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Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous protozoan parasite of birds and mammals.
This obligate intracellular parasite invades and multiplies asexually within
the cytoplasm of any nucleated cell. When host immunity develops,
multiplication of tachyzoites ceases and tissue cysts form, which persist for
years, especially in brain and muscle. Sexual reproduction of T. gondii occurs
only in the intestinal tract of cats; the resultant oocysts passed in the
feces remain infectious in moist soil for about 1 yr.
 Ingestion of oocysts from cat feces is the most common mode of oral infection
in the USA. Infection can also occur by eating raw or undercooked meat
containing tissue cysts, most commonly lamb, pork, or beef. Toxoplasmosis can
be transmitted transplacentally if the mother becomes infected or if
immunosuppression reactivates a prior infection during pregnancy. Transmission
may also occur via transfusion of whole blood or WBCs or via transplantation
of an organ from a seropositive donor. Reactivation occurs, primarily in
immunosuppressed patients or in otherwise healthy persons with congenital
infection of the retina.


 Infection can be avoided by not eating raw or undercooked meat. Meat should
be cooked to 66° C (150° F), stored frozen at -20° C (-35° F), smoked, or
cured. Washing hands thoroughly after handling raw meat is essential. Contact
with soil or food possibly contaminated with cat feces should be avoided.

Congenital toxoplasmosis usually results from a primary (and often
asymptomatic) acute infection acquired by the mother during pregnancy. Women
infected before conception ordinarily do not transmit toxoplasmosis to the
fetus, unless the infection is reactivated during pregnancy by
immunosuppression. The risk of transplacental infection increases from 15% to
30 to 60% for maternal infections acquired in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd trimester
of gestation, respectively.
Clinical manifestations of congenital toxoplasmosis vary. Spontaneous abortion
and stillbirth may occur early in pregnancy. Disease in the newborn may be
severe, with jaundice, rash, and hepatosplenomegaly, followed by a
characteristic tetrad of abnormalities: bilateral chorioretinitis, cerebral
calcifications, hydrocephalus or microcephaly, and psychomotor retardation.
Prognosis is poor. Many children with less severe infections and most infants
born to mothers infected during the 3rd trimester appear healthy at birth but
are at high risk of developing symptoms months or even years later.


Congenitally infected infants should be given pyrimethamine q 2 or 3 days and
sulfonamide daily for up to a year. Treatment of acutely infected pregnant
women decreases the incidence of fetal infection. However, pyrimethamine
should not be used during the first 14 to 16 wk of pregnancy. Spiramycin (3 to
4 g/day po for 3 to 4 wk) has been used safely and effectively in pregnant
women but is less active than pyrimethamine-sulfonamide combinations and does
not cross the placenta.

Semoga berguna,

Taufan Surana wrote:

> -- deleted --
> > Kalau kehidupan anda tak lepas dari segala macam binatang yang
> berbulu,
> saya kira perlu.
> Toxoplasma tidak ada hubungannya dengan binatang berbulu.
> Toxo bisa terinfeksi melalui makanan mentah atau tidak dimasak
> (dipanasi)
> dengan sempurna, atau melalui kotoran binatang seperti kucing, anjing,
> dsb.
> Jadi, bukan masalah BULU-nya, tetapi 'kotoran'-nya.
> Taufan

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