Hi mbak Olivia,
Gimana kabarnya Seattle? :)
Usia anaknya berapa, mbak? ASI eksklusif-kah?
Saya jadi ingin tahu lebih jelas penyebab alergi anaknya mbak sampai harus stop 
ASI.  Setahu saya, breastmilk is the safest food, in terms of allergies :)  
Bahkan ASI punya kandungan beberapa imunoglobulin alami yang mampu melindungi 
bayi dari alergi.
Mungkin bukan ASI penyebab alergi anaknya mbak, tapi ada kandungan zat/protein 
yang menjadi sumber alergi dan sampai ke si kecil karena terbawa oleh ASI.  
Mis., baby bisa jadi menderita alergi susu/ kacang jika ia mendapat 
allergen-nya melalui ASI ibunya.  Mungkin antisipasinya justru dengan membatasi 
menu dairy product untuk ibunya dan ganti kebutuhan kalsiumnya dari sumber 
makanan lain.  Sudah dicoba cara ini, mbak?  Atau minta advise lain dari 
lactation consultant-nya, siapa tahu ada cara lain yang buat si kecil terhindar 
alergi tanpa kehilangan 'hak'nya untuk ASI :)  Good luck, ya!
O ya, saya posting salah satu info tentang Breastmilk vs allergy ya, siapa tahu 
jadi tambahan info.
Sylvia - Jovan's mum  


Exclusively breastfed babies are less likely to have food allergies and related 
problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, eczema, gastrointenstinal infections and 
respiratory infections.  Here we'll give a quick overview, and then give 
references to some of the numerous studies on the subject.

Breastfeeding and Allergies: an Overview

Food allergies are thought to begin when foreign proteins enter the bloodstream 
through the walls of the baby's intestines, causing sometimes mild, and 
sometimes life-threatening reactions.  Breastmilk has several different 
immunoglobulins that help to protect against allergies.  The most abundant 
immunoglobulin, IgA, binds to the foreign proteins, preventing them from 
passing through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and causing allergic 
reactions.  By the time the baby is 6 to 9 months old, s/he has begun to 
produce IgA on her own, but until this time breastmilk is her only source of 
this wondrous substance.  

In addition, during the entire time the child is breastfed she is being passed 
antibodies to pathogens in her mother's milk.  These are only a few of the many 
processes that help protect a breastfed baby from allergies.  Thorough  
information can be found in many excellent books on the topic.  In addition, 
the following references will show the actual benefits of breastmilk in 
fighting allergies.


Breastfeeding, even for short periods was clearly associated with lower 
incidence of wheezing, prolonged colds, diarrhea, and vomiting. 
Merrett, T.G., 
"Infant Feeding & Allergy: 12 Month Prospective Study of 500 Babies Born into 
Allergic Families". 
American Allergies, 1988.

Eczema was less common and milder in babies who were breast fed (22%) and whose 
Mothers were on a restricted diet (48%). In infants fed casein hydrolysate, 
soymilk or cows milk, 21%, 63%, and 70% respectively, developed atopic eczema. 
Chandra R.K., 
"Influence of Maternal Diet During Lactation and the Use of Formula Feed and 
Development of Atopic Eczema in the High Risk Infants". 
Br Med J. 1989

"We conclude that breastfeeding is prophylactic against atopic disease, the 
effect extending into early adulthood. Breastfeeding for longer than 1 month 
without other milk supplements offers significant prophylaxis against food 
allergy at 3 years of age, and also against respiratory allergy at 17 years of 
age. Six months of breastfeeding is required to prevent eczema during the first 
3 years, and possibly also to prevent substantial atopy in adolescence." The 
article also states that the differences by infant feeding method were so 
pronounced that it "suggested an influence of early milk feeding that may 
exceed the heredity burden."
Saarinen UM, Kajosaari M. 
"Breastfeeding as prophylaxis against atopic disease: prospective follow-up 
study until 17 years old." 
Lancet 1995; 346:1065-69. [] 

Formula given to newborns in the hospital nursery contributed to the 
development of subsequent cow milk allergy among infants who were exclusively 
breastfed thereafter.
Host A., et al. "A prospective study of cow's milk allergy in exclusively 
breastfed infants."
Acta Paediatr Scand 77:663-670, 1988 [] 

PAC is associated with formula-feeding and supplementation.
Israel D, et al., 
"Protein induced allergic (PAC) colitis in infants."
Pediatr. Res. 25:116A, 1989. [) 


Olivia Tumurang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gimana cara untuk stop produksi ASI ya... Karena alergy anak saya sempet parah, 
jadi saya harus stop ASI. Saya coba di pompa ASI-nya, tapi masih suka sakit 


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