Berikut artikel singkat tentang Rubella.

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German Measles (Rubella)
What is rubella? 
Rubella, or German measles, is an infection
characterized by a pink-red rash that first appears on
the face and later spreads to other parts of the body,
a mild fever, and swollen lymph nodes. The virus runs
its course in about three days. Although rubella is a
relatively mild illness, it's very dangerous for a
pregnant woman as it can cause birth defects from
deafness to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
and heart defects. Fortunately, at least 75 percent of
women in their childbearing years are immune to the
disease, either from a childhood vaccination or a bout
with German measles as a child.

What if I'm not immune? What can I do? 
Ideally, you should get vaccinated before you get
pregnant and then wait three months before trying to
conceive. This gives your body enough time to
completely kill off the injected virus so you won't be
in danger of passing it to your baby. If you got the
vaccine in the early weeks of your pregnancy before
you knew you were carrying a child, don't worry; the
chances it will harm your baby are very low. Still,
your doctor may recommend a detailed ultrasound at 18
weeks to give you some reassurance.

If you become infected with German measles during
pregnancy, the risk to your baby depends on when you
contracted the infection. If it happens during the
first month, there's a one in two chance your baby
will be affected. By the third month, the risk drops
to one in 10. Unfortunately, nothing can be done
during the pregnancy to protect the fetus. You'll need
to work closely with your healthcare provider to test
for birth defects and prepare for when the baby's

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