Just for your information

From: Nina Nurani 
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 9:26 AM

Saat ini sedang ada wabah pengerasan otak atau sumsum tulang belakang dan
> LUPUS. Kebanyak orang tidak mengerti mengapa wabah ini terjadi dan mereka
> tidak mengetahui mengapa penyakit-penyakit ini begitu merajarela. Saya
> akan beritahu anda mengapa kita menghadapi masalah yang serius ini.  
> Saat ini banyak orang menggunakan pemanis buatan. Mereka melakukan ini
> karena iklan di televisi yang memberitakan bahwa gula itu tidak baik buat
> kesehatan mereka. Hal ini memang benar sekali. Gula itu merupakan racun
> bagi tubuh kita, akan tetapi, apa yang orang-orang gunakan sebagai
> pengganti gula, lebih mematikan. 
> Apa yang saya maksudkan disini adalah ASPARTAME.  Ini adalah biang wabah
> yang disebutkan di atas. Aspartame merupakan bahan kimia yang mengandung
> racun, yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kimia bernama Monsanto. 
> Aspartame telah dipasarkan ke seluruh dunia sebagai pengganti gula  dan
> dapat dijumpai pada semua jenis minuman ringan untuk diet, seperti Diet
> Coke dan Diet Pepsi. Hal ini juga dapat dijumpai pada produk pemanis
> buatan seperti Nutra Sweet, Equal, dan Spoonful; dan ini banyak digunakan
> di produk-produk pengganti gula. 
> Aspartame dipasarkan sebagai satu produk diet, tapi ini sama sekali
> bukanlah produk untuk diet. Kenyataannya, ini dapat menyebabkan berat
> tubuh Anda bertambah karena ini dapat membuat anda kecanduan karbohidrat.
> Membuat berat tubuh anda bertambah hanyalah sebuah hal kecil yang dapat
> dilakukan oleh Aspartame. Aspartame adalah bahan kimia beracun yang dapat
> merubah kimiawi pada otak dan sungguh mematikan bagi orang yang menderita
> karena penyakit parkinson. 
> Salah satu unsur pada Aspartame adalah mentil-alkohol.  Ketika suhu dari
> Aspartame melebihi 86 derajat Farenheit, mentil alkohol pada Aspartame
> akan dikonversi menjadi formaldehida, kemudian menjadi asam-semut/formiat
> yang mana.... dan seterusnya..... (maaf karena waktu yang sempit, tidak
> semua bagian dari artikel di bawah ini sempat saya terjemahkan. untuk
> selengkapnya, bisa dibaca sendiri. Intinya, berhati-hatilah mengkonsumsi
> pemanis buatan yang mengandung ASPARTAME.). Bagi penderita diabetes,
> hati-hatilah bila mengkonsumsi untuk jangka waktu yang lama atas produk
> yang mengandung Aspartame ini, karena dapat menyebabkan koma, bahkan
> meninggal. Bila ada produk yang mengklaim bahwa produk itu bebas gula,
> anda sudah tahu bahwa hal ini mengandung Aspartame. Jangan mengkonsumsi
> produk tersebut. 
> Beritahukan semua orang yang anda kenal akan bahaya dari produk yang
> mengandung Aspartame. 
> Salam,
> FY.
> Info buat Anda :
> Salah satu minuman suplemen yang mengandung ASPARTAME adalah serbuk
> effervescent EXTRA JOSS!
> Pada kemasan tertulis :Mengandung Aspartame 0,06% [ADI 40 mg/kg BB] 
> Phenylketonuria : produk ini mengandung Phemylalanine
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "dearborn435" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 4:33 PM
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Copyright Ron Harder 2002
> There is an epidemic across North America today of Multiple Sclerosis and
> Lupus. Most people do not understand why this epidemic is happening, and
> they do not know why these diseases are so rampant.  I would like to share
> with you the main reason we are having this very serious problem.
> Many people today use artificial sweeteners in their tea or coffee. They
> do this because the ads they see on TV tell them that sugar is bad for
> their health. This is absolutely true. Sugar is toxic to us, 
> but, what most people use as a replacement for sugar is much more deadly.
