Moms & Dads,

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mengurangi salah satu sumber stres: Boss. Biar pulang kerja
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dengan kepala dan hati lebih dingin ... as well as keeping
dapur tetap ngebul.

Moms & Dads, keep your cool, yach! :)

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5 Tips: Improving your work life.
Gerri Willis
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - It's only Wednesday and you can't
wait for the weekend. The boss is driving you crazy. You
don't know if you can make it through the day without an
outburst. You feel lost in the corporate maze. Abandoned by
your boss. Out of control of your career. Or maybe he's
breathing down your neck so often you could scream.

Sound all too familiar? You're not alone: 43 percent of
workers say they do not feel valued by their employers,
according to In today's five tips, learn
how to manage your boss to make your career work for you.

1. Ask: what's the problem?

Get down to the nitty gritty. What exactly is it about your
boss that drives you crazy? Is she a micromanager?
According to Katherine Spencer Lee, the executive director
of staffing firm, Robert Half Technology, this type of boss
is controlling, overly involved, and needs to develop more
confidence in you.

Your solution is to prove you're capable. Start asking for
complete control over small tasks to prove you're able and
keep asking for more.

Maybe your boss is a non-manager? You know: the kind that's
indecisive, hesitant, and vague. You need to guide this
type of boss. Instead of giving open-ended questions, offer
answer choices. Be specific with your requests.

For example, "I'd like to meet with you at 9 am on Thursday
to discuss the way we do Q-reports, I have some ideas about
how we can become more efficient." When he is vague, ask
for clarification.

If your boss is an unreasonable manager that overloads you
with work, ask him what his priorities are and for options
to deal with what you can't handle. Maybe even ask for a
part-timer's help.

2. Have regular meetings.

Some of the major frustrations employees have with their
bosses are due to a communication breakdown.

"Employees worry when bosses go behind closed doors, 'Are
you talking about me?'" says Spencer Lee.

The paranoia won't be there if you feel part of the action.
Spencer Lee advises you to set up regular meetings with
your boss -- beyond your semi-annual review or quarterly
update. You want to tell your boss your career goals and
what you think you need to get there.

Also, ask them about their career goals, and what you can
do to help them get there. Remember, your manager also
needs support from you to succeed.

You read it: support your manager. Be his buddy. It might
be painful, but every boss wants his people to be on his
side, according to John Hoover, author of "How to Work for
an Idiot." Hoover says the best way to accomplish that is
to learn "idiot speak," or basically speak your boss'
language. If your boss loves hockey, talk about hockey,
even integrate hockey analogies into your proposals to the
boss. It's one way to really get his attention.

3. Toot your own horn.

Everyone wants a boss that will promote him, improve him,
and go to bat for him. But unfortunately not everyone is so
lucky. If your boss doesn't want to get to know you as an
employee or a person, force them to see you.

John Challenger, of outplacement firm, Challenger, Gray &
Christmas, says you have to make sure your boss knows your
accomplishments, the extra work you put in, and a bit about
your personal life. It will help them see they need to
reward your hard work and give you the vacation time you
requested to spend with your family.

If you're getting no love from your boss, toot your horn to
others in the food chain, advises Hoover. You can't hold
expectations over your boss to accelerate your career:
ultimately, it's your responsibility. "Any expectation is
resentment waiting to happen. And resentment you can't hide,"
he says.

4. Learn from it.

Do things feel unbearable? Stop and think for a moment if
your attitude could also be feeding into that feeling. Try
to be more flexible; you may find others will try to be
more flexible with you. While it might be hard to swallow
your pride, you need to at least try to make it work. Ask
yourself and your boss what you could be doing differently.

"Every circumstance is probably not going to last forever
and is a learning experience," says Spencer Lee, "With
every boss you have, learn something from them. What to do,
what not to do." Chances are you're going to become a boss
one day, so keep in mind what you think makes a good one.

5. Know when to bail.

Sometimes, there is just no way to make it work. Maybe you
and your boss have repelling personalities or work styles.
Maybe you're in a dead-end position.

"If you can look yourself in the mirror and say, 'In this
environment, I am stagnant. There is no career development
here, I am not learning anything, I can see that
opportunities for promotion are non-existent, and it's not
completely my issue.' Think: I should look elsewhere,'"
Spencer Lee says.

If you're dealing with a larger issue than just career
frustrations, such as sexual harassment, discrimination,
bullying, or privacy invasion, you want to get your human
resources friends involved. For additional advice on these
situations, check out, which offers a
how-to on dealing with all types of bad bosses.

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