When your child acts up, often the best way to nip the behavior in the bud is 
to remove him from the activity at hand and give him some quiet time alone. 
This technique, known as a time-out, is an effective, nonviolent way to shape 
behavior. There are some keys to successful time-outs, though: 

Understand what a time-out is -- and isn't
A time-out isn't a punishment; it's an opportunity to teach your child how to 
cope with frustration and modify his behavior. While your child is in a 
time-out, he's on his own, so try to let him sit in solitude for a few moments. 
Any attention from you, positive or negative, will serve as reinforcement for 
his behavior. Instead, quiet time alone will allow him to switch gears and calm 
down. (If you manage to step aside, you can do the same instead of getting 
caught up in his struggle.) What's great about a time-out is that it can defuse 
and redirect an escalating situation in an unemotional way. It lets you teach 
your child without setting a negative example, the way yelling does. 

Don't implement formal time-outs before your child is ready for them
Because toddlers find it hard to sit still, trying to make your little one stay 
in a certain place for a prescribed length of time may well disintegrate into a 
chase scene. Here's what happens: Your child runs away from his time-out spot. 
You catch him, then struggle to make him stay in one place. You threaten, he 
laughs, delighted with this new game - or cries, frustrated by the requirement. 
You grab, he bolts. Meanwhile, because he has a short attention span, your 
toddler forgets why you wanted him to sit still in the first place. Instead of 
helping your child regain his self-control, you find yourself in a power 

For this reason, traditional time-outs won't really work until sometime between 
your toddler's second and third birthdays. Watch for signs that he understands 
what's acceptable and what's not. One clue is if he reminds you of the rules 
when you break them, too. For example, if he catches you doing something you 
normally wouldn't allow him to do - say, eating a snack on the sofa - he may 
say, "You're not supposed to do that, Mommy." Until your toddler shows this 
kind of appreciation of the need to follow rules, hold off on time-outs or he 
won't understand why he's being punished. And you may get frustrated and 
abandon the strategy prematurely.

Meanwhile, try to distinguish between your toddler's natural inquisitiveness 
and willful disobedience. Childproof your home to reduce the opportunities for 
mischief, and use distraction to redirect your child to more suitable 
activities. When your young toddler is doing something he knows is wrong and 
just won't stop, you can modify time-outs to work as described below. 

Start by taking time-outs together
Before your child is ready for a solitary time-out, you can introduce the idea 
by taking what some parenting experts call a "positive" time-out together. When 
your child gets revved up and borders on losing control, say, "Let's take a 
time-out to read a book until we feel better." Any quiet activity, such as 
listening to music, lying down, or putting together a simple puzzle, will work.

Taking a time-out with you disrupts the spiral of negative behavior while 
avoiding the battle of wills that a more formal time-out can incite. It also 
painlessly introduces your child to the idea of a cooling-off period. 

Show and tell
When your child can follow simple directions and has a slightly longer 
attention span, he's ready for a more traditional time-out. Between the ages of 
2 and 3, you'll probably notice that he's better able to understand cause and 
effect. But don't spring the tactic on him in a burst of frustration - a 
time-out works best if it's explained ahead of time. Use simple terms: "When 
you get too wild or act in a way that Mommy and Daddy don't think is a good 
idea, I will call, 'Time-out.' That means you will sit in this chair for a 
little while until you can calm yourself down." Some parents find it useful to 
act this out or to use a doll or teddy bear to demonstrate taking a time-out. 

Be flexible on the specifics
With a toddler, your goal is simply to introduce the idea of an enforced break 
in the action. Such an interruption can be upsetting enough to your 
hard-charging, egocentric 2-year-old; insisting that he sit in a certain place, 
in a certain way, for a certain length of time may be too much for him. Instead 
of marching him to a special chair, consider just having him sit still, right 
where he is. Go easy, too, in determining how long he needs to stay there. 
(Don't start following the commonly suggested one-minute-per-year rule until 
your child is at least 3.) Thirty seconds to a minute is generally appropriate 
for a toddler. The period should be long enough to refocus his attention but 
not so long that he gets frustrated. One option: Have him sit long enough to 
say his ABCs once or twice, then redirect him to a different activity. 

Don't expect miracles
As you've no doubt discovered, toddlers are notoriously active, willful, and 
unpredictable. Testing limits and gauging your reactions - over and over again 
- is your toddler's way of establishing a secure understanding of his world. 
Your child may repeatedly toss food off the table to establish that gravity 
continues to exist, for example. And he may repeat an action just to make sure 
it's still "not okay," with you, so consistency and patience are very important.

No single disciplinary approach, including time-outs, will transform your 
toddler into an obedient angel. You'll want to experiment with a variety of 
discipline techniques throughout his toddlerhood to find out what works best 
for both of you. In fact, if your child is usually obedient, you may be lucky 
enough never to need a time-out. Requests and redirection may be sufficient 
ways to teach him. Or you may find that using the positive time-out technique - 
changing the pace to a quieter activity - works well throughout your 
youngster's childhood. At every stage, learning what behaviors are normal (or 
unavoidable) at your child's age will help keep your expectations realistic.

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