Why it happens
Toddlers suck their thumbs because it's comforting and calming. Your toddler 
probably practiced this habit while he was still in the womb and perfected it 
as an infant. Now he may turn to his thumb when he's tired, scared, bored, 
sick, or trying to adjust to challenges such as starting preschool for the 
first time or going on long car rides. He may also use his thumb to fall asleep 
at bedtime and to lull himself back to slumber when he wakes up in the middle 
of the night. 

What to do about it
Don't worry. Most children can safely suck their thumbs - without damaging 
their teeth or jaws - until their permanent teeth begin to appear at around age 
5, according to the American Dental Association. Also, not all children's thumb 
sucking is equally damaging. Experts say it's the intensity of the sucking and 
the tongue's thrust that deforms teeth and makes braces necessary later. 
Children who rest their thumbs passively in their mouths are less likely to 
have difficulty than children who suck aggressively. Watch your child and 
analyze his technique. If he sucks vigorously, you may want to begin curbing 
his habit earlier, say at age 4.

Let it go. Nagging or punishing your child won't help, because he doesn't 
usually realize when he's sucking away. Besides, pressuring him to stop may 
intensify his desire to do it even more. And techniques such as putting elastic 
bandages on his thumb will seem like unjust punishment, especially since he 
indulges in the habit for comfort and security. Try to wait it out. Children 
usually give up thumb sucking when they've found other ways to calm and comfort 
themselves, says pediatrician Suzanne Dixon. For example, while a toddler who's 
hungry may suck his thumb, an older child (age 3 or 4) might simply open the 
refrigerator door and look for something to eat or ask his parents for a snack 

Preempt the thumb-sucking with other activities. If you can identify times and 
places when your child is particularly likely to suck his thumb - while 
watching television, for example - you might try giving him a substitute, such 
as a rubber ball to bounce or puppets to play with. If he tends to suck his 
thumb when he's tired, work more naps into his schedule. Or if he turns to it 
when he's frustrated, help him put his feelings into words. The key is to 
notice when and where sucking occurs, and divert his attention by offering an 

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