alasan apa yg membuat dsanya tiba2 menyuruh test2 tsb?. emang sofwan
menunjukan gejala apa?
biasanya range2 tsb untuk umum/dewasa. sya jg kurang paham apakah range itu
sama baik utk anak maupun dewasa
setahu saya sebelum imunisasi gak perlu test2 darah segala.

Obat2nya ini gak lazim ya.. di indonesia kayaknya.... di medicastore gak
ada. dan liat aja hasil seach dibawah....
ada lho seorang dsa yg rajin ngasih pasiennya isoprinosine, pokoknya segala
sakit obatnya itu. pdhl di us obat ini sudah dilarang. indikasinya seeh
katanya mengobati virus, tp tdk terbukti makanya di tarik dari peredaran
(kalo emang virus matee ama ini obat, pasien hiv dikasih ini aja, kenapa
repot2) ternyata oh ternyata tu dsa suplier isoprinosine diindonesia
sooorrreeeyyy jadi ngegosip


sorry td lama ngebukanya makanya saya kasih sitenya aja

For Iron Deficiencies

COMPOSITION Each chewable tablet contains 100 mg Iron as Ferric
hydroxide-polymaltose complex. Each teaspoonful (5ml) syrup contains 50mg of
Iron as Ferric hydroxide-polymaltose complex.

PROPERTIES Iron polymaltose as present in Ferose tablets and syrup provides
an ideal preparation for all iron deficiency anemias. It is rapidly
absorbed, with a high rate of iron utilization and produces an effective
increase in Haemoglobin. Due to its favourable non-ionic nature it has the
following properties unlike ionised iron salt preparations:
- Ferose does not give rise to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and does
not stain the teeth.
- Ferose has palatable, non metallic taste (Ferose chewable tablets have
chocolate flavour and are acceptable even by the most resistant patients of
all ages).
- Ferose has excellent tolerance.

INDICATIONS Prevention and treatment of all kinds of iron deficiencies,
particularly iron deficiency anemia.

DOSASE & ADMINISTRATION Adults and children over 12 years :
tablets : in normal cases 1 tablet daily chewed or swallowed with some
liquid during or after meals. If required the dosage is increased to 1
tablet twice daily, as per physician's prescription.
Syrup : 2 teaspoonful 1 - 2 times daily during or after meals.
Children under 12 years :
Syrup : 1 teaspoonful 1 - 2 times daily during or after meals. Infants :
Begin with 1/2 of a teaspoonful daily and increase to 1 teaspoonful daily.
Ferose Syrup may be mixed with fruits or vegetable juices or other liquid if

CONTRAINDICATIONS - Disturbances in iron utilization (lead anemia),
- Hypersensitivity or intolerance to iron and overloading of iron in the
- Anemia not caused by iron deficiency.

PRECAUTIONS As with all iron preparations, a dark colouration of the stool
may occur which is without clinical significance.

PREGNANCY AND LACTATION Reproduction studies in animals did not show any
foetal risk. Controlled studies in pregnant women after the first trimester
have not shown any undesirable effects on mother and neonates. There is no
evidence of a risk during the first trimester and the possibility of a
negative influence to the foetus is unlikely to occur. Mother's milk
contains iron bound to lactoferrin. It is not known how much iron from the
complex is passed into mother's milk. The administration of FeroseĻ is
unlikely to cause undesirable effects to the nursed child.

UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS Occasionally gastrointestinal irritations such as
sensation of repletion, pressure in the epigastric region, nausea,
constipation or diarrhoea can occur.

INTEREACTIONS There is no interaction between Ferose and food or between
Ferose and drugs due to its non ionic nature.

PRESENTATIONS Ferose is available as tablets, syrup and Drops.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yazid Yahya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 12:11 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Imunisasi Measles [Campak] mohon sharing-nya.....

Dear Smart Parents,

Semalem kami bawa Shofwan ke DSA-nya utk imunisasi measles (campak). Sebelum
dikasih imun, DSA-nya kasih saran Shofwan di test darah dulu, katanya utk
nge-check Hemoglobin 'n Hematocrit.. Kami bawa Shofwan ke Lab. utk
blood-test. 20 minutes kami terima result-nya, disitu tertulis:
Hemoglobin 10.00, normal range-nya:13--18 gm/dl,
Hematocrit 30.40, normal range-nya : 37--50 %
Itu artinya Hmg 'n Hmt Shofwan under range.. Untuk itu kami mohon
sharing-nya dari moms and dads semua, makanan apa saja yg mesti Shofwan
konsumsi biar Hmg ama Hmt-nya normal gak under [usia Shofwan 8 bulan].
Semalem sama DSA-nya dikasih 'Ferose Syrup' sama 'Blevit Plus with 8 cereals
and Honey' (maaf sebutin merk).

Pls sharing-nya...
Thank a lot atas bantuan-nya...


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