Article ini saya ambil dari Riders Digest Health

Gluten-free diet for celiac sprue 
People who have celiac sprue must be on a gluten-free diet. Even a small
amount of gluten in the diet may cause symptoms of bloating, gas, and
        *       Foods that contain certain grains (wheat, barley, and rye)
must be avoided. Bread, bagels, pasta, pizza, and crackers are all examples
of foods that contain gluten. Oats may cause symptoms in some people who
have celiac sprue. 
        *       Some foods are labeled wheat-free. A label saying wheat-free
does not mean it is gluten-free.

Even though some foods must be avoided, there are still many foods that can
be eaten on a gluten-free diet. These foods may include:

        *       Milk, cheese, and eggs. 
        *       Fresh, frozen, and canned meats. 
        *       Rice, corn, soy, and potatoes. 
        *       Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned vegetables if they do not
contain thickening agents. 
        *       Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruits.
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