lha ini ke baoot ya? kirim ulang deh, buat mbak Hesti

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:34 AM, boedoet <boed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> yang perlu diperhatikan adalah.. pada campak, ruam keluar saat demam MASIH
> tinggi :)
> Measles <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/AboutThisSite/AM00057>
> Definition
> <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/medical/IM00266>  
> Measles<http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/medical/IM00266>
> Measles is a common childhood disease that now can be prevented with a
> vaccine. Signs and symptoms of measles include cough, runny nose, inflamed
> eyes, sore throat, fever and a red, blotchy skin rash.
> Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even fatal for small
> children. While death rates have been falling worldwide as more children
> receive the measles vaccine, the disease still kills several hundred
> thousand people a year, most under the age of 5.
> By 2000, the measles vaccine had practically eliminated measles in the
> United States. But there has been a recent resurgence of the disease, as
> more people have chosen not to vaccinate their children.
> Symptoms
> <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/medical/IM00266>  
> Measles<http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/medical/IM00266>
> Measles symptoms and signs appear 10 to 12 days after exposure to the
> virus. They typically include:
>    - Fever
>    - Dry cough
>    - Runny nose
>    - Inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis)
>    - Sensitivity to light
>    - Tiny white spots with bluish-white centers found inside the mouth on
>    the inner lining of the cheek, called Koplik's spots
>    - A skin rash made up of large, flat blotches that often flow into one
>    another
>  *The course of the measles virus*
> Measles typically begins with a mild to moderate fever, accompanied by
> other signs and symptoms, such as a persistent cough, runny nose, inflamed
> eyes (conjunctivitis) and sore throat. Two or three days later, Koplik's
> spots — a characteristic sign of measles — appear. Then a fever spikes,
> often as high as 104 or 105 F (40 or 40.6 C). At the same time, a red
> blotchy rash appears, usually on the face, along the hairline and behind the
> ears. This slightly itchy rash rapidly spreads downward to the chest and
> back and, finally, to the thighs and feet. After about a week, the rash
> fades in the same sequence that it appeared.
> *When to see a doctor*
> Call your doctor if you think you or your child may have been exposed to
> measles, or if you or your child exhibits symptoms that make you suspect
> measles. Review your family's immunization records with your doctor,
> especially before starting elementary school, before college and before
> international travel.
> Causes
> The cause of measles is a very contagious virus, which lives in the mucus
> in the nose and throat of an infected child or adult. That child or adult is
> contagious from four days before the rash appears to four days after.
> When someone with measles coughs, sneezes or talks, infected droplets spray
> into the air, where other people can inhale them. The infected droplets may
> also land on a surface, where they remain active and contagious for several
> hours. You can contract the virus by putting your fingers in your mouth or
> nose or rubbing your eyes after touching the infected surface.
> Risk factors
>    - *No vaccination.* People who have not received the vaccine for
>    measles are much more likely to develop the disease.
>    - *International travel.* Unvaccinated people traveling to developing
>    countries, where measles is more common, are at higher risk of catching the
>    disease.
>    - *Vitamin A deficiency.* People who don't have enough vitamin A in
>    their diets are more likely to contract measles and to have more-severe
>    symptoms.
> Complications
> Most people recover from measles in 10 to 14 days. As many as 20 percent
> will develop complications, which may include:
>    - *Ear infection.* One of the most common complications of measles is a
>    bacterial ear infection.
>    - *Bronchitis, laryngitis or croup.* Measles may lead to inflammation
>    of your voice box (larynx) or inflammation of the inner walls that line the
>    main air passageways of your lungs (bronchial tubes).
>    - *Pneumonia.* Pneumonia is a common complication of measles. People
>    with compromised immune systems can develop an especially dangerous variety
>    of pneumonia that is sometimes fatal.
>    - *Encephalitis.* About 1 in 1,000 people with measles develops
>    encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain that may cause vomiting,
>    convulsions and, rarely, coma or even death. Encephalitis can closely 
> follow
>    measles, or it can occur years later.
>    - *Pregnancy problems.* Pregnant women need to take special care to
>    avoid measles, because the disease can cause miscarriage, premature labor 
> or
>    babies with low birth weights. Rubella, or German measles, is a separate
>    disease that can cause birth defects during pregnancy.
>    - *Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).* Measles may lead to a
>    decrease in platelets — the type of blood cells that are essential for 
> blood
>    clotting.
> Preparing for your appointment
> If you suspect that you or your child has measles, you need to see your
> family physician.
> *What you can do*
> You may want to write a list that includes:
>    - Detailed descriptions of the symptoms
>    - Information about past medical problems
>    - Information about the medical problems of parents or siblings
>    - Recent history of exposure to measles
>    - Questions you want to ask the doctor
>  *What to expect from your doctor*
> In addition to listening to your description of symptoms, your doctor will
> perform a physical exam — paying special attention to any rash on the skin
> or inside the mouth.
> Tests and diagnosis
> Your doctor can usually diagnose measles based on the disease's
> characteristic rash as well as the small, bright red spots with bluish-white
> centers on the inside lining of the cheek, called Koplik's spots. If
> necessary, a blood test can confirm whether the rash is truly measles.
> Treatments and drugs
> No treatment can get rid of an established measles infection. However, some
> measures can be taken to protect vulnerable individuals who have been
> exposed to the virus.
