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(2000), 2, 91−95

Outcome of pregnancy in patients possessing  anticardiolipin antibodies 
*Al Abri S1, Vaclavinkova V2, *Richens E R3
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Armed Forces Hospital, Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman. 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sultan Qaboos
University Hospital, P O Box -38 Al-Khod, Muscat 123, Sultanate of Oman.
3Department of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos
University, P O Box 35 Al-Khod, Muscat 123, Sultanate of Oman.  
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ABSTRACT: Objective – To analyse the outcome of pregnancy in a sample of
patients with a history of fetal loss, and possessing anticardiolipin
antibodies (ACAs), and to assess the effectiveness of therapy with aspirin
and prednisolone. Method – Data on a cohort of 21 Arab and 4 other Asian
patients who had one or more episodes of fetal loss associated with raised
levels of ACAs were analysed retrospectively. Statistical analysis was
performed using χ2 test for assessment of isotype data and the Fischer test
for assessment of the effects of therapeutic intervention. Results –Where
immunoglobulin G (IgG) ACAs were found alone, abortion rates occurred at the
same rate in the first and second trimesters, which was significantly higher
than in the third trimester. In the few cases where IgG and immunoglobulin M
(IgM) ACAs coexisted, the rate of pregnancy loss was significantly higher in
the first trimester than the second and the third. In the group who had
received both aspirin and prednisolone, 75% pregnancies were successful
compared to 54% in the group receiving aspirin alone and 17% in those who
received no therapy. Conclusion – The presence of IgG antibodies appears to
increase the risk of abortions. Low dose aspirin, either alone or with
prednisolone, appears to significantly improve the chances for successful
pregnancies in patients with ACAs. Further clinical trials are needed to
ascertain optimal therapeutic protocols.

KEY WORDS: anticardiolipin, antibody, aspirin, prednisolone, pregnancy


ANTICARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES (ACAs) are strongly associated with venous and
arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia and recurrent fetal loss.1 These
findings were first observed during studies of systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE), a disease whose many symptoms include thrombosis. Of the spectrum of
auto antibodies described in SLE, two were found to be directed against most
negatively charged phospholipids, including cardiolipin.2 Anti-phospholipid
antibodies are known to prolong in vitro phospholipid-dependent coagulation
tests, and have been historically referred to as the lupus anticoagulant

In addition to their occurrence in patients with SLE, ACAs are found in
patients with other autoimmune diseases, as well as in some with no apparent
previous underlying disease.3 The term ‘antiphospholipid syndrome’ is used
to describe patients who present with the clinical manifestations described
above, in association with ACAs or the LAC.4 ACAs may bind independently to
the negatively charged phospholipid (in which case, they are called
‘authentic’ ACAs) or they may require a cofactor, beta 2 glycoprotein-I
(b2GPI).5 The role of b2GPI antibodies in fetal loss is under study.6

In pregnancy, the antibodies may react against the trophoblast resulting in
sub-placental clots and interfere with further placentation. Necrotizing
descidual vascular lesions are seen in the placenta.7 Thrombosis may occur
in all trimesters of pregnancy resulting in complications such as
spontaneous abortions and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).

In this retrospective study, the outcome of pregnancy in patients with a
history of fetal loss, and possessing ACAs, who were attending the
outpatient clinic of the obstetrics department of Sultan Qaboos University
Hospital, has been analysed. SLE is common is this country and a minority of
the patients presented with this condition also. The patients received
therapy either with aspirin or with aspirin combined with prednisolone. Due
to non-compliance, six patients received no therapy. Like other
corticosteroids, prednisolone suppresses antibody production. Low-dose
aspirin acts by inhibiting the production of thromboxane A2, a
vasoconstrictive prostaglandin associated with platelet aggregation and
thrombocytopenia. The data has been further examined to determine the effect
of these therapeutic modalities on fetal survival.

During the period 1995–97, 25 patients with ACAs and pregnancy losses were
seen in the outpatient clinic of SQU Hospital. Their ages ranged from 20–40
years; 21 were Omani whilst 4 were Asian expatriate. Patients who sustained
pregnancy losses from other causes, such as genetic, endocrine or
gynaecological abnormalities, rhesus incompatibility or sperm antibodies
were excluded from the study.


Table 1 shows the obstetric history of the patients; they had lost from 1–6
(mean ± SD: 2.3 ± 1.9) pregnancies, the abortions occurring mainly in the
first and second trimester. All the patients possessed ACAs, and four
patients, in addition, possessed antinuclear antibodies (ANAs). All patients
were put on therapy as soon as the pregnancy was diagnosed. None had
received treatment in previous pregnancies. The therapy was either aspirin,
80 mg daily, alone or in combination with prednisolone, 10–20 mg daily,
according to the presence of antibodies and, in some patients, the
coexistence of connective tissue disease. Of the 21 patients with ACAs
alone, five were treated with aspirin and prednisolone and 11 with aspirin
alone. Due to non-compliance the remaining five patients received no
therapy. Of the four patients with both ACAs and ANAs, three received both
aspirin and prednisolone (one with the addition of cyclophosphamide) and the
fourth received no therapy, again due to non-compliance (Table 2).

ACAs were measured using the Kallestad system where the normal range for IgG
ACA was < 23 GPL and for IgM ACA was < 11 MPL.

