Hi mom,

waktu aku dinyatakan hamil, dsogku menyuruh u/ tes toxo, rubella & cmv.
hasil testku untuk yg IgG semua (-) tapi untuk yang IgM (+) semua, aku sih
tadinya kuatir dan dr ku bilang sebenernya sih tidak apa2 (krn katanya sudah
ada antibodinya) malah katanya itu yang bagus..tapi dia tetep ngasih obat
tuh, katanya jaga2 aja supaya tidak terus2 naik persentasenya, karena
takutnya malah berbalik IgGnya jadi (+)..sampai aku udah mau melahirkan aku
tetep minum obat (dan obatnya banyak & besar pula) sempet stress juga takut
ada apa2 sama si anak, malah dr bilang kemungkinan paling buruk bisa kena ke
anak berupa penyakit katarak, tuli dll (ini dari rubellanya lho)..
tapi Puji Tuhan anakku Calvin (he is going 8 mths) sehat2 aja..

Jadi menurut aku, ngga pa2 kok mbak kalo mau hamil...

good luck ya, hope it helps!!

Kind Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: febrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Toxoplasmosis

Moms & Dads,
Hasil test IgG saya dulu juga negativ, tapi IgM + 76, begitu pula utk
CMV IgG, (-), dan IgM nya (+).
Waktu saya konsultasi ke Dokter kandungan, ..katanya tdk masalah jika
saya hamil, tdk perlu diobati. Tapi saya jadi ragu sendiri nih,...yg
bener itu bagaimana ya?...apakah kondisi paling aman itu jika hasilnya
baik IgG maupun IgM nya adalah negativ??? Ataukah yg penting IgG nya
saja yg negativ?? Kalau Menurut beliau sih,..meskipun IgM saya +, tapi
dinyatakan aman utk hamil .

Mohon sharing moms dan dads yg paham masalh ini yach,...biar lebih

-----Original Message-----
From: Fenty Pardede [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 Oktober 2004 13:13
Subject: [balita-anda] Toxoplasmosis

Daftar Diskusi Kesehatan :
Tanya : Siang Dokter, saya sudah mengandung 10 minggu, tapi harus
dibuang karena janinnya tidak berkembang, untuk mencari penyebabnya saya
melakukan test toxo dan hasilnya adalah Anti Toxoplasma lgM 0.57
(Negatif), Anti Toxoplasma lgG 215(Positif), Anti Rubella lgM 0.12
(Negatif), Anti Rubella lgG 0(Negatif), Anti CMV lgM 0.06 (Negatif),
Anti CMV lgG 66(Positif), Anti HSV I LgM 0.55(Negatif), Anti HSF I lgG
2.76 (Positif), Anti HSV II lgM 0.57 (Negatif), Anti HSV II lgG 0.20
(Negatif). Apakah hasil dari test tersebut, dan apakah saya bisa hamil
lagi, sangat berbahayakah virus tersebut.. ?? Mohon jawabanya. Terima
kasih. - Rahmawati
Jawab : Bila dokter Anda telah menyarankan untuk dikeluarkan, hal
tersebut mungkin berhubungan dengan adanya titer antibodi yang tinggi
pada pemeriksaan diatas. (Toxo, CMV) kemungkinan dokter kandungan akan
menyarankan pengobatan terlebih dahulu untuk hasil tersebut, dan bila
kadar diatas membaik Ibu tidak usah khawatir karena kehamilan
selanjutnya Insya Allah akan terjadi.

What is toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite named
toxoplasma gondii. It is found throughout the world. More than 60
million people in the United States probably carry the toxoplasma
parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually
keeps the parasite from causing illness. What factors increase the risk
of acquiring toxo?

The following situations potentially expose a person to the toxoplasma
parasite and increase the risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis:
.       Touching your hands to your mouth after gardening, cleaning a
litter box, or anything that came into contact with cat feces.
.       Eating raw or partly cooked meat, especially pork, lamb, or
.       Touching your hands to your mouth after contact with raw or
undercooked meat.
.       Organ transplantation or transfusion, although this is rare.
.       If a woman is pregnant when she is infected with toxo, the
can be transmitted from her to the baby with sometimes catastrophic
consequences. What are the usual symptoms of toxoplasmosis?

Although people infected with toxoplasmosis are often unaware of having
this disease, typical symptoms of toxo are like flu with swollen lymph
glands and muscle aches and pains that last for a few days to several
weeks. Why do some people develop severe problems from toxo?

Just as very few people with toxo have symptoms "because the immune
system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness," anyone without
a normal immune system is at risk for serious problems from toxo. Can
toxoplasmosis develop into a more serious illness in babies?

