URGENTLY REQUIRED! Pls Forward to someone needed, thanks!Maaf, mau drop 
lowongan. Yang berminat harap langsung hubungi Ibu Riani. Thanks!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Riani Dwi(PCI) 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: URGENTLY REQUIRED! Pls Forward to someone needed, thanks!

Dear All, 

We are CED Dept. urgently needed qualified persons to fill the positions : 
1. Chemical Engineering (CE) 
2. Environment Engineering (E2) 

Requirements : 
1. Male / Female 
2. University graduated has chemical background (CE) and Environment Background 
3. Fluent in English (both oral and written) 
4. Good computer skill 
5. Active, logical, high sense responsibility, hard working, honest, loyal 
6. Will be stationed in Serang 

Please submit your application & CV (in English) and photograph by indicating 
the code CE or E2 on top left of the envelope or by email not later than 2 
weeks to this address :

Chemical Engineering Department (CED Attn. Riani/Nenni) 
Jl. Raya Serang Km. 71 Desa Tambak Kec. Kibin Kab. Serang 
Phone : 0254-401586 ; Ext. 5563 ; Fax : 0254-401738/401723 

PS : Please write down your salary requested. 

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