Dear all Sepupu saya di Pangkalpinang dapat musibah, anaknya usia 3 tahun kecelakaan jatuh dari motor. hasil CT Scan ternyata ada tulang tengkorak ada yang patah dan menancap di otak sehingga harus dioperasi.
Saat ini sedang dirujuk ke RS fatmawati. tetapi karena ruang ICU penuh mereka mancari RSU lain yang bisa melakukan operasi ini. yang saya tau hanya RSCM. Mungkin teman semua ada yang tau dimana RSU yang bagus untuk menangani kasus ini. mereka maunya di RSU saja karena ortunya PNS, klo di swasta takutnya biaya membengkak krn operasi tengkorak adalah operasi besar. Thx Yanti ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <i>DISCLAIMER: <br>The information enclosed in this email (and any attachments) may be legally <br>privileged and/or confidential and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s). <br>No addressee should forward, print, copy, or otherwise reproduce this message in any <br>manner that would allow it to be viewed by any individual not originally listed <br>as a recipient. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby <br>notified that any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying <br>or the taking of any action in reliance on the information herein is strictly prohibited. <br>If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender <br>and delete this message. Unless it is made by the authorized person, any views expressed <br>in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect <br>the views of PT Bank Bukopin Tbk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------