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Date: 25 Nov 98
Subject: Fertility - Web Site to List Foster Children for Adoption

Web Site to List Foster Children for Adoption

By Barbara Vobejda
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 25, 1998; Page A05

President Clinton announced yesterday a plan to create an Internet site
that will carry photographs and information on as many as 100,000
children in the nation's foster care system in hopes of matching them
with adoptive parents.

 The president announced the initiative during a White House ceremony
marking the first anniversary of the Adoption and Safe Families Act,
which revamped the foster care system to speed the placement of children
in permanent homes after they are taken from abusive or neglectful

 The law established bonuses of $4,000 to be paid by the federal
government to states for every child who is adopted out of the child
protection system, and $6,000 for the adoption of a child considered
hard to place because of age, handicap or other circumstances.

 Clinton hopes the new Internet effort will enable the administration to
reach its goal of doubling the number of foster care adoptions by 2002.
"We can use the Internet to promote adoptions while protecting the
confidentiality of children and families," Clinton said. "Technology has
given us an important tool and we should use it."

 The ceremony also honored 24 families who adopted children yesterday
through the D.C. Superior Court, an annual "Adoption Day" event
traditionally held at the court but transferred to the White House at
the request of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Among the speakers was
District Mayor-elect Anthony Williams, who was adopted at the age of 3
[Details, Page B8].

 Currently, 18 states -- including Maryland -- maintain their own sites
on the World Wide Web to promote adoptions of children in foster care,
while other states provide information to private social service
agencies that have created similar sites. But the result is a cumbersome
and haphazard system that makes it difficult for prospective families to
learn about available children across the country.

Under the president's plan, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna E.
Shalala will determine over the next two months the best way to create
one Internet site that will link the other sites and essentially serve
as a clearinghouse for interested parents. HHS officials said the site
would protect the privacy of children by posting information only after
permission is received from the children's legal guardians.

 The nation's foster care system includes about 500,000 children, of
whom 100,000 are available for adoption because social workers have
determined that they cannot be returned to their birth parents. In the
past, just a fraction of those children have been adopted -- the figure
was 20,000 in 1995.

 By creating financial bonuses and other incentives, the federal law was
designed to increase that number. It also was intended to shorten the
legal process for determining that a child is free for adoption and to
shift the emphasis in cases of severe abuse away from attempts to
reunite biological families.

 Figures are not yet available to show whether the number of adoptions
has increased since passage of the law. But from 1996 to 1997, the
number of adoptions increased by more than 10 percent, from 28,000 to
31,000, according to federal statistics.
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