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Playtime Sharing 

*Mine! Mine! Me first!* What's a parent to do when a child just won't play 
fair? Jo Frost, author of *Supernanny: How to Get the Best from Your 
says that all children are capable of playtime sharing—mom and dad just have 
to lay down the law. 

*Step One: Let's Play the Sharing Game!*
Introduce an activity that requires taking turns. For example, if playing 
"store," explain that everyone will get a chance to be the cashier, shopper, 
bagger, etc.

*Step Two: Teach Your Child to Play Nicely.*
Don't allow an aggressive child to control who gets what toy, or bully her 
way into playing whatever role she wants. Giving in to a child's demands in 
order to preserve the peace will only teach that bad behavior is tolerable. 
No matter how difficult, Jo says, consistency is absolutely necessary. "Be 
decisive and *follow through*." 

*Step Three: Stay Calm*
If this is the first time you've tried this technique with an aggressive 
child, a tantrum is probably fast approaching. Stay calm and remember that *
you* are in control—not the child. Deal immediately with unacceptable 
behavior such as kicking and shouting with a firm warning: "This behavior is 
no good." If the tantrum continues, it's time to discipline

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