies have found no connection.

Although vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others
from hepatitis B, the measures listed below also can help guard
against HBV infection or help manage HBV if you have it.

If you're not infected with HBV
The following measures can help keep you from becoming infected with HBV:

    * Educate yourself and others. Make sure you understand what HBV
is and how the virus is transmitted.
    * Know the HBV status of any sexual partner. Don't engage in
unprotected sex unless you're absolutely certain your partner isn't
infected with HBV, HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease.
    * Use a new latex or polyurethane condom every time you have sex.
If you don't know the health status of your partner, use a new latex
condom every time you have anal or vaginal sex. If you're allergic to
latex, use a plastic (polyurethane) condom. Avoid lambskin condoms
because they don't protect you from sexually transmitted viruses. If
you don't have a male condom, use a female condom. Use only
water-based lubricants, not petroleum jelly, cold cream or oils.
Oil-based lubricants can weaken condoms and cause them to break.
During oral sex use a condom, dental dam (a piece of medical-grade
latex) or plastic wrap. Remember that although condoms can reduce your
risk of contracting HBV, they don't eliminate the risk entirely.
Condoms can break or develop small tears, and people don't always use
them properly.
    * Use a sterile needle. If you use a needle to inject illicit
drugs, make sure it's sterile, and don't share it. Take advantage of
needle exchange programs in your community and consider seeking help
for your drug use.
    * Talk to your doctor if you're traveling internationally. If
you're planning an extended trip to a region where hepatitis B is
endemic, ask your doctor about the hepatitis B vaccine well in
advance. It's usually given in a series of three injections over a
six-month period.
    * Be cautious about blood products in certain countries. Although
the blood supply is now well screened in the United States, this isn't
always the case in other countries. If an emergency requires that you
receive blood or blood products in another country, get tested for HBV
as soon as you return home.
    * If you're pregnant, get tested. Knowing whether you're infected
with HBV can allow you and your doctor to take steps to protect your

If you're infected with HBV
If you've received a diagnosis of HBV, the following guidelines can
help protect others:

    * Practice safe sex. The only foolproof way to protect your sexual
partner or partners from HBV infection is to avoid practices that
expose them to blood, saliva, semen and vaginal secretions. Barring
that, carefully follow guidelines for safe sex, including using a new
latex condom every time you have vaginal or anal sex and using a
dental dam, condom or piece of plastic wrap during oral sex. If you
use sexual devices, don't share them.
    * Tell your sexual partner(s) you have HBV. Let anyone with whom
you've had sex know that you have HBV. Your partners need to be tested
and receive medical care if they have the virus. They also need to
know their HBV status so that they don't infect others.
    * Don't share needles or syringes. If you use IV drugs, never
share your needles and syringes with anyone.
    * Don't donate blood or organs. Donating infected blood or organs
spreads the virus.
    * Don't share razor blades or toothbrushes. These items may carry
traces of infected blood. Some experts also suggest not sharing your
comb, hairbrush and nail clippers.
    * If you're pregnant, tell your doctor you have HBV. That way,
your baby can be treated as soon as he or she is born.

Lifestyle and home remedies

If you've received a diagnosis of hepatitis B, your doctor will likely
recommend certain lifestyle changes. These simple measures will help
keep you healthy longer:

    * Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol speeds the progression of liver disease.
    * Avoid medications that may cause liver damage. Your doctor can
advise you about these medications, which may include over-the-counter
(OTC) medications as well as prescription drugs. It's especially
important to avoid using acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), which can
cause liver damage even in healthy people.
    * Eat the healthiest diet you can. Eat fresh fruits and
vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Healthy foods help keep you
strong, give you more energy and support your immune system. If you're
nauseated, try eating small meals throughout the day. Choose foods
that are soothing and easy to digest, such as soups, broths or a plain
baked potato. A registered dietitian can be especially helpful if you
have weight loss or trouble eating.
    * Get regular exercise. Exercise helps increase your strength and
energy levels.
    * Get enough sleep. Rest when you need to.

2009/2/18 Yuli Iskandar <yuli.iskan...@gmail.com>:
> Dear Mbak Reni,
> virusnya udah mati artinya Hbsag nya negatif yah??
> Atau hanya DNA nya yg negatif?
> Thx
> 2009/2/16 Ella Zuyuna <ella_zuy...@yahoo.com>
>> Dear Reni...
>> Suami aku terkena HEP B KRONIS Aktif...dan ini harus penyebuhan minimal 6
>> bulan dan bisa 1 tahun.Dan ternyata suami aku di fonis Dr harus 1 tahun.Dan
>> setiap bulan harus minum obat "baraclude" tiap 1 hari 1 kali minum untuk
>> mematikan virusnya dan nggak boleh lupa minum obat tersebut.Kalo lupa 1 hari
>> bisa retensi.
>> Tapi terimakasih TUHAN....suami aku dalam waktu 3 bulan virusnya udah
>> mati....dan selain minum obat barclude tiap

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