Gpp kok pak..main boneka bukan berarti anak cowok kita tdk normal.. Anak
saya Aqil jg punya boneka kesayangan... namanya happy dog.
Mobil2an,robot dia juga suka.. Boneka ato mobil2an itu kan sama..
Intinya mainan.. Berikut saya copy paste-kan artikel yg pernah dikirim
sama moms balita anda juga...


      Question: I have a son who will turn 4 in two months. Lately he
asked me to buy him a Barbie doll, and I told him that Barbies are for
girls and action figures are for boys. I don't know what to do - please
advise me. 

            Answer: That's easy: buy him the Barbie! 
            Let's cut to the chase here. There's a common misconception
that letting boys play with dolls or girls play with trucks will somehow
turn them into homosexuals when they're adults. That's nonsense. It's an
old wives' tale. There's absolutely no evidence to support it. 

            The difference between a doll and an action figure is
marketing, not substance. They're both dolls, which means that they're
important tools for allowing children to explore who they are, the
nature of social relationships, and what types of people they might turn
into. These are some of the critical tasks of early childhood. If your
child is drawn to superhero dolls, buy those. If he likes stuffed
animals, go for that. And if he likes Barbie, that's fine too. If you're
still uncomfortable with Barbie, get him one of the occupation-oriented
ones instead of the frilly princess ones. 

            Also, don't be surprised if your son sometimes wants to be
"the mommy" when he plays house with his friends. That's completely
normal - after all, it's the nurturing and powerful family role he's
seen the most. The only time I'd worry is if he always insists on
playing the dog. (Just kidding.) 

            On a personal note, my wife (who is the sexiest and most
beautiful woman I know) tells me that when she was 5 years old she
became very upset when her parents bought her a popular doll for
Christmas. She insisted that her parents return it and get her some toy
cars and trucks instead.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] "boneka dora-nya mana.."

Sejak hari Senin  kemaren tiap kali sampai rumah si rfan (3thn+++)
begitu antusiasnya nyambut di depan rumah sambil teriak "Boneka dora-nya
mana..?" (heran.., cowok koq demen ama boneka. Boneka di rumah  lumayan
banyak juga, namanya lucu2. Ada yg namanya otong, cimot, dll.) .

Memang dr hari  senin kemaren saya udh janji mau beliin boneka dora yang
pakai ransel, tapi belum nemu juga dijalan ama tukangnya. Mana pulangnya
malem terus lagi.

Mau berangkat kerja pagi tadi juga pas salaman dia bilang lagi " nanti
abis kerja beli boneka dora..?" " Insya allah ya  kalu ada
tukangnya...". "Belinya di stasiun aja..". "iya.., kalau ada nanti

Mudah-mudahan ...., ntar bisa nemu tukangnya n  Mudah2an ..gak ada
telpon2 dr auditor lagi jadi bisa pulang cepet, hiks


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