Saluran ususnya terjepit, dokter yang lebih faham, jadi hernianya sudah yang
Kalau menurut dokter masih oke, berarti bisa.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:03 AM, <> wrote:

> Slm kenal mbak rahayu
> Mksdnya terjepit itu gmn yah mbak,aku krg paham
> Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lif Rahayu <>
> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 11:01:17
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hernia tdk bisa melahirkan normal
> Kalau dari informasi yang didapat di internet, masih bisa normal, asalkan
> tidak terjepit. Konsultasikan dengan dsog, jika menurutnya masih bisa
> normal, maka masih bisa koq.
> Have a safe pregnancy ya...
> Kena Hernia Bisa Melahirkan Normal?
> Tanya: Saya (22 tahun) sedang hamil anak pertama (4,5 bulan).  Sejak
> berumur
> 2 tahun, dokter mendiagnosa saya menderita hernia (ada benjolan di bagian
> kanan alat vital saya yang terlihat pada saat menangis, BAB atau jika
> melakukan aktivitas berat.  Namun setelah dewasa sampai sekarang, saya
> tidak
> merasakan apa pun, padahal hernia tersebut belum dioperasi).  Saya jadi
> khawatir, apakah dapat melahirkan secara normal?  Berpengaruhkan hernia
> tersebut terhadap bayi saya?
> Jawab: Anda mengalami hernia pada waktu masih kecil. Hernia pada anak-anak
> (terutama perempuan), dapat menutup sendiri tanpa dioperasi.  Bila saat
> dewasa hernia tersebut tidak kambuh lagi, berarti hernia tersebut telah
> menutup.
> Selama ini, penyakit hernia bukanlah alasan untuk bersalin secara tidak
> normal. Artinya, pasien yang hamil dengan hernia boleh saja bersalin secara
> normal, selama hernia tersebut tidak terjepit. Kalau saluran usus terjepit,
> bisa menimbulkan keadaan darurat.
> Pada Anda, karena hernia yang pernah Anda alami tidak pernah kambuh, maka
> diharapkan bisa melahirkan secara normal. Tindakan bedah caesar hanya
> dilakukan bila ada indikasi obstetrik lainnya. Hernia yang dialami ibu,
> tidak akan berpengaruh kepada bayinya.
> dr. Lastiko Bramantyo, Sp.OG
> POGI Jaya
> Pregnancy Hernia
> What is a pregnancy hernia?
> A hernia is a hole in the muscular layer of the abdominal wall that causes
> intestinal or fatty tissue within the abdomen to stick out. The development
> of a hernia during pregnancy is not uncommon, because hernias are caused by
> an increase in abdominal pressure – in this case, pressure from a baby
> growing inside the uterus.
> Once formed, a hernia does not disappear; it will remain until it is
> repaired. Not all hernias require repair, particularly those that are not
> causing any symptoms. However, some hernias can be painful and occasionally
> cause intestinal obstruction.
> Treating a pregnancy hernia
> Most hernias diagnosed during pregnancy can be treated without surgery. But
> if surgery is necessary, it can usually be delayed until several months
> after the baby is born.
> Surgeons can usually perform laparoscopic techniques to fix a hernia, using
> three tiny incisions and a camera, thus avoiding the need for a larger open
> incision. Hernias are generally repaired with a soft, pliable material
> called mesh, which is sewn around the hernia to reinforce the defect in
> musculature. However, because mesh does not stretch, the surgery is not
> recommended for women while they are pregnant.
> Should I have surgery to repair my hernia while I’m pregnant?
> Repairing a hernia during pregnancy can be a risky operation. During the
> first trimester (1-3 months), the likelihood of a miscarriage is increased
> with an elective operation, and during the third trimester (7-9 months),
> the
> possibility of pre-term labor is increased. Elective surgery should only be
> considered during the second trimester (4-6 months), and even then the
> growing baby will place increased strain on the repair, which could lead to
> a recurrence of the hernia.
> Will the hernia cause complications during my pregnancy or delivery?
> If you have a hernia while you are pregnant, you may experience some pain
> or
> discomfort, or you may have no symptoms at all. In many cases, the hernia
> actually becomes less painful in the later stages of pregnancy because the
> growing uterus blocks the hole in the muscles.
> Even with a hernia, a Caesarean section is not usually necessary. Almost
> all
> women can safely deliver a baby vaginally. Your obstetrician or midwife can
> help you throughout the delivery process to ensure the hernia does not
> become a problem.
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:42 AM, <> wrote:
> > Slm kenal mbak endang
> >
> > Aku sdh konsul sm dsognya&sdh diksh obat salep
> > Mnrt dsognya jg ga ad mslh krn posisinya jauh
> > Tp aku jd kepikiran terus jd takut jg ntar ad apa2,krn aku pengennya
> normal
> > :)
> > Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Endang Krisnawaty <>
> > Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 10:20:28
> > To:<>
> > Reply-To:
> > Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Hernia tdk bisa melahirkan normal
> > Kayaknya sih iya bu...
> > Tapi ada baiknya konsultasi dengan dsognya..
> > Sejauh mana hernia jalan lahirnya.
> > Soale kalo dipaksain ntar malah pendarahan hebat karena akibat melahirkan
> > kemungkinan pembuluh darah sekitar jalan lahir akan pecah...
> > CMIIW..
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> > Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 10:01 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [balita-anda] Hernia tdk bisa melahirkan normal
> >
> > Dear all
> > Mohon infonya,kl sedang hamil siibunya ada hernia apakah benar tidak
> > diperkenankan melahirkan secara normal yah?
> > Tq
> > Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry(r) smartphone
> >
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