Saya lihat beberapa hari banyak diskusi mengupas masalah KB, kebetulan saya punya 
artikel yang berhubungan, tapi sekali lagi, saya tidak sempat menterjemahkan namun 
mudah-mudahan tidak mengurangi manfaatnya. Saya akan kirim beberapa kali agar tidak 
terlalu panjang. Semoga berguna.

The Intrauterine Device (IUD)

                   Today's IUD is a highly effective birth control method considered 
fairly safe for
                   most women, but the device does have a checkered past. Popular in 
the United
                   States in the '60s, the IUD was marketed as a good alternative to 
                   methods such as the Pill.

                   The IUD's popularity went south in the '70s, however, when women 
                   multimillion-dollar lawsuits against the makers of the Dalkon 
Shield IUD. Users
                   complained that the device caused pelvic inflammatory disease 
(PID), a
                   potentially life-threatening infection that leads to infertility 
and miscarriages.
                   Since then, manufacturers have redesigned IUDs to address concerns. 
                   still have their doubts, while supporters say the IUD is a 
worthwhile alternative to
                   hormonal and barrier methods for women.

How it works 
                   Two types of IUDs are now on the market: the ParaGard, a device 
containing copper, and Progestasert,
                   which secretes the hormone progestin. Both are T-shaped and are 
made to fit inside your uterus. Fitted
                   correctly, you shouldn't feel either one.

                   Nobody knows for sure how IUDs work. Researchers say they may cause 
a mild inflammation or
                   foreign-body reaction, stimulating the body's production of white 
blood cells. These cells then immobilize
                   sperm, prevent them from reaching the egg, and discourage buildup 
of the uterine lining.

                   The progestin in Progestasert thickens cervical mucus, which 
prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The
                   hormone also prevents buildup of the uterine lining.

                   The IUD is one of the most reliable forms of contraception, with a 
failure rate of less than one to two
                   percent. Since you don't have to keep track of daily pills or 
remember to use contraception before
                   intercourse, you have little, if any, chance of human error.

                   The ParaGard IUD (also known as the Copper T) can stay in place for 
up to ten years (however, that's true
                   only for ParaGard IUDs made since 1994). You must replace the 
Progestasert IUD only once a year. Some
                   women who use Progestasert also say they have less menstrual 
cramping while using the IUD.

                   The Journal of American Medical Association notes that the IUD's 
long association with pelvic
                   inflammatory disease makes it less than ideal for women who haven't 
yet had children or who may want
                   more. But some doctors and midwives say your chances of getting PID 
are rare, especially if you're in a
                   monogamous relationship. Neither IUD provides protection against 
sexually transmitted diseases such as
                   chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis, and HIV infection.

                   Complaints about the Progestasert IUD mirror those associated with 
other hormonal methods such as the
                   Pill and Norplant, including nausea and headaches. Some hormones 
may also leach into breast milk, so
                   discuss any qualms with your doctor or midwife as well as your 
child's pediatrician. If you're a smoker, the
                   Progestasert IUD may not be a safe choice.

                   Past users have also complained of spotting between periods with 
both types, as well as increased
                   menstrual flow. The ParaGard has been known to cause more menstrual 

                   Talk over any concerns with your medical provider--as with any 
other method, you must be comfortable
                   with the IUD before choosing it as your primary means of birth 

                   Critics say the IUD can sometimes cause pelvic inflammatory disease 
and other infections that may mean
                   you'll have more difficulty getting pregnant. But if you don't have 
such problems while using the IUD, your
                   fertility will be the same as before once you stop using the device.

Hassle Meter 
                   Once properly in place, the IUD is virtually hassle-free. A medical 
provider will have to remove it for you. If
                   you've just had a baby, wait until your six-week postpartum checkup 
(when the uterus has returned to
                   normal size) to be fitted for the IUD.

                   Some women's partners may feel the IUD's string during 
intercourse--not exactly a hassle, but something
                   to be aware of.

Riefna Azwita Fahmi
Test System Unit RisTI - Telkom
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir 47 Bandung-Indonesia
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Nuraeni Agustiningsih [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, July 27, 1999 10:04 AM
Subject:        Re: [balita-anda] KB dan Tidak MENS ..

pengalaman saya,

saya juga tidak haid selama pakai KB suntik (-/+ 9 bulan), tapi setelah
ganti pil saya haid lagi (malah lebih teratur dari sebelum persalinan).

Ibunya Aulia

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