Saya punya artikel terbaru tentang hubungan mendengkur dan Pre-eclampsia, semoga 
berguna :

Treat Snoring, Reduce Pre-Eclampsia 

                    About 10 percent of women with normal pregnancies have trouble
                    with pre-eclampsia, or high blood pressure, one of the leading
                    causes of illness and death for pregnant women and their babies.
                    Now researchers have discovered a link between snoring and
                    pre-eclampsia and a course of treatment that can help some women.
                    Researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia compared
                    32 women with severe pre-eclampsia and 40 women with normal
                    pregnancies and found that all the women with pre-eclampsia were
                    snoring and had a partially obstructed upper airway. Researchers
                    treated the women with pre-eclampsia with a special breathing mask
                    known as CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) that helps
                    keep the airway open during sleep. Nine of the 32 women treated
                    showed a marked reduction in blood pressure.

                    Based on the results of this study, presented at the recent
                    international conference of the American Lung Association /
                    American Thoracic Society, researchers are advising that women
                    admitted to the hospital for pre-eclampsia be evaluated for 

Riefna Azwita Fahmi
Test System Unit/QRS
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