Ibu Sandra,

Terima kasih banyak atas informasi-nya yg. lengkap. Pada saat-saat spt. ini 
saya merasa beruntung sekali mempunyai begitu banyak teman on-line yg 
memberi input berharga spt. Ibu. 

Zullia Saida
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
American Embassy
Jl. Merdeka Selatan 3-5
Jakarta 10110
Phone : (62-21) 344 2211 ext. 2356
Fax   : (62-21) 3483 0916

Original Text
From: "Shandra Amril - Tripatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 6/28/99 7:00 PM:
Buat Ibu Zulia,

Bukunya memang bagus sekali, memang sih hasil terjemahan, tetapi bisa
dimengerti oleh orang awam sekalipun dan berdasarkan hasil survey di sebuah
sekolah oleh Dr.Montessory, Amerika. 
Berikut saya lampirkan daftar isi buku tersebut secara global :
1. Anda alah guru pertama dan terbaik bagi anak
2. Mengapa anak bisa dididik menjadi lebih cerdas
3. Suasana rumah dapat merangsang kecerdasan anak.
4. Mendidik bayi menjadi lebih cerdas, mulai lahir sampai 18 bulan
5. Haus belajar yang tak terpuaskan mulai usia 18 bulan sampai 3 tahun
6. Bagaimana merangsang perkembangan intelektual anak berusia 3 tahun 
6 tahun
7. Perlukah anak prasekolah belajar membaca 
8. Merangsang anak menjadi kreatif
9. Gagasan Montessory yang dapat digunakan dirumah
10.Bagaimana melindungi otak anak
11.Melindungi bayi sebelum lahir
12.Kegembiraan memiliki anak yang cerdas

