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>Madison & Jasmine's Birth Story
>My identical twin daughters were born on August 22, 1997.   They are now
16 months and the light of my life.  Their birth was the most wonderful
thing that has ever happened to me and I still get tears in my eyes just
thinking about it.
>My first sonogram was done at 7 weeks, I was sick and in the hospital
because I was dehydrated.  They could only see one yolk sac at this stage
and they said that the baby was fine.  Well, my pregnancy continued just
fine, but at about 4 months I began retaining water so bad that I had to
buy new shoes.  My doctor told me that this was not normal (I gained 7
pounds in a week) and then sent me for another sonogram on May 21, 1997 (I
was now nearly 5 and a half months).  The girl began to do the sonogram and
looked at the screen for a minute and then she said "Hold on, I will be
right back" I looked at the screen and it said "Baby A" well, I thought,
"Sure, Baby A, that means this is my first pregnancy and my first baby."
She came back with another nurse and they both began looking on the screen,
which was now turned from me.  The second girl asked me, 'Are you excited
about having a baby?'  "Yes." I replied smiling.  "Would you be excited
about having two?"  She then asked me.  My heart might as well stopped
right then.  For some odd reason I had this idea that I could not even get
pregnant, and now they were telling me not only was I going to have one
baby, I was going to have TWO!!!   I was so excited and scared all at the
same time.
>Well, the weeks went on, and I became bigger and bigger, until turning
over in bed became a major task in itself.  My mom made sure I ate well,
and my husband was as good as could be expected of any man.  I went to my
appointments every week and it felt like I would never have these babies.
I went to my appointment on Monday, Aug 18, and the doctor checked the
heart beats and told me that they were slower than normal and sent me for
non-stress test.  Well. I went and did the test and they told me to come
back the next morning for another one, and I did and they told me to come
back on Friday for another one.  At 11 am Friday I went for another
nonstress test and the doctor came in and told me to go on home and come to
his office on Monday.  Well the Labor and Delivery nurses had sent for some
blood work and they told me I could leave as soon as it came back, but they
would keep me on the monitor until then, well all of a sudden I got the
worst headache, which I had had lots of during this pregnancy, and things
began to look blurry.  My bp shot up to 220/90 and the doctor came in and
told me that both of my babies were breech and that he was going to do an
amniocentesis and If both of the babies lungs were developed he would have
to perform a c-section.  I felt disappointed in myself, because I wanted to
have these babies naturally, but I knew that it was the safest thing to do.
>At 5:15 p.m.  Madison Nicole was born weighing 4lb 15oz (they were almost
4 weeks early) and 2 minutes later, her sister, Jasmine Marie followed
weighing 5lb 1oz.   They were so small and I was so sure that I would never
be able to care for twins.   I nursed them for 6 weeks and they are now
walking and talking 23 lb Blond haired Blue eyed gorgeous little girls and
I wonder just how in the world I ever managed before I had them.   

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