Papa Baihaqi,
Harus diulang atau tidaknya pengobatan tergantung dari
perkembangan bakterinya, dan harus di cek dulu, Tapi
kalau lupanya hanya sekali dan tidak sering rasanya
tidak terlalu significant untuk diulang. Kalau pun
demikian maka mungkin pengobatannya harus diperpanjang
karena bakteri yang seharusnya habis saat 6 bulan
masih ada dalam tubuh. Apalagi obat yang diberikan
adalah pyravit, yang merupakan obat pencegahan, kalau
memang sudah positif TBC maka obatnya lebih dari satu
macam termasuk pyravit. Sebagai tambahan informasi
berikut saya kirimkan artikel tentang Isoniazid yang
merupakan bahan dasar dari pyravit. Semoga berguna

Mamanya Dafi

Drug Class: Anti-infective/antitubercular agent
Principal Uses 
To prevent and treat tuberculosis (TB). It may be
taken alone to prevent TB,but must be used with other
antitubercular agents to treat an active case of TB. 
How the Drug Works 
Isoniazid interferes with the formation of DNA and
lipids, needed to manufacture the TB bacteria's cell
For prevention Adults and teenagers: 300 mg once a
day. Children: 4.5 to 9
                  mg per lb of body weight once a day
(not more than 300 mg a day). For
                  treatment Adults and teenagers: 300
mg once a day, or 6.8 mg per lb twice a
                  week (not more than 900 mg per
dose). Children: 4.5 to 9.1 mg per lb (not
                  more than 300 mg a day) once a day,
or 9.1 to 18.2 mg per lb twice a week
                  (not more than 900 mg per dose).
Vitamin B6 may be given in a dosage of
                  10 to 25 mg a day to prevent nerve

Dietary Advice 
                  Take this medicine 1 hour before or
2 hours after meals. Taking it with food
                  or an antacid will prevent stomach
irritation but decrease the absorption of
                  the drug. Do not take an antacid
containing aluminum within 1 hour of taking
                  Store in a tightly sealed container
away from heat, moisture, and direct light.
                  Do not freeze the liquid forms. 
If You Miss a Dose 
Take it as soon as you remember, to help keep a
constant level of medication in your system. If it is
near the time for the next dose, skip the missed dose
and resume your regular dosage schedule. Do not double
the next dose. 
Stopping the Drug 
Take it as prescribed for the full treatment period,
even if you feel better
                  before the scheduled end of therapy.
Treatment may continue for months or
                  years. The decision to stop the drug
should be made by your doctor. 
Prolonged Use 
See your doctor regularly for tests and examinations
if you must take this
                  medicine for a prolonged period. If
your symptoms do not improve or instead
                  become worse after 3 weeks, consult
your doctor. 
                  Over 60
                  Adverse reactions may be more likely
and more severe in older patients. 
                  Driving and Hazardous Work
                  Do not drive or engage in hazardous
work until you determine how the
                  medicine affects you. 
                  Avoid alcohol; it may diminish
isoniazid's effectiveness and may interact with
                  the drug, increasing the risk of
hepatitis (liver inflammation). 
                  In human studies, isoniazid has not
caused birth defects. Tell your doctor if
                  you are pregnant or are planning to
become pregnant and discuss the relative
                  risks and benefits of using this
                  Breast Feeding
                  Isoniazid passes into breast milk;
caution is advised. Consult your doctor for
                  specific advice. 
                  Infants and Children
                  No special problems are expected.
Discuss with your pediatrician the relative
                  risks and benefits of your child's
using this drug. 
                  Special Concerns
                  Isoniazid can cause false results on
urine sugar tests for diabetics. 
                  Severe seizures, nausea, vomiting,
difficulty breathing, slurred speech, blurred
                  vision, hallucinations, dizziness,
loss of consciousness, stupor. 
                  What to Do:
                  Call your doctor, emergency medical
services (EMS), or the nearest poison
                  control center immediately. 
Drug Interactions 
                  Consult your doctor for specific
advice if you are taking narcotic pain
                  relievers, antacids, acetaminophen,
carbamazepine, disulfiram, phenytoin,
                  rifampin, ketoconazole,
itraconazole, warfarin, or diazepam. Ask your doctor
                  if any of the medications you take
are toxic to the liver; such drugs should be
Food Interactions 
                  Swiss cheese, fish, chocolate, and
beer can react with this medication.
                  Consult your doctor for advice. 
Disease Interactions 
                  Consult your doctor if you have
epilepsy or another seizure disorder, or a
                  history of alcohol abuse. Use of
isoniazid may cause complications in patients
                  with liver or kidney disease, since
these organs work together to remove the
                  medication from the body. 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Anak saya 1 th, ditest mantoux ternyata positif.
> Ketika dirontgen
> paru-parunya masih bagus, tetapi hasil test darahnya
> menyatakan leucocytnya
> tinggi. Dokter memberi resep pyravit untuk pemakaian
> selama 6 bulan.
> Yang menjadi pertanyaan : saya pernah lupa memberi
> pyravit ketika bulan yang
> ke tiga dari program pemberian obat. Apakah dengan
> demikian counter harinya
> dinolkan lagi (diulang dari awal) ? Barangkali para
> netter ada yang memiliki
> pengalaman yang sama, mohon informasinya.
> Terima kasih
> Papanya Baihaqi

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