Demikianlah sekilas info, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Salam.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zulia Saida [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 8:49 AM
> Subject:      re: [balita-anda] Buku penuntun "MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN
> Terima kasih atas info-nya. Saya juga melihat buku-buku dg tema yang
> hampir 
> sama. Tapi saya agak ragu membelinya, krn. : 1) Jika itu terjemahan/alih 
> bahasa, saya takut kecewa jika terjemahannya kurang bagus. Bagaimana 
> pendapat Ibu tentang hasil terjemahannya, setelah Ibu membacanya?; 2) 
> Seperti di mail sebelumnya,  banyak faktor yg. mempengaruhi  kecerdasan, 
> baik faktor genetik, gizi, rangsangan (stimuli) dlsb. Bahkan, ada yg. 
> mengatakan bhw. EQ (emotional Intelligent) juga sudah bisa di'bentuk' 
> usia balita. Apakah buku tsb. juga membahas hal2 di atas?
> Maaf yha, Bu. Mohon bantuan Ibu krn. saya butuh info lebih banyak lagi. 
> Terima kasih,
> Zullia Saida
> United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
> American Embassy
> Jl. Merdeka Selatan 3-5
> Jakarta 10110
> Phone : (62-21) 344 2211 ext. 2356
> Fax   : (62-21) 3483 0916
> -------------
> Original Text
> From: "Shandra Amril - Tripatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 6/28/99 8:42 AM:
> Dear netters,
> Sekedar info, saya telah membaca judul buku diatas dan ternyata isinya 
> bagus
> sekali untuk bimbingan kita sebagai orang tua dalam meningkatkamn 
> kecerdasan
> anak, bagi rekan netter yang berminat dapatkan segera di toko buku 
> terdekat.
> Penerbit PT Delapratasa, karangan Joan Beck, merupakan salah satu "buku 
> best
> seller"nya cetakan tahun 1998 harganya sekitar 17 ribuan. Salam, maaf 
> topik ini sudah dibahas sebelumnya....
> Shandra
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent:       Saturday, June 26, 1999 12:22 PM
> > Subject:    [bal
> ita-anda] when good parents do bad things.
> > 
> > From Oprah Winfrey's Show
> > Friday's Show: The 7 Worst Things Parents Do 
> > 
> > When Good Parents do Bad Things
> > 
> >  Even the best parents can be guilty of doing one or more of The 7 
> > Things Parents Do. In fact, it's often the good parents who make the
> > mistakes 
> > outlined in John and Linda Friel's new book. Are you one of them? If 
> > care 
> > about your children at all, it's likely you are. 
> > 
> > Mistake #1 
> > Putting Your Marriage Last: Good parents often say - in a way that can
> > almost 
> > sound boastful - that their children are their life and everything else
> > comes 
> > second to them. It might sound good to neighbors and friends, but
> > according 
> > to the Friels it's an approach that can be disastrous for you, your
> > marriage 
> > and your children. "When kids grow up in a child-focused family," says
> > John, 
> > "they grow up not knowing what a good marriage is." Show them by 
> > your 
> > spouse first. Your children will learn how a solid relationship
> operates. 
> > 
> > Mistake #2 
> > Babying Your Child: It's understandable that you don't want your child
> to 
> > suffer even the slightest disappointment. Unfortunately, disappointment 
> is
> > a 
> > fact of life we all have to learn to live with, and home is a better 
> place
> > to 
> > learn it than at school or in the workplace. If you find yourself doing 
> > things for your child he or she could do, resenting and pitying your 
> child
> > at 
> > the same time, or being unable to see your child struggle with anything,
> > you 
> > could be babying your child... and in effect, raising a baby! 
> > 
> > Mistake #3 
> > Failing to Give Your Child Structure: Kids want structure in their 
> > whether they act like it or not. A lack of structure can show up in a
> > number 
> > of ways, from failing to give your child chores (and expecting them to
> be 
> > done) to creating a relationship with your little one that's more like
> > "best 
> > friends" than parent and child. Which brings us to... 
> > 
> > Mistake #4 
> >  Being Your Child's Best Friend: "Hip" parents often commit this
> blunder, 
> > largely because they'd rather be liked by their child than respected... 
> or
> > 
> > because they fear making their child angry. Sorry folks, but "you can't 
> be
> > a 
> > good parent, therapist or teacher if you can't stand to have people
> angry
> > at 
> > you," according to John. Or a talk show host, added Oprah.
> Unfortunately, 
> > occasional anger goes with the parental territory, and it's important
> for 
> > your child to learn that you can be angry with someone and still love
> > them. 
> > 
> > Mistake #5 
> > Pushing Your Child Into Too Many Activities: Too many over-achieving
> > parents 
> > can't wait to watch their little ones follow in their footsteps. But is
> > there 
> > anything sadder than an eight-year-old who has to carry a Filofax to
> keep
> > all 
> > his commitments straight... or a parent who has to play taxi driver to
> > make 
> > them all happen? One activity that your child enjoys is enough for both 
> of
> > 
> > you! 
> > 
> > Mistake #6 
> > Expecting Your Child to Fulfill Your Dreams: This mistake goes
> > hand-in-hand 
> > with number five, and it's an error that the Friels warn can "destroy 
> your
> > 
> > child's spirit." Children are genetically disposed to excel in some 
> things
> > 
> > and not in others. Don't push your little painter to become a physicist 
> or
> > 
> > vice versa. "You wind up with a child who has a broken spirit," warns
> > John, 
> > "and society can lose the next Picasso or Einstein." 
> > 
> > Mistake #7 
> > Ignoring Your Emotional and/or Spiritual Life:  
> > We need to fulfill our needs, emotional and spiritual needs in order to 
> be
> > 
> > able to give to other people/to our children.
> > 
> > note:
> > dalam show tsb, dijelaskan pengarang buku tsb John dan Linda Friel
> > mengatakan 
> > bahwa yang mereka maksud di atas adalah untuk pasangan yang solid, good 
> > parents, yang terkadang tanpa disadari melakukan sesuatu yang 
> > berakibat/memberi efek negatif di kemudian hari,
> > mereka tidak menujukan kepada pasangan yang mengalami abusif
> relationship,
> > 
> > atau anak di-abuse dsb, tentunya itu amat jauh lebih buruk. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kunjungi:
> > http://www.balita-anda.indoglobal.com
> > 
> > 
> > "Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
> > Berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Berhenti berlangganan, e-mail ke:
> > http://pencarian-informasi.or.id/ - Solusi Pencarian Informasi di 
> Internet
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Kunjungi:
> http://www.balita-anda.indoglobal.com
> "Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
> Berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Berhenti berlangganan, e-mail ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://pencarian-informasi.or.id/ - Solusi Pencarian Informasi di 
> Kunjungi:
> http://www.balita-anda.indoglobal.com
> "Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
> Berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Berhenti berlangganan, e-mail ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://pencarian-informasi.or.id/ - Solusi Pencarian Informasi di 


"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
Berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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http://pencarian-informasi.or.id/ - Solusi Pencarian Informasi di Internet


"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
Berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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