Kepada Netters yang beragama Kristen Protestan/Katholik, satu lagi site menarik untuk pendidikan Balita kita

Draw a picture of an Old Testament story together
Put a model together with your father
Take turns reading a book with your parents
Play a board game with your parents
Play hide & seek with your parents
Eat dinner together -- each member of your family prepares a different dish
Go fishing and have a contest to see who can catch the most and biggest fish
Write a letter to your parents about how much you love them and then read it out loud to them
Interview your parents about their favorite Bible verse / passage

Go leaf collecting -- try and find the biggest and most unique

Go rock collecting -- find a rock that looks like your brother or sister!

Go on a picnic to a place you and your family have never been

Help your father with yard work
Help your mother with the dishes
Wash the car for your dad or mom
Write a letter to a missionary family with your parents
Go to a park with your parents -- each family member invites one other person
Write a story using your family as the main characters
Go to the library with your parents and see who can find a "Sherlock Holmes" book the fastest
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