Yes, the immune system in infants does not complete its maturation until
after birth. The babies of women who were exposed to toxo within a few
months of becoming pregnant or during pregnancy are at an increased risk
for developing a severe case of toxo. Women who were first exposed to
toxo more than 6 months before becoming pregnant are not likely to pass
the infection to their children. What is meant by a baby developing "a
more severe case of toxo"?

Children born with toxoplasmosis can be afflicted with mental
retardation, convulsions, spasticity, cerebral palsy, deafness, and
severely impaired vision. The infant's head may be abnormally small
(microcephaly) or abnormally large due to increased pressure on the
brain (hydrocephalus). How about children or adults with immune

Persons with weakened immune systems such as those born with an immune
defect, those with AIDS (HIV infection), those taking certain types of
chemotherapy, and those who have recently received an organ transplant
are at risk for developing a severe case of toxo. In these people, an
infection that occurred anytime during life can reactivate and cause the
severe symptoms of toxoplasmosis such as damage to the eye or brain. How
is toxo diagnosed in the lab?

There are many different kinds of blood tests for toxoplasmosis. The
results can determine if the patient has had toxo and whether the
infection is recent ("acute") or not. How can toxoplasmosis be

Since toxo usually causes no symptoms or merely mild ones, and a healthy
immune system prevents any remaining parasites in the body from causing
further symptoms, most people don't need to worry about getting this
disease. However, if you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant,
there are several steps you should take to prevent exposure to
.       If you have a weakened immune system, get a blood test for
toxoplasmosis. If your test is positive, your doctor can tell you if and
when you need to take medicine to prevent the infection from
.       If you are planning on becoming pregnant, you may consider being
tested for toxo. If the test is positive, there is no need to worry
about passing the infection to your baby (since you should have immunity
against the parasite).
.       If you are already pregnant, you should discuss your risk of
toxoplasmosis with your doctor who may order a blood sample for testing.
.       Wear gloves when you garden or do anything outdoors that
handling soil. Cats, who may pass the parasite in their feces, often use
gardens and sandboxes as litter boxes. Wash your hands well with soap
and warm water after outdoor activities, especially before you eat or
prepare food.
.       Have someone who is healthy and not pregnant handle raw meat for
you. If this is not possible, wear clean latex gloves when you touch raw
meat and thoroughly wash with soap and hot water any cutting boards,
sinks, knives, and other utensils that might have touched the raw meat.
Wash your hands well with soap and warm water afterwards.
.       Cook all meat thoroughly, that is, until it is no longer pink in
center or until the juices run clear. Do not taste meat until it is
fully cooked.

Toxoplasmosis (cont.)
Am I able to keep my cat?

Yes, but if you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant, there are
some steps to take to avoid being exposed to toxo. Help prevent your cat
from getting infected with toxo. Keep cats indoors and feed them dry or
canned cat food. Cats can become infected by eating or being fed raw or
undercooked meat that is infected with the parasite. Don't bring a new
cat into your house that might have been an outdoor cat or might have
been fed raw meat. Avoid handling stray cats and kittens. Your vet can
answer any other questions you may have regarding your cat and risk for
toxoplasmosis. Have someone who is healthy and not pregnant change your
cat's litter box. If this is not possible, wear gloves and clean the
litter box daily (the parasite found in cat feces needs a few days after
being passed to become infectious). Wash your hands well with soap and
warm water afterwards. Once infected with toxo, is my cat always able to
spread the infection to me?

No, cats can only spread toxo in their feces for a few weeks after they
are first infected with the parasite. Like humans, cats rarely have
symptoms when first infected, so most people don't know if their cat has
been exposed to toxo. There are no good tests available to determine if
your cat is passing toxo in its feces. What is the treatment for

Once the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is confirmed, you and your doctor
should discuss whether treatment is necessary. In an otherwise healthy
person who is not pregnant, treatment is not needed. Symptoms will
usually go away within a few weeks. For pregnant women or persons who
have weakened immune systems, drugs are available to treat the parasite
that causes toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis At A Glance
.       Toxoplasmosis (toxo) is a disease caused by a parasite that is
all over the world.
.       Toxo is acquired from contact with cats and their feces.
.       Toxo is also acquired from eating or touching raw or partly
cooked meat.
.       Symptoms can range from none to very severe.
.       A woman who contracts toxo right before or during pregnancy can
transmit it to her baby with catastrophic consequences.
.       People with immune deficiencies are at high risk for developing
severe signs and symptoms of toxo.

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>> Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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