Bincang2 ttg. obat2an pada ibu hamil, saya sendiri punya pendapat yang
agak berbeda. 
Jika hamil, saya lebih memilih minum obat dari dokter jika memang perlu,
dengan pertimbangan dokter yang memberi obat pasti sudah tahu obat2an
apa yg. tidak boleh utk. ibu hamil. Sudah diketahui juga apa kira2 efek
sampingnya - jika ada.
Bila dengan obat tradisional, wah... sumbernya kan hanya pengalaman
turun temurun, padahal respon orang per orang tidak selalu sama thp. zat
(material) yang sama. Mungkin saja jamu / rempah / resep tradisional itu
cocok buat orang lain, tapi buat saya (dan janin) membawa reaksi ?
Utk. kondisi sedang tidak hamil, ya... lebih enak buat coba-coba..
paling tidak hanya diri sendiri yang kena efek sampingnya (jika ada),
tidak janin yang dikandung...he-he-.
Di bawah ini dari, ttg. herbs. Sayang saya nggak ketemu
artikel ttg. herbs yang ada di indonesia, kira2 apa efek sampingnya. Ada
rekan2 yang punya ?

Semoga berguna.


Herbs can have many health effects — some beneficial, some dangerous

Originally published as Medical Essay, a supplement to Mayo Clinic
Health Letter, June 1997

Herbs are the basis for many of our most helpful medicines,
such as aspirin, morphine and digitalis. And scientists are still
discovering medicinal mysteries in plants. For example, the
new anticancer drug paclitaxel (Taxol) is derived from the bark
and needles of the Pacific yew tree. 

But while some herbal remedies may show promise, there's
little evidence that most of the herbal remedies Americans
spend $700 million a year on provide any health benefits.
Some have significant health risks. In addition, there's no
guarantee that product purity or potency will be consistent, let
alone safe. 

At a minimum, use these precautions: Don't use herbal
remedies for serious illnesses, don't give herbs or other
"dietary supplements" to children, and don't use herbal
supplements if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant. And,
to avoid interactions with other medications, tell your doctor
about all supplements you take. 

Here's a list of health effects of some widely promoted herbal

Also called borage and coltsfoot, it can cause liver and kidney disease. 

Nontoxic when used in a tea, chaparral can cause acute toxic hepatitis
(liver                                        disease) when taken in
pill form.

May increase resistance to upper respiratory infections, but continued
use                                       decreases effects. Some
allergic reactions have been reported.

Ephedrine-containing compounds
Ephedrine is a drug that stimulates heart rate. It can cause stroke
and                                        dangerous increases in blood
pressure. Products are sold under the
names                                       Ma Huang, Ephedra, Ultimate
Xphoria and others.
Long-term use can lead to kidney damage and, reportedly, has been
linked                                       to a death.
Ginkgo biloba
May dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to your brain and
aid                                        circulation in your legs, but
side effects can include gastrointestinal
problems,                                       headaches and allergic
skin reactions.

Ginsenosides, the active ingredients found in ginseng root, may
enhance                                       immunity, but many
"ginseng" products contain little or none of the
active                                       ingredient. Ginsenosides
can increase blood pressure.

Jin bu huan
A sedative that has caused hepatitis in adults and drowsiness, slow
heartbeat                                       and slow breathing in

Kombucha tea
This "herbal tea," also called mushroom tea, kvass tea, kwassan
and                                      kargasok, is really a colony of
yeast and bacteria. Reportedly, it can
cause                                        liver and other organ
damage, gastrointestinal upset and has been
linked                                        to a death.

Also called Indian tobacco, low doses act like a mild stimulant to help
open                                        airways and ease breathing.
Large doses can cause convulsions, coma and death.

St. John's wort
May be an effective treatment for mild to moderately severe depression.
Further studies                                       for possible side
effects are needed.

Saw palmetto
May improve urinary flow in men with noncancerous enlarged prostate.
Teas                                     made from saw palmetto aren't
effective. Use with a doctor's supervision, not
as                                       a substitute for conventional
medical treatment.

Also called magnolia. Used in weight-loss preparations, this herb has
caused kidney                                        disease and
resulted in kidney transplants and dialysis in Europe.

Sold as an aphrodisiac (for which it's ineffective), yohimbine can
cause                                       tremors, anxiety, high blood
pressure and rapid heartbeat.
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 /~~\    o'  |~        Rien.
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  ^ ^

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