Saya kirimkan bagian kedua mengenai KB menggunakan pil :

The Pill

                   Women hailed the arrival of oral contraceptives - commonly referred 
to as the
                   Pill - in 1960, and despite some risks and side effects, the 
method's popularity
                   has yet to wane. There are two types: combination pills, which 
contain estrogen
                   and progestin, and the progestin-only pill (also called the 

How they work 
                   Oral contraceptives work in two distinct ways. Birth control pills 
that combine
                   different hormones prevent pregnancy by suppressing the development 
of eggs in the ovaries. Combination
                   pills also help thicken the lining of the uterus to keep a 
fertilized egg from implanting.

                   The progestin-only pill inhibits the development of the uterine 
lining so an egg can't implant itself.

                   Both types alter the consistency and chemistry of cervical mucus to 
block sperm from reaching an egg.

                   The Pill is one of the most reliable birth control methods on the 
market, boasting a 99 percent success
                   rate if used correctly - which means taking the pills consistantly, 
every day. It also means knowing what
                   to do if you miss a pill - a good rule of thumb is to take the 
missed pill as soon as you remember it.

                   If you take combination pills and you've missed more than a couple 
of days, check with your provider first
                   and use a backup birth control method for the rest of your cycle. 
Women who take progestin-only pills
                   follow a more rigorous schedule and must use a backup method if 
they are more than three hours late
                   taking the mini-pill.

                   Discreet and highly reliable, the Pill is favored by many women. It 
regulates periods and decreases
                   menstrual cramping, and can provide some protection against ovarian 
and endometrial cancers, pelvic
                   inflammatory disease, noncancerous growths of the breast, ovarian 
cysts, and osteoporosis. Recent
                   developments have diminished some of the Pill's side effects, 
making it acceptable for nonsmoking women
                   over the age of 35 who were not considered good candidates for the 

                   Many experts say progestin-only pills are a good choice for 
lactating women. But some of the hormones
                   do pass into breast milk, although no one knows exactly how much. 
Studies to date show no adverse side
                   effects in babies whose moms take the mini-pill. But Australian 
researchers, who published their findings
                   on progestin-only pills in a 1997 issue of the journal 
Contraception, note that non-hormonal methods
                   remain the first choice for breastfeeding women, "since there is no 
possibility that they will interfere with
                   lactation." If you have any concerns, talk to your healthcare 
provider and your baby's pediatrician before
                   making your decision.

                   Some women on the combination pill report a few aches and pains, 
most notably nausea, headaches,
                   weight gain or loss, breast tenderness, and bouts of depression. 
Rarely, the combination pill can cause
                   serious side effects, such as blood clots, heart attacks, and 
strokes, especially if you smoke.

                   Women taking the progestin-only pill sometimes complain about 
irregular menstrual cycles and frequent

                   Although the Pill allows for spontaneous lovemaking, it doesn't 
protect against sexually transmitted
                   diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and HIV infection. 
Cervical dysplasia, a growth of
                   abnormal cells in the cervix associated with cervical cancer, has 
been linked to oral contraceptives,
                   although more research is needed.

                   Not all types of oral contraceptives are compatible with 
breastfeeding. Contraceptive Technology, a
                   comprehensive birth control manual, notes that "combination pills 
appear to diminish both the volume and
                   protein content of breast milk in some lactating women."

                   All you have to do to reverse the Pill's effects is stop taking it. 
While some doctors say women can start
                   trying to get pregnant immediately after quitting the Pill, others 
are more cautious, saying women ought to
                   wait a few months for their hormones to adjust to the change in 
body chemistry. If you choose to wait, use
                   a backup method, such as condoms, before trying to conceive.

Hassle Meter 
                   Your medical provider must examine you before writing a 
prescription for the Pill. Then you have to take
                   one pill at the same time every day for maximum effectiveness. If 
you're on the Pill and are prescribed
                   antibiotics, be sure to tell your provider and the pharmacist; some 
antibiotics can impair the Pill's

Riefna Azwita Fahmi
Test System Unit RisTI - Telkom
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir 47 Bandung-Indonesia
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Nuraeni Agustiningsih [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, July 27, 1999 10:04 AM
Subject:        Re: [balita-anda] KB dan Tidak MENS ..

pengalaman saya,

saya juga tidak haid selama pakai KB suntik (-/+ 9 bulan), tapi setelah
ganti pil saya haid lagi (malah lebih teratur dari sebelum persalinan).

Ibunya Aulia

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