Matur Nuwun Sanget atas sharingnya Pak...
pagi tadi, gak tau apa krn semalem aku kasiin talk lagi...bentol zalwa sebagian 
besar mulai memutih [gak semerah kemarin]...aku tunggu siang ini..kl msh merah 
banget, 'lari' ke puskesmas besok pagi....
juga aku telatenin lap dingin pake dettol cair [yg isinya agak 
kecoklatan]...hanya sekali sentuh dan gak diulang, mencegah bentolnya nyebar....
caladine lotion udah aku hentiin sejak pake dettol
makannya juga dah mulai banyak lagi...alhamdulillah...filenya aku simpen 
yak...sapa tau sewaktu-waktu ada moms yg butuh...kl gak sibuk, aku coba 
mau siang diSemarang

Ayahnya Farah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi mamanya Zalwa,

Dulu anak saya juga pernah kena cacar monyet trus dibawa ke DSA diberi obat 
salep Gentamicin dan Antibiotik. Dan ini ada sedikit artikel semoga membantu.



If you have children, you've probably dealt with an assortment of rashes and 
skin irritations over the years. One of the most common of these is impetigo ¡X 
a skin infection that mainly affects infants and children. Impetigo usually 
appears on the face, especially around a child's nose and mouth. And although 
it commonly occurs when bacteria enter the skin through cuts or insect bites, 
it can also develop in skin that's perfectly healthy.

Impetigo starts as a red sore that quickly ruptures, oozes for a few days and 
then forms a yellowish-brown crust that looks like honey or brown sugar. The 
disease is highly contagious, and scratching or touching the sores is likely to 
spread the infection to other parts of the body as well as to other people.

Impetigo is seldom serious, and minor infections may clear on their own in two 
to three weeks. But because impetigo can sometimes lead to complications, your 
child's doctor may choose to treat it with an antibiotic ointment or oral 
antibiotics. Your child can usually return to school or a child-care setting as 
soon as he or she isn't contagious ¡X often within 24 hours of starting 
antibiotic therapy.

You can help prevent the infection by taking good care of your child's skin. 
Use soap and water when bathing your child, and pay special attention to cuts, 
rashes, insect bites and allergic reactions. If anyone in your family does 
develop impetigo, a few simple measures can help keep the infection from 

Signs and symptoms 

Several types of impetigo exist, with differing signs and symptoms.

Impetigo contagiosa

The most common is impetigo contagiosa, which usually starts as a red sore on 
your child's face, most often around the nose and mouth. The sore ruptures 
quickly, oozing either fluid or pus that forms a honey-colored crust. 
Eventually the crust disappears, leaving a red mark that heals without 
scarring. The sores may be itchy, but they aren't painful.

Your child isn't likely to have a fever with this type of impetigo but may have 
swollen lymph nodes in the affected area. And because it's highly contagious, 
just touching or scratching the sores can spread the infection to other parts 
of your child's body.

Bullous impetigo

Bullous impetigo primarily affects children younger than two years and infants. 
It causes painless blisters ¡X usually on the trunk, arms and legs. The 
blisters may be large or small and may last longer than sores from other types 
of impetigo. Bullous impetigo may cause other signs and symptoms, including:

„h Fever 

„h Diarrhea 

„h General weakness 


Ecthyma is a more serious form of impetigo in which the infection penetrates 
deep into the skin's second layer (dermis). Signs and symptoms include:

„h Painful fluid- or pus-filled sores that turn into deep ulcers, usually on 
the legs and feet 

„h A hard, thick, gray-yellow crust covering the sores 

„h Swollen lymph glands in the affected area 

„h Scars that remain after the ulcers heal 


The usual cause of impetigo is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, although 
another bacterium, Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A beta-hemolytic 
streptococcus), may also cause or contribute to the condition. Both types of 
bacteria can live harmlessly on your skin until they enter through a cut or 
other wound and cause an infection.

In adults, impetigo is usually the result of injury to the skin ¡X often by 
another dermatological condition such as dermatitis. Children are commonly 
infected through a cut, scrape or insect bite, but they can also develop 
impetigo without having any notable damage to the skin. Impetigo that strikes 
healthy skin is called primary impetigo. Secondary impetigo occurs following an 
injury to your skin's protective barrier.

You're exposed to the bacteria that cause impetigo when you come into contact 
with the sores of someone who's infected or with items they've touched, such as 
clothing, bed linen, towels and even toys. Once you're infected, you can easily 
spread the infection yourself.

Staph bacteria produce a toxin that seems to make impetigo especially 
infectious. The toxin attacks a protein that helps bind skin cells together. 
Once this protein is damaged, germs can spread quickly.

Risk factors 

Although anyone can develop impetigo, children ages 2 to 6 years and infants 
are most likely to become infected. Children are especially susceptible to 
infections because their immune systems are still developing. And because staph 
and strep bacteria flourish wherever groups of people are in close contact, 
impetigo spreads easily in schools and child-care settings.

Other factors that increase the risk of impetigo include:

„h Direct contact with an adult or child who has impetigo or with contaminated 
towels, bedding or clothing 

„h Crowded conditions 

„h Warm, humid weather ¡X impetigo infections are more common in summer 

„h Participation in sports that involve skin-to-skin contact, such as football 
or wrestling 

„h Having chronic dermatitis, especially atopic dermatitis 

Older adults and people with diabetes or a compromised immune system are 
especially likely to develop ecthyma, the most serious form of impetigo.

