Thanks  a lot mba..
bisa untuk pencerahanan kalo kasih info ke temen2..

karena masih banyak aku temui temen2 or tetanggaku yang mind makan 
ga pa-pa asal minum susunya kuat..


-----Original Message-----
From: Gopina Goham []
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Penyajian&Penyimpanan Susu UHT?

dari link di bawah, setidaknya 16 ounce (475 ml), bahkan lebih sedikit
dari yang pernah aku baca.

range yang pernah aku baca itu 500-750ml. cuma aku lupa, bacanya di
mana. tapi 1-2 liter, sudah pasti kebanyakan ;)

>From formula to cow's milk: Making the transition
Approved by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
By Dana Sullivan

•       Why do experts recommend waiting until 12 months to introduce
cow's milk?
•       Should every child start drinking whole cow's milk on his
first birthday?
•       Should I buy organic or hormone-free milk for my child?
•       Can I give my toddler fat-free or reduced-fat milk?
•       I'm worried about milk allergies; can I give my toddler soy or rice
milk instead of cow's milk?
•       How should I make the switch from formula to milk?
•       How much milk should my toddler drink?

Why do experts recommend waiting until 12 months to introduce cow's milk?
"This marks the age when most babies' digestive systems can handle the
proteins in cow's milk," says JoAnn Hattner, a spokesperson for the
American Dietetic Association and a registered dietician in Palo Alto,
California, who specializes in pediatric nutrition. The reason that
pediatricians recommend whole cow's milk is that it contains proteins,
fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for growth and
development all in one convenient package. Your child would have to
eat an amazing variety of foods to get all the nutrients found in
fortified cow's milk.
But just because your 1-year-old can drink cow's milk, doesn't mean it
should be his primary source of nutrition, says Hattner. "At age 1 the
daily calories that come from a variety of food sources should
increase and the calories that come from milk should decrease," she

Should every child start drinking whole cow's milk on his first birthday?
No. For optimum health, most children should probably wait a couple of
months. Research shows that children who switch to cow's milk at 12
months are at higher risk for iron-deficiency. Hattner usually
recommends that babies who have been drinking infant formula switch to
iron-fortified toddler formula at age 1. The goal now is to wean your
child from getting most of his calories from liquid, so he's more
likely to eat food when he's hungry. Toddler formula has fewer
calories and less fat per serving than infant formula, so your child's
less likely to fill up on it. After about two months, when your
child's eating a well-balanced diet and you're sure he's getting the
iron and fat he needs from whole foods, you can start him on whole
cow's milk, says Hattner.
Some children can move directly to milk at 12 months but only if
you're sure they're eating plenty of iron-rich foods like meat and
leafy green vegetables (milk doesn't contain any iron, whereas formula
does). Talk to your doctor if you think your child's ready to make the
transition to milk at age 1.
By 14 to 16 months, most toddlers should leave formula behind in favor
of a well-balanced diet that consists mainly of food, with whole milk
served as a nutritious beverage. The transition from formula to cow's
milk can occur as quickly as overnight if you have a child who isn't
too fussy about food, or take as long as a couple of weeks if your
child resists the taste. See below for tips on transitioning.

Should I buy organic or hormone-free milk for my child?
Some parents choose to buy cow's milk that bears either an "organic"
or "hormone free" label, but it's a personal preference. So far
there's no conclusive evidence that these types of milk are better for
children, but one thing's for sure: They're significantly more
expensive. If you're concerned about growth hormones in milk, ask your
child's doctor what she recommends based on your child's health and
nutritional needs.

Can I give my toddler fat-free or reduced-fat milk?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends sticking to whole
milk until your child turns 2. Young toddlers need the fat and
calories in whole milk to develop properly. It's not that reduced-fat
milk is inherently bad for toddlers; only that drinking it makes it
harder for them to get adequate fat in their diets. "If you choose to
use 2 percent milk, you have to be sure your child's getting fat from
other sources such as cheese, whole-milk yogurt, and even butter,"
says Hattner.

I'm worried about milk allergies; can I give my toddler soy or rice
milk instead of cow's milk?
Unless your child's doctor has diagnosed a true cow's milk allergy,
soy and rice milk aren't recommended for toddlers because they don't
contain the same nutrients as cow's milk.
True allergies to cow's milk are relatively uncommon ? only two to
three children out of every hundred are allergic to milk, says the
AAP. And if your child is allergic to cow's milk, you'd almost
certainly know it by now. If he's drinking cow's milk-based formula
without any problems, you can rest easy that he'll have no problem
tolerating regular cow's milk. Even babies who were exclusively
breastfed for the first year can usually handle regular cow's milk
because they've been exposed to cow's milk proteins in their mothers'
milk (unless their mothers avoided all dairy).
Still, it never hurts to arm yourself with information. The main
symptoms of milk allergy are blood in the stool, diarrhea or vomiting.
If your child also develops eczema, hives, a rash around the mouth and
chin, chronic nasal stuffiness, a runny nose, cough, wheezing or
breathing difficulties, it could be a sign that the respiratory system
is being affected by a milk allergy. If your toddler develops any of
these symptoms, call your pediatrician.
If your child has been drinking soy formula because your doctor
recommended it, you should switch to a vitamin-D- and
calcium-fortified soy beverage, not regular cow's milk. Calcium is key
for building strong bones, both now and as your child develops into
adolescence and adulthood. Ask your child's doctor to make a specific

How should I make the switch from formula to milk?
Toddlers who aren't too fussy will probably accept milk without a
problem, so just offer it straight up. There's no benefit to
stretching the process out, says Hattner. If your child resists,
you'll need a more gradual approach. Try mixing 2 ounces of milk with
6 ounces of formula on the first day. Then 3 ounces of milk with 3
ounces of formula on day two, and so on, until you've made a complete
transition. Even if you take a slower approach, it shouldn't take more
than a week or two to get your child completely switched over.

How much milk should my toddler drink?
Most 1-year-olds should drink about 16 ounces of milk a day. "Most
toddlers who are iron deficient drink too much milk and don't eat
enough solid foods, or they don't have enough variety in their diets,"
says Hattner. Iron is found in a wide range of foods, including meat,
chicken, some fortified cereals, beans, eggs, tuna, dried fruits such
as prunes, and spinach.
Drinking too much milk can interfere with iron absorption, so if your
baby is a Dairy King (or Queen) you might try offering him water with
meals and milk afterward. Or make milk his mid-morning, afternoon, and
bedtime snack so he doesn't fill up on it at regular mealtimes when
the focus should be whole food. If your child consistently drinks more
than 16 ounces of milk a day, tell your pediatrician. She may
recommend that you meet with a dietician who specializes in pediatric

2009/4/24 Hartini Suhermawati <>:
> Jeng Gogo..kalo ada artikel mengenai berapa banyak susu yang dibutuhkan dalam 
> sehari, bisa share disini..
> thanks..

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