Statistical analysis was performed using χ2 test for assessment of isotype
data and the Fischer test for assessment of the effects of therapeutic

The patients were first analysed to assess the effect of therapeutic
modality on the outcome of the pregnancies (Table 2). Among the 7 patients
receiving both aspirin and prednisolone (five with ACAs only and two with
both ACAs and ANAs), there were six (84%) successful pregnancies. One
further ACA and ANA positive patient, who received cyclophosphamide in
addition to aspirin and prednisolone, underwent an abortion. Among the 11
patients receiving aspirin alone, all of whom possessed ACAs only, there
were five (45%) successful pregnancies. Among the 6 patients receiving no
therapy, 5 with ACAs only and one with ACAs and ANAs, there was only one
(16%) successful pregnancy. Despite the low numbers this suggests that
combined aspirin and prednisolone therapy gives better outcome than aspirin
alone, and that treatment with either modality is superior to no treatment.
Indeed, the advantage attained with combined aspirin and prednisolone
therapy is significantly better (χ2 =5.82, p<0.05) than with no therapy.

The patients were secondly analysed to determine the relation of the ACA
isotype to the stage of pregnancy disaster. This data is summarized in Table
3. It shows that overall, throughout pregnancy, the coincidence of IgM and
IgG ACAs led to the highest rate of abortions and stillbirths, 78%, compared
with 71% and 55% respectively when IgM and IgG ACAs were found separately.
These differences were significant (χ2 = 3.98, p<0.05) when the presence of
IgG ACAs alone is compared with the coincident presence of IgG and IgM ACAs.

Analysis of the effect of ACA isotype on the trimester of the pregnancy
disaster shows that where IgG and IgM ACAs coincided in patients, 78% of the
total abortions for that group occurred in the first trimester. Where IgM
ACAs and IgG ACAs occurred separately in a patient, 30% and 42% of the
abortions respectively were in the first trimester. By contrast, where IgM
and IgG ACAs were found separately in patients, 70% and 47% respectively of
all abortions occurred in the second trimester, whereas only 11% of all
abortions in the patient group with coincident IgG and IgM ACAs occurred in
this trimester. Disasters in the third trimester of pregnancy were uncommon
and occurred in 6% of pregnancies where IgG ACA occurred alone and in 9%
where IgM and IgG ACA were found together.

In summary, the presence of IgG ACAs led to a similar frequency of
unsuccessful pregnancies in the first and second trimester, the rates being
significantly higher than in the third trimester (χ2 = 12.26, p<0.001 and χ2
= 5.02, p<0.001 respectively). Where IgM ACAs occurred alone, more abortions
occurred in the second than in the first trimester. The sample size was very
small (3 patients, 14 pregnancies) and the increase was not significant (χ2
= 3.20, p>0.05). However, where both IgG and IgM ACAs coincided, the rate of
pregnancy losses was significantly higher in the first trimester than in
either the second trimester (χ2 = 16:20, p<0.001) or the third trimester (χ2
= 16:20, p<0.001).

ACAs are associated with recurrent abortion and fetal wastage occurs in more
than 90% of untreated patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and in those
with autoimmune disease.8 Microinfarction of the placenta, possibly related
to interference in prostaglandin metabolism, maybe responsible for the fetal
loss, but the role of antiphospholipid antibodies, including ACAs, is not
yet definitely ascertained.9 The antibody involved appears to be the
‘authentic’ antiphospholipid antibody since ACA and LAC negative patients do
not possess antibodies to (b2GPI )6 and animal models of APS in pregnancy
can be induced by infusion of ACAs.10

In this study, we have examined the clinical and serological characteristics
of patients specifically selected for the presence of IgM and IgG ACAs and
multiple fetal losses. The majority were categorized as having the
antiphospholipid syndrome, but four of the subjects were also diagnosed with
SLE and possessing ANAs. We have investigated the effect of therapeutic
intervention on subsequent pregnancies and whether the ACA isotype was
implicated in the trimester of the fetal loss.

Previous trials reported successful pharmacological prevention of recurrent
fetal loss using heparin,7 prednisolone and heparin11 prednisolone and
azathioprine,12 corticosteroids either alone13 or with low-dose aspirin14
and high dose intravenous immunoglobulins.15

The clinical significance of the different ACA isopes is still under
investigation. IgG-ACAs are generally considered to have broader
pathological sequelae.17 The isotypes occur with variable frequency and in
individual patients each isotype may occur exclusively or in combination
with another isotype. Previous studies of fetal losses indicate that the
majority have the IgG isotype (+/– IgM) with a minority having IgM alone.17
It has been suggested that where IgM ACA occurs alone, the only complaint is
pregnancy loss.18 We have not been able to confirm this. In this study, we
have found that 78% of all abortions occur in the first trimester and in
these cases, the IgG and IgM ACA isotype are generally both present. Where
the IgG isotype occurs alone, abortions occur at the same frequency in the
first and second trimester, whereas, on the very limited data available,
where the IgM isotype occurs alone, more abortions occur in the second


In our study, we used low-dose aspirin, either alone or with prednisolone.
The patient numbers were low, but both in patients with the antiphospholipid
syndrome and with SLE, the highest frequency of successful of pregnancies
occurred with the combined therapy. The use of aspirin alone was encouraging
and it may be that aspirin is playing the most important role in the
prevention of fetal loss. However, a randomised prospective controlled trial
is necessary to determine the optimum therapy for pregnancy conservation and

Further clinical trials should give more precise information about optimal
therapeutic protocols for the prevention of fetal loss and the management of
patient at risk needs to be standardized. ACAs are rarely found in healthy
populations: one study indicates 22 in 1000.8 Hence there is little benefit
in the routine screening of healthy pregnant women for the presence of ACAs.


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© 1999-2001  Sultan Qaboos University
SQU Journal for Scientific Research -- Medical Sciences
College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University 
P.O. Box: 35, Postal Code: 123, Sultanate of Oman. 
Telephone: 00968-515150, Fax: 513419. E- mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Designed by Sajjeev Antony

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