----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hamil dengan rubella (Mohon banget sharingnya)

titip ke BA yah mba... 
Pak, Dayat... 

Hasilnya gimana pak? maksud saya Igg yg positif apa Igm yg +? 
Sekarang begini, IgM adalah imunoglobulin yang pertama-tama dihasilkan pada 
fase akut, bisa menembus ke plasenta dan menandakan saat itu ada infeksi 
rubella, dan dari kenaikan berarti pada 2 titer pemeriksaan, maka diagnosis 
rubella bisa ditegakkan. Dan Titer IgM bisa menetap sampai bertahun-tahun, 
meskipun secara teori mengatakan hanya bertahan sebentar saja.

Lalu IgG, adalah imunoglobulin yang dihasilkan kemudian, tidak menembus 
plasenta, dan jika IgG positif dan IgM negatif, berarti menandakan ada 
kekebalan terhadap Rubella, tapi pada kasus infeksi, juga harus dilihat 
kenaikan titernya bagaimana.Nah istri bapak masuk yg kategori mana? 

ini ada artikel tp saya lupa sumbernya dr mana...yg jelas sumber yg 
terpercaya...forward-an dr millis sehat. 

What would happen to my baby if I got rubella during pregnancy?
> In the extremely unlikely event that you came down with rubella during the
> first month of your pregnancy (generally before you know you're pregnant),
> there's a high chance (up to 90 percent) that your baby would become
> infected. Babies who are infected with rubella during the first twenty
> weeks of pregnancy develop what's called congenital rubella syndrome, in
> which they can end up a wide variety of problems including hearing loss,
> eye problems (including blindness), neurological problems (such as
> encephalitis and mental retardation), growth problems, and other disorders.
> These defects may be evident at birth or they may surface later in
> childhood. Miscarriage, preterm birth, and stillbirth are also common when
> rubella is contracted in early pregnancy. The risk of defects drops as the
> pregnancy progresses. During your second month, chance that your baby will
> develop a rubella-related birth defect drops to about 25 percent; during
> your third month, it drops to 5 percent. After 20 weeks there is rarely any
> risk of defects at all.

Ummi Nayla

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