> I am talking about Aspartame.  It is the cause of the epidemic that was
> mentioned above. Aspartame is an extremely toxic chemical that is produced
> by a chemical company called Monsanto.
> Aspartame is being marketed around the world as a sugar substitute and is
> found in all diet soft drinks, such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. It is
> also found in artificial sweeteners such as NutraSweet, Equal, and
> Spoonful; and it is used in many other products as a sugar replacement.
> Aspartame is marketed as a diet product, but it is not a diet product at
> all. In fact, it will cause you to GAIN weight because it makes you crave
> carbohydrates. Causing you to gain weight is only a 
> very small part of what Aspartame does. Aspartame is a toxic chemical that
> changes the brain's chemistry. It can and does cause severe seizures.
> This chemical changes the dopamine level in the brain, and it is
> particularly deadly for anyone suffering from Parkinson's disease.
> Aspartame is extremely poisonous, and here is why. One of the toxic
> ingredients of Aspartame is wood alcohol. When the temperature of
> Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in the Aspartame is
> converted to formaldehyde, and then to formic acid, which in turn causes
> metabolic acidosis.
> Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of poisons as Cyanide and
> Arsenic - which are very deadly toxins. The only difference is...
> Formaldehyde kills quietly, and it takes a little longer. And, in 
> the process of killing people, it causes all kinds of neurological
> problems.
> There are 92 documented symptoms of Aspartame Poisoning leading to coma
> and death. The majority of these symptoms are neurological, because the
> Aspartame attacks and destroys the nervous system.Some of the symptoms of
> Aspartame Poisoning are covered below.
> One of these symptoms is Lupus, which has become almost as rampant as
> Multiple Sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.
> When someone develops Lupus as a result of using Aspartame, they usually
> do not know that the Aspartame is the culprit.  They then continue to use
> Aspartame, which aggravates the Lupus to such a 
> degree that it sometimes becomes life threatening.
> When people finally get off the Aspartame, the severity of the Lupus
> decreases. It is generally believed that once you develop Lupus, you will
> have it for the rest of your life, but this is not so. Lupus 
> can be defeated with some very special treatment.
> Aspartame Poisoning is also very often diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis.
> The methanol toxicity mimics Multiple Sclerosis, and therefore, people are
> being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when in fact they do not have it.
> Multiple Sclerosis is not a death sentence, where Methanol Toxicity
> usually is.
> When those who suffer from Aspartame Poisoning stop using Aspartame, most
> of the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis disappear.There are many cases where
> someone's vision has returned, and even 
> their hearing has returned.
> We have a very serious problem here. More and more people who are heavy
> Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers are being diagnosed with MS.
> This also applies to other diseases.  If you are using Aspartame and you
> suffer from ibromyalgia symptoms such as spasms, shooting pains, numbness
> in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain,
> depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory
> loss, you probably do not have Fibromyalgia, you very likely have
> Aspartame poisoning.
> At the Conference of the American College of Physicians, doctors admitted
> that they did not know the cause of the epidemic in MS and Lupus. It is
> believed that the phenylalanine in the Aspartame breaks 
> down the seizure threshold and depletes Serotonin, which causes manic
> depression, panic attacks, rage, and violence.
> According to the Conference of the American College of Physicians, "We are
> talking about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly
> poison".
> Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics. All physicians know what
> wood alcohol will do to a diabetic. There are many cases where physicians
> believe they have a patient with etinopathy, when in 
> fact, the problem is caused by Aspartame. The Aspartame keeps the blood
> sugar level out of control, causing many patients to go into a coma.
> Unfortunately, many diabetics who have used Aspartame have died. There are
> many recorded cases where diabetics have switched from Saccharin to an
> aspartame product, and many of these people have eventually gone into a
> coma. Their physicians could not get the blood sugar levels under control.
> Thus, the patients suffered acute memory loss, and eventually coma and
> death.
> Two prominent Doctors, Dr. Blaylock and Dr. H. J. Roberts, have written
> books on aspartame Poisoning. Dr. Blaylock's book is entitled:
> "EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS". Dr. H.J. Roberts, diabetic
> specialist and world expert on Aspartame Poisoning, has written a book
> Dr. Roberts realized what was happening when Aspartame was first marketed
> and used. He said that his diabetic patients who used Aspartame presented
> memory loss, confusion, and severe vision loss".