Screening and diagnosis 

Doctors usually diagnose impetigo simply by looking at the lesions on a child's 
skin. But sometimes they use a cotton swab to gently remove a small bit of 
material from one of the sores. This takes just a minute and shouldn't hurt. 
The material is then sent to a lab where it's grown on a special medium 
(culture) and checked for the presence of bacteria.

If you have a newborn with bullous impetigo, your baby is likely to be referred 
to a neonatologist for care.


Impetigo isn't dangerous, but sometimes it may lead to serious complications, 

„h Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). This kidney inflammation may 
develop after a streptococcal infection such as strep throat or impetigo. It 
occurs when dead bacteria and antibodies become trapped in the small tubes that 
filter waste in your kidneys (glomeruli). Although most people recover without 
any lasting damage, PSGN can sometimes lead to kidney failure. Signs and 
symptoms of PSGN commonly appear about two weeks after an infection. They 
include facial swelling ¡X especially around the eyes ¡X decreased urination, 
blood in the urine, high blood pressure and stiff or painful joints. Most 
often, PSGN affects boys between the ages of 3 and 7 years. Adults who develop 
PSGN tend to have more serious symptoms than children do and are less likely to 
make a full recovery. Although antibiotics can clear up strep infections, they 
don't prevent PSGN. 

„h Meningitis. This is a serious infection and inflammation of the membranes 
and fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Newborns with bullous 
impetigo are especially at risk. Meningitis usually starts suddenly with a high 
fever, severe headache and vomiting. As the disease progresses, the brain 
begins to swell and eventually to bleed. Without immediate treatment, children 
with meningitis may develop hearing loss, brain damage, blindness, learning 
disabilities and behavioral problems. The disease is fatal in about 10 percent 
of cases. 

„h Cellulitis. This potentially serious infection affects the tissues 
underlying your skin and eventually may spread to your lymph nodes and 
bloodstream. Left untreated, cellulitis can quickly become life-threatening. 


The treatments for impetigo may vary depending on your child's age, the type of 
impetigo and the severity of the infection. Treatments include:

„h Hygienic measures. Sometimes your doctor may choose to treat minor cases of 
impetigo with hygienic measures. Keeping your child's skin clean and 
bacteria-free can help mild infections heal on their own. 

„h Topical antibiotics. In some cases, doctors may prescribe an antibiotic that 
you apply to your child's skin (topical antibiotic), such as mupirocin ointment 
(Bactroban). Topical antibiotics avoid side effects such as diarrhea that can 
result from oral medications, but as with oral antibiotics, bacteria can become 
resistant to them over time. 

„h Oral antibiotics. Your doctor is likely to prescribe an oral antibiotic for 
ecthyma and severe cases of impetigo contagiosa. The type of antibiotic will 
depend on the severity of the infection and any other allergies or conditions 
your child might have. Be sure to finish the entire course of medication even 
if your child seems better. This helps prevent the infection from recurring and 
makes antibiotic resistance less likely. 


Keeping your child's skin clean is the best way to keep it healthy. Treat cuts, 
scrapes, insect bites and other wounds right away to prevent infection. If 
someone in your family already has impetigo, follow these measures to help keep 
the infection from spreading to others:

„h Gently wash the affected areas with mild soap and running water and then 
cover lightly with gauze. Regular use of antibacterial soaps may not be 
effective and can create antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 

„h Wash an infected child's clothes, linens and towels every day and don't 
share them with anyone else in your family. 

„h Wear gloves when applying any antibiotic ointment and wash your hands 
thoroughly afterward. 

„h Cut an infected child's nails short to prevent scratching. 

„h Encourage your child to wash his or her hands frequently. 

„h Keep your child home until your doctor says he or she isn't contagious. 


For minor infections that haven't spread to other areas, try the following:

„h Soak the affected areas of skin with a vinegar solution ¡X one tablespoon of 
white vinegar to one pint of water ¡X for 20 minutes. This makes it easier to 
gently remove the scabs. 

„h After washing the area, apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment three 
or four times daily. Wash your skin before each application, and pat it dry. 

„h Avoid scratching or touching the sores as much as possible until they heal. 
Applying a non-stick dressing to the infected area can help keep impetigo from 

Demikian semoga dapat membantu, dan kami mendoakan supaya Zalwa cepat sembuh. 

Terima Kasih
Ayahnya Farah

Sylvia Radjawane wrote:
Hi mamanya Zalwa,

Sudah diobserve, apa memang Zalwa kena cacar monyet,
Kalau memang iya, perlu treatment antibiotik, karena
jenis cacar ini memang disebabkan infeksi bakteri gram
positif yang sangat menular. 
Mungkin bisa konsultasi untuk make sure dengan DSA
Zalwa or kalau bisa DSA ahli kulit. Nggak perlu
khawatir, treatment yang benar bisa membuat Zalwa
cepat pulih, kok :)

semoga Zalwa cepat sembuh ya mbak :)
Sylvia - Jovan's mum with 38-week-'bump'


Mama Kavindra wrote:
Beneran nih Zalwa kena cacar monyet..
disembuhin aja dulu yah.. n moga2 cepet baikan biar
bisa main2 ma Kavin lagee...

Banyakin makannya aja n banyak istirahat...


aseani setiyadi wrote:

cacar monyet kyknya..brarti blum boleh ketemu
Kavin dunk...apalagi main di ringpool...
smoga zalwa cepet sembuh...


Mama Kavindra wrote:
Kayanya Zalwa cacar monyet deh¡K
Coba aja baca2 artikel dr milis tetangga ini¡K

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