>     Virus with no cure.
>     Please, send this information to every person in your address
>     book.
>     If you receive an e-mail that reads "Upgrade Internet" do not
>     open it, as it contains an executable file named "perrin.exe" it
>     will erase  all   the data in your hard drive and it will stay in your
> memory.
>     Every time that you upload any data, that data will be
>     automatically  erased and you will not be able to use your computer
> again.
>     This information was published yesterday in the CNN web site.
>     This is a very dangerous virus.
>     To this date. There is no known anti virus program for this
>     particular virus please, forward this information to your
>     friends, so that they will be on the alert, also check the list
>     below, sent by IBM with the names of some e-mails that, if
>     received. SHOULD NOT BE OPENED and must be deleted immediately.
>     Because they contain attached viruses.
>     This way your computer will be safe.
>     The Titles are:
>     1) buddylst.exe
>     2) calcul8r.exe
>     3) deathpr.exe
>     4) einstein.exe
>     5) happ.exe
>     6) girls.exe
>     7) happy99.exe
>     8) japanese.exe
>     9) keypress.exe
>     10) kitty.exe
>     11) monday.exe
>     12) teletubb.exe
>     13) The Phantom Menace
>     14) prettypark.exe
>     16) perrin.exe
>     17) I love You
>     18) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
>     i9) CELCOM Screen Saver or CELSAVER.EX
>     20) Win a Holiday (e-mail)
>     21) JOIN THE CREW 0 PENPALS Subject: Virus
>     Announced by Microsoft
>     This is VERY SERIOUS!! Please forward to everyone you know
>     There is a virus out flow being sent to people via E-mail. lt.
>     is considered the A.l.D.S. VIRUS of computers.
>     It will destroy your memory, sound card and speakers, your drive
>     and it will infect your mouse or pointing device as well as your
>     keyboards,    making it so that you can't type and it will not
> on the
>      screen.    It seIf-terminates only after it eats 5MB of hard drive
> space
>     and will delete all programs.
>     It will come via an E-mail called "(OPEN. VERY COOL!:)" DELETE
>     IT immediately'! It will basically render your computer useless.
>     Very Urgent, Must Read
>     Please.
>     If you receive an E-mail Titled "Win A Holiday" DO NOT
>     open it.   It will erase everything on your hard drive.
>     Forward this letter out to as many people as you can.
>     This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people
>     know about it.
>     This information was announced yesterday morning from
>     Microsoft.
>     Neil Ferrick
>     Compaq Computer Corporation
> Milis Keluarga Islami
> Mewujudkan Keluarga yang Islami , Sakinah , Mawaddah wa Rahmah
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