> The methanol in the Aspartame converts to Formaldehyde in the retina of
> the eye, and causes people to go blind.
> Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are
> neurotoxic without the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes
> past the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons of 
> the brain.
> Dr. Roberts tells how Aspartame Poisoning is escalating Alzheimer's
> disease. Women of 30 years of age are being admitted that have developed
> Alzheimer's disease as a result of using Aspartame.
> Aspartame Disease is partially the cause of what is behind some of the
> mystery of the Desert Storm health problems (Gulf War Syndrome).
> The burning tongue and other problems discussed in over 60 cases can be
> directly related to the consumption of an Aspartame product. 
> Several thousand pallets of diet drinks were shipped to the Desert Storm
> troops.
> (Remember that heat can liberate the methanol from the Aspartame at 86
> degrees F). These diet drinks sat on pallets in the 120-degree F.Arabian
> sun for weeks at a time. The service men and women drank 
> them all day long, and all of their symptoms are identical to Aspartame
> Poisoning.
> According to Dr. Roberts, another serious problem is that consuming
> Aspartame during pregnancy can cause birth defects. When the Aspartame
> attacks the nervous system it does not allow the unborn 
> child to develop properly.
> Aspartame consumption has also been shown to lead to cancer. In the
> original lab tests on Aspartame, animals that were given Aspartame
> developed brain tumours. The phenylalanine breaks down into DXP, 
> which is a brain tumour agent.
> How serious is this Aspartame Poisoning? A mother who had a child on
> NutraSweet was told to get her child off the product. The child was having
> grand mal seizures every day. The mother spoke to her doctor, who called
> the ADA, who told the doctor not to take the child off the NutraSweet.
> They are still trying to convince the mother that the Aspartame is causing
> the seizures. Every time you take a grand mal seizure victim off of
> Aspartame, the seizures stop. Here is the major problem.
> Congressional Hearings were held when Aspartame was originally approved
> for use in 100 different products. Since that initial hearing, there have
> been two more hearings to try to ban this product, but to no avail. The
> drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets.
> This list of 100 has now expanded to where there are over 5,000 products
> containing this chemical, and the patent has expired. Also, Aspartame is
> now available in over 90 countries around the world.
> There is a bit of hope. Stevia, a sweet herb which helps in the metabolism
> of sugar, and which is proving to be ideal for diabetics, has now been
> approved as a dietary supplement by the F.D.A. For 
> years, the F.D.A. had outlawed this sweet food because of their loyalty to
> Monsanto.
> I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, knows exactly how
> deadly their product is. They fund the American Diabetes Association, the
> American Dietetic Association, Congress, and the 
> Conference of the American College of Physicians. They have the contacts
> and the power to keep their product on the market.
> Public health means nothing to these people, it's all about making money.
> Senator Howard Hetzenbaum wrote a bill that would have warned all pregnant
> mothers and children of the dangers of Aspartame. The bill would also have
> instituted independent studies on the problems 
> existing in the population seizures, changes in brain chemistry, changes
> in neurological and behavioural symptoms). It was killed by the powerful
> drug and chemical lobbies, letting loose the hounds of 
> disease and death.
> We ask that you help to get the word out about Aspartame. Print this
> article and distribute it to everyone you know. There are a lot of people
> out there who must be warned, PLEASE let them know this information.
> You might want to print it out, hand it to your friends, or fax it to
> people who are not online.
> Young people drink a lot of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, and because of this,
> they are the most susceptible to Aspartame Poisoning. Please let your
> children know about the toxins in these drinks.
> A large number of adults use Nutrasweet, Equal, or Spoonful. They also
> need to be warned of the dangers in those products.And, very importantly,
> do not consume anything that has Aspartame in it. If it says "Sugar Free"
> on the label, you know that it contains Aspartame.
> One other thing, and this is for your own benefit. Go to the Search.
> Engine "Google" and do a search using the search word "Aspartame". You
> will be surprised by what you will find.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Dede Maulana
Junior Network Manager FYI

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