Does music affect fetal development?
No one knows for sure. There are studies indicating that fetuses can hear
and react to sound by moving. But no one really knows what those movements
mean, since experts can't observe an unborn baby as easily as they could one
who is out of the womb, explains Dr. Gordon Shaw, a neuroscientist at the
University of California at Irvine. The baby's reaction may be discomfort,
he argues.

"There are no studies on the effects of stimulation before birth on
intelligence, creativity, or later development," says Dr. Janet DiPietro, a
developmental psychologist who studies fetal development at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Can playing music for my baby while she's in the womb make her smarter?
No research supports this conclusion. You may have heard that exposure to
music makes kids of all ages smarter in math, but Gordon Shaw, who pioneered
this type of research, says these studies focused on older children, not
fetuses. For example, piano lessons may enhance children's spatial reasoning
skills (the ability to understand three-dimensional space), but researchers
only tested three- and four-year-olds (See our article on Music and Your
Toddler/Preschooler). Some experts surmise that if music has this profound
effect on older kids, babies and even fetuses may benefit from it the same
way. Not necessarily so, says Shaw.

Others say newborns can recognize music their parents played for them when
they were in the womb and even perk up or fall asleep when they hear a
familiar song. But Dr. DiPietro of Johns Hopkins says these conclusions are
purely anecdotal, and aren't based on true research.

Some also say that fetuses breathe in time to music they enjoy. California
obstetrician Dr. Rene Van de Carr says he's observed a 33-week-old fetus
pattern his breathing to the beat of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Dr. van de
Carr, who wrote While You're Expecting...Your Own Prenatal Classroom and
teaches parents how to stimulate their unborn babies through music and other
 exercises at his Prenatal University in Hayward, California, says because
the fetus followed the rhythm of the symphony, it's obvious he learned
something about the rhythm and enjoyed it. "What reason do we have to think
that breathing in time to music is a good thing?" says Dr. DiPietro.

How do I play music for my unborn child?
You have two options. You can go clunky (get your Walkman out and stretch
the headphones around your belly) or casual (play some music on the stereo
as you go about your day). If you go the headphone route, or decide to place
a cassette player or speaker near your abdomen, Dr. Van de Carr says you
should limit it to no more than an hour a day, since the music is up close
and may overstimulate the baby. Some experts, such as Dr. DiPietro, say you
should avoid this method altogether. "People tend to turn up the sounds
because they think it needs to be loud to penetrate the abdomen," she
explains. "Amniotic fluid is actually a good conductor of sound."

If you choose the stereo, don't pump up the volume higher than 70 decibels —
about as loud as background music at the store — since that may hurt or
startle the baby, says Dr. Rosalie Pratt, a professor of music medicine at
Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She also recommends classical
music. Mozart's symphonies are excellent, says Dr. Pratt, because they have
the right mix of new sounds and repetition, which she believes babies may
enjoy. But, she adds, most anything will do, as long as the music isn't
discordant like some of the rap, grunge, or hard rock songs played on
today's pop stations.

Animal studies show that constant exposure to chaotic, discordant music
negatively alters the brain's structure, says Dr. Pratt. Even plants seem to
abhor this type of music. Ivy growing on a home where classical music was
played all day long flourished better than that on a house where occupants
blasted hard rock.

The bottom line
Because research on this topic is in its infancy and experts can't seem to
agree on whether music is enjoyable or bothersome to fetuses, proceed
cautiously. If you decide to try it, remember that moderation is key. Even
Dr. Van de Carr, a proponent of fetal stimulation, agrees. "You shouldn't go
out of your way to create a musical genius," he says. That attitude can
cause you to push hard and set a standard that your child may never meet.

Play music because you enjoy it, not because you're trying to make your
unborn baby smarter. Music can help you relax, fall asleep, or perk you up
if you have the pregnancy blahs. "When a woman relaxes, that's good for the
fetus and that's an indirect effect of music on the fetus," says Dr.
DiPietro. You can put on some tunes, kick up your heels, or dance around and
have fun.

If, after listening to music all throughout your pregnancy, you happen to
give birth to the next Count Basie, so much the better.

Fact-checked by the BabyCenter Editorial Team and approved by our Medical
Advisory Board.

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