Night light 'damages children's eyes' 
            Children should sleep in the dark 
            Children who sleep with a light on during the night could be 
            their eyesight, scientists have warned. 
            US scientists have found that children who sleep with a light on 
            significantly more likely than children who sleep in the dark to 
            grow up short-sighted and having to wear glasses. 
                        BBC Health Correspondent James Westhead: "Children's 
                        eyesight is getting worse"
            In the trials, children under the age of two who slept with a 
            on were five times more likely to be short-sighted than those who 
            slept in the dark.
            Toddlers who slept with a "night-light" were three times more 
            to be short-sighted. 
            Short-sightedness, or myopia, is the inability to focus on 
            objects. It is thought to be a risk factor for blindness in later 
            It is caused by excessive growth of the eyeball, which grows 
            particularly quickly before the age of two. Scientists believe 
            at night may stimulate the eyeball to grow. 
            The US team questioned the parents of 479 children about whether 
            their sons and daughters, before the age of two, slept with room 
            lighting, a night-light or in darkness. 
            The children were aged between two and 16 at the time of the 
            with an average age of eight. 
            The researchers found that 10% of children who slept in the dark 
            were short-sighted, but for those who slept with a night-light 
            number who were short-sighted was 34%, and, for those who slept 
            a room light on, the figure was 55%. 
            Risk factor 
            Professor Richard Stone, from the Scheie Eye Institute at 
            Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia, is part of the research 
                        Professor Richard Stone explains the team's work
            He said: "Our findings suggest that the absence of a nightly 
            of full darkness in early childhood may be an important risk 
            in the future development of near-sightedness. 
            "It would seem advisable for infants and young children to sleep 
            night without artificial lighting in the bedroom until further 
            research can evaluate all the implications of our results." 
            The researchers, who reported their results in the journal 
            said their findings might explain why short-sightedness has 
            more common over the last 200 years. 
            Ten per cent of children now need to wear glasses. 
            Early findings 
            But Professor Stone told BBC Radio 4's Today programme it would 
            premature to say that light actually made children short-sighted. 
                        BBC Radio 5's Science Specialist Matt McGrath offers 
                        view of the study
            "The study shows an association and is the first effort to tackle 
            the problem. But the association is very strong, even if it does 
            establish a cause and effect." 
            Many researchers believe that an increase in close-up work, such 
            reading and writing, may be to blame. 
            But the authors of the new study speculate that greater ambient 
            night-time levels associated with urban living might contribute 
            the growing rate of short-sightedness in developing countries. 
            Previous research on chicks has shown that the relative 
            of light and dark during the 24-hour day greatly affects eye 
            and focusing development. 
            Parents 'should not worry' 
            Gill Adams, consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Moorfields Eye 
            in London, urged parents not to worry about night-lights. 
                        Gill Adams says light could be a factor in eye 
            She said: "The most important factor in a child later becoming 
            short-sighted is whether or not the parents are short-sighted. 
            "Environmental factors may play an additional role." 
            Laura Galbraith, head of child clinical psychology at Fife 
            Care Trust, Scotland, based at Stratheden Hospital, said: 
            children should learn to cope with the dark, because, after all, 
            darkness is part of life, and it will help them sleep better. 
            "We advise parents not to turn the light on when comforting their 
            child because then light becomes associated with security and 
            comfort, and is seen as a positive thing, while dark is seen as a 
            negative thing. 
            "But we wouldn't force children to put up with the dark if it 
            worries them. It's best to turn the light off gradually, maybe 
            a dimmer switch." 
            Other factors 
            Optician Ellot Most says factors other than sleeping in light 
            be to blame for poor eyesight. 
                        Elliot Most says children watch too much TV
            He said: "The necessity for children to spend a lot of time 
            and writing, they are spending more time in front of the 
            and they are sitting in front of their computer games more, and 
            is influencing their eyesight." 
            BBC Radio 5 Science Specialist Matt McGrath said the research did 
            not offer the final word on the subject. 
            "What the researchers are saying is that, in some respects, it's 
            to leave the landing light on and the door open - they're not too 
            concerned about ambient light exposure," he said. 
            "What they are concerned about is direct light exposure, and it's 
            going to take a lot more research before they find out exactly 
            the link is."


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