> Dear netters,
> Beberapa waktu yang lalu, keponakan saya, laki-laki, 1 tahun 4 bulan,
> kejang karena demam. Padahal demamnya 'baru' 39 derajat celcius. (si
> gracy pernah panas sampai 40.1 tapi nggak kejang..)
> Sebenarnya, apa sih tanda-tanda anak mau kejang dan pencegahannya
> bagaimana...(stesolid?) apakah tidak selalu tergantung dengan derajat
> kepanasannya..atau hal-hal apa yang membuat satu anak cepat kejang dan
> yang lainnya tidak ...?
> mohon sharingnya ya....buat jaga-jaga...
> thanks alot in advance.
> mamanya gracy

Dear mamanya gracy,
artikel ini (dari www.babycenter.com) tidak menjawab semua. 
Kelihatannya memang bergantung anaknya (mungkin masing2 anak punya
ambang batas masing2?). Anak saya juga pernah sampai 40, tapi tidak
Ada netter yg. bisa menambahkan ?

Question:   Can a high fever cause my baby to have a seizure?

The BabyCenter Editors:   

If your baby's temperature suddenly soars - for example, from 102 to 105
degrees F (38.9 to 40.5 degrees C), he may have a seizure. In most
cases, these "febrile seizures," as doctors call them, are harmless, but
that doesn't make it any less terrifying for you while he's having one.
If your baby's having such a seizure - breathing heavily, drooling,
turning blue, rolling back his eyes, or shaking his arms and legs
uncontrollably - quickly place him on his back or side, away from hard
objects. Turn his head gently to one side so vomit or saliva can drain
easily. Make sure he doesn't have anything in his mouth, and don't put
anything in his mouth while the seizure lasts. After it's over you can
carefully wipe away any vomit with a washcloth. Try to remember to note
how long the seizure lasts - they usually last between 10 seconds and
three or four minutes.

When the seizure subsides, make your baby more comfortable - and,
possibly, prevent another attack - by trying to lower his temperature.
Remove his clothing and sponge him with lukewarm water. If he's able to
keep it down, give him some breast milk or formula. An appropriate dose
of acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help, too.

Even if the seizure was mild or lasted only seconds, make an immediate
appointment with your doctor to rule out conditions such as meningitis.
If your baby started turning blue during the seizure, had convulsions
that lasted for more than a few minutes, has trouble breathing after the
seizure has passed, or is still drowsy or lethargic an hour later, call
911 and go to an emergency facility.

_/)(\_     |~          Salam,
 /~~\    o'  |~        Rien.
/_  _\      o'  
  ^ ^

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