Pediatrics Common Questions, Quick Answers
Vomiting and Diarrhea (Diarrhea and Acute Gastroenteritis)

Donna D'Alessandro, M.D.
Lindsay Huth, B.A.
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed
Creation Date: October 2001
Last Revision Date: April 2002

Common Questions

    * What is diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis?
    * What causes vomiting and diarrhea?
    * Are vomiting and diarrhea contagious?
    * How are vomiting treated and diarrhea treated?
    * When should I call the doctor?

Quick Answers

    * Vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of many illnesses.

    * Vomiting and diarrhea are not contagious.

    * If your child is vomiting, stop all food and liquids.
      After 30 minutes of not vomiting, begin to add food
      and liquids slowly as he is able to keep them down.

    * Feed your child a bland diet if he has diarrhea.

    * Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration.
      Dehydration can be treated with an ORS.

    * Call the doctor if vomiting, diarrhea, or aches and
      pains do not get better within reasonable time. Go to
      the emergency room if your child is very dehydrated.

What is diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis?

    * Diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis is when your child
      has a case of vomiting and diarrhea.
    * The symptoms do not last for over 8-12 hours.

What causes vomiting and diarrhea?

    * Vomiting and diarrhea are common symptoms of many
    * Vomiting is usually caused by a virus or from eating
      food that doesn't sit well in the stomach.
    * Your child may have vomiting and diarrhea at the same
      time or just one at a time.

    * Some infants "spit up" after eating or burping. This
      is not vomiting.

Are vomiting and diarrhea contagious?

    * Sometimes. Vomiting and diarrhea may be contagious,
      depending on the illness that causes them.

How are vomiting and diarrhea treated?

Controlling your child's intake of food and liquid can help
stop his vomiting and diarrhea.


    Most vomiting will stop within about 8-12 hours with the
    right care. Some doctors recommend using an oral
    rehydration solution (ORS) as described below. Other
    doctors recommend taking the following steps:

        * Stop formula and breast feedings. Stop all liquids
          and solid foods in older children.

        * Give frequent, small amounts of fluids. Give your
          child 1 ounce of clear liquids every hour. Have
          your child take small sips.

        * Do not use plain water. Special clear liquids
          called oral rehydration solutions (ORS) are best.

        * Some doctors say that children over 2 years old
          can have Gatorade, soda, clear soups, tea, Jell-o,
          and Popsicles. Ask your doctor.

        * Do not give your child diet soda, sugar-free
          drinks, or caffeine.

        * If your child doesn't vomit after 8-12 hours, add
          solid foods. For infants, try rice cereal with
          water or Pedialyte. For toddlers, try dry cereal,
          dry crackers, or dry toast.
        * If your infant doesn't vomit after 12 to 24 hours,
          start breastfeeding or begin giving formula. Some
          doctors recommend giving half-strength formula for
          12 hours, then full-strength after 12 hours.
          Ask your doctor.
        * Add food and liquids slowly as your child is able
          to keep them down.


        * If there is diarrhea but no vomiting, it's usually
          okay to give your child milk.
        * Feed your child a "B-R-A-T" diet for 1 or 2 days.
          It is made of bananas, rice (cooked white rice,
          rice cereal, rice cakes), applesauce, and tea or
          dry toast (no butter or jelly).
        * Keep your child's diet bland until diarrhea is
          better. Plain pasta, baked chicken, boiled
          potatoes, cooked vegetables, and soups are good.
        * Avoid spicy and fried food.
        * If diarrhea doesn't get better, limit high-sugar
          foods like Kool-Aid and apple juice.
        * Do not use over-the-counter medications until you
          have checked with the doctor.

    Oral rehydration solution (ORS)

        * Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration (loss
          of fluid in the body).
        * Your child should drink fluids if he has had
          vomiting and diarrhea. Drinking in small, frequent
          sips is best.
        * Your child might need an ORS (such as Pedialyte or
          Ricelyte) to help replace body fluids.
        * Call the doctor to find out which ORS to use.
        * Give your child the ORS in a dropper, spoon, or
        * If your child has diarrhea but no vomiting, don't
          limit how much ORS he drinks.
        * The doctor can tell you the smallest amount of ORS
          that is okay to give your child.
        * Wait 30-60 minutes after your child has last
          vomited to begin giving him the ORS. Give the ORS
          in small amounts and often (1 teaspoon a minute).
          Increase the amount slowly, as your child is able
          to keep it down.

        * You can breastfeed and give formula while using
          the ORS.

When should I call the doctor?

If you have questions or concerns about your child's
condition, call the doctor. If your child is very dehydrated,
he needs immediate attention.

    Call the doctor if...

        * your child is under 6 months old and has a
          temperature above 104 degrees F (or 40 degrees C).

        * your child is under 2 years old and has vomiting
          or diarrhea.

        * stomach pain is not better in 2 hours, vomiting is
          not better in 12 hours, or diarrhea isn't better
          after 3 days.

        * your child's mouth is dry, he is bloated, or he
          won't take liquids.

        * there is blood in the vomit or diarrhea or bile
          (yellow-green liquid) in the vomit.

        * your child has pain with urination, a bad headache,
          neck pain, or a strange rash.

        * your child is unable to take the medicine he needs.

    Go to the emergency room if...

        * your child is very thirsty.

        * your child doesn't urinate in 8-12 hours or if
          your infant doesn't urinate in 4-6 hours.

        * urine is very dark.

        * your child is sleeping a lot or has very little

        * there are no tears when your child cries.


    * American Academy of Family Physicians, "Vomiting and
      Diarrhea in Children," (Virtual Children's Hospital)

    * The Children's Hospital, Boston, "Children with
      Vomiting and Diarrhea," (Virtual Children's Hospital)

    * The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, "Vomiting,"

This information is written primarily for patients.

See Also:

    * Google Search Result :


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