>    - *Post-exposure vaccination.* Nonimmunized people, including infants,
>    may be given the measles vaccination within 72 hours of exposure to the
>    measles virus, to provide protection against the disease. If measles still
>    develops, the illness usually has milder symptoms and lasts for a shorter
>    time.
>    - *Immune serum globulin.* Pregnant women, infants and people with
>    weakened immune systems who are exposed to the virus may receive an
>    injection of proteins (antibodies) that can fight off infection, called
>    immune serum globulin. When given within six days of exposure to the virus,
>    these antibodies can prevent measles or make symptoms less severe.
>  *Medications*
>    - *Analgesics.* You or your child may also take over-the-counter
>    medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil,
>    Motrin, others) or naproxen (Aleve) to help relieve the fever that
>    accompanies measles. Don't give aspirin to children because of the risk of
>    Reye's syndrome — a rare but potentially fatal disease.
>    - *Antibiotics.* If a bacterial infection, such as pneumonia or an ear
>    infection, develops while you or your child has measles, your doctor may
>    prescribe an antibiotic.
>  *Isolation*
> Because measles is highly contagious from about four days before to four
> days after the rash breaks out, people with measles shouldn't return to
> activities in which they interact with other people during this period. It
> may also be necessary to keep nonimmunized people — siblings, for example —
> out of the infected person's house. Talk with your doctor about keeping
> someone with measles isolated.
> Lifestyle and home remedies
> If you or your child has measles, keep in touch with your doctor as you
> monitor the progress of the disease, and watch for complications. Also try
> these comfort measures:
>    - *Take it easy.* Get rest and avoid busy activities.
>    - *Sip something.* Drink plenty of water, fruit juice and herbal tea to
>    replace fluids lost by fever and sweating.
>    - *Seek respiratory relief.* Use a humidifier to relieve cough and sore
>    throat.
>    - *Rest your eyes.* If you or your child finds bright light bothersome,
>    as do many people with measles, keep the lights low or wear sunglasses.
>    Also, avoid reading or watching television if light from a reading lamp or
>    from the television is bothersome.
> Prevention
> If you've already had measles, your body has built up its immune system to
> fight the infection, and you can't get measles again. Most people born or
> living in the United States before 1957 are immune to measles, simply
> because they've already had it.
> For everyone else, there's the measles vaccine.
> *Vaccine saves lives*
> Before the vaccine became available in the mid-1960s, measles killed
> between 400 and 500 people in the United States each year. As vaccination
> programs have spread into developing countries, the global death rates from
> measles have fallen dramatically.
> According to the World Health Organization, about 576 million children were
> vaccinated against measles between 2000 and 2007. This resulted in a 74
> percent decrease in measles deaths worldwide.
> *Herd immunity*
> Prior to the measles vaccine, more than 3 million people in the United
> States caught measles every year. In 2000, health officials declared that
> measles had been eliminated from the United States.
> That was good news for people who have medical conditions that prevent them
> from being vaccinated against measles. Their chances of exposure to the
> measles virus plummeted because so few people in the community, or "herd,"
> get measles now.
> But that protection may be weakening a bit. The Centers for Disease Control
> and Prevention reports that the number of people contracting measles in the
> United States appears to be rising. Between 2000 and 2007, the average
> number of measles cases per year was 63. That rate more than doubled in
> 2008.
> *Autism concerns*
> In the United States, the measles vaccine is most commonly given in a
> combination inoculation, the MMR vaccine, which also includes protection
> from mumps and rubella.
> In recent years, some news reports have raised concerns about a connection
> between the MMR vaccine and autism. However, extensive reports from the
> American Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine and the Centers
> for Disease Control and Prevention conclude that there's no scientifically
> proven link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
> These organizations note that autism is often identified in toddlers
> between the ages of 18 months and 30 months, which happens to be about the
> time children are given their first MMR vaccine. But this coincidence in
> timing shouldn't be mistaken for a cause-and-effect relationship.
> *When should children be vaccinated?*
> Doctors recommend that children receive the MMR vaccine between 12 and 15
> months of age, and again between 4 and 6 years of age — before entering
> school.
> Usually babies are protected from measles for about six months after birth
> because of the immunity passed on from their mothers. However, unvaccinated
> mothers who have not had measles will have no immunity to pass on to their
> babies.
> If a child requires protection from measles before 12 months of age — for
> example, for certain foreign travel or in case of an outbreak — the vaccine
> can be given as early as 6 months of age. But it needs to be repeated after
> 12 months of age.
> *Do adults need the MMR vaccine?*
> You *don't* need to be vaccinated if you:
>    - Were born before 1957
>    - Had two doses of the MMR vaccine after 12 months of age or one dose
>    of the MMR vaccine plus a second dose of measles vaccine
>    - Have blood tests that prove you're immune to measles, mumps and
>    rubella
>  You *should* be vaccinated if you *don't* fit the criteria listed above *and
> *you:
>    - Are a nonpregnant woman of childbearing age
>    - Attend college, trade school or postsecondary school
>    - Work in a hospital, medical facility, child care center or school
>    - Plan to travel overseas or take a cruise
>  The vaccine is *not* recommended for:
>    - Pregnant women or women who plan to get pregnant within the next four
>    weeks
>    - People who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin
>    or the antibiotic neomycin
>  If you have cancer, a blood disorder or another disease that affects your
> immune system, talk to your doctor before getting an MMR vaccine.
> -b-

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