The trouble is that US citizens like you say have no idea who are Mladic or Karadzic, that they did not know

who was even Sadaam, but Orwell’s sort of politics  and conditioning of their ego, made them think they are there to stop all

the evils in this World.   I thinks that Yanks do think they know by default everything and everyone.

I am quite sure the average American could care less about Mladic or Karadzic, but being superficially convinced to be

a sort of a “alien culture” ( if in the case of America one could speak about the  culture), they think they must stick their noses everywhere .

Did you understand what I wanted to say about bin Laden?

Burns asks Serbian government to arrest Kardzic and Mladic, but it can do it in the same way Yanks could arrest bin Laden, and yet they are a “superpower”,

mon cul.  Besides I do not see the difference between the Stalinisme and US “capitalism”. The second one is disguised Stalinisme, you know like the story of

the Red riding hood , the wolf disguised into grand mother, or grand mother disguised into wolf.


From: [] On Behalf Of AGORA
Sent: mercredi 29 juin 2005 16:57
To: 'YUGO';; 'SerbianNewsNetwork'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'NEWS'; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: [SNN] WHO IS USA??????? US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent


Rakic says: "Of course , Mr. Burns is not obliged to urge Mr. Bush to arrest bin Laden, but it is funny that US citizens are more interested in Mladic’s arrest then in their own victims"

Who are USA citizens?

Neo-Cons (undrcovered Leninist-Trockist judeo-bolsheviks)?

Corporate officers, de facto the owners of USA including USA "government?

Masses of employed, semi-employed and chronically unemployed Americans of whom many live in TRAYLER PARKS and absolute majority in 2x4 "frame" tar-paper or aluminum sheet covered homes called "SHEDS" in Europe, and fed on synthetic food?

Mr. Burn is just one of the screws in the "GOVERNMENT MACHINE".

You heard about ZOMBIES? They rule humans as humans let them do it.

PS USA citizens have no idea who is Mladic, Bosnia, Balkan.  

Rakic says: "US citizens are more interested in Mladic’s arrest then in their own victims"

US citizens are interested ONLY not to get fired, to get overtime, to pay medical and other million of "insurances" bills, not to go to "bad" neighborhoods where they can be killed and THEN robbed, where to buy cheaper gas, fake food and beer and, the most important, who won basketball, baseball or "football" game.

Remember Roman Empire, Panem et Circenses!

Now, for whole White Race the biggest danger is "Political Correctness" and permanent apologies to show total obedience to Neo-Con masters. Burns only want to show to his masters who observe his behavior how politically correct he is.

Read "1984" how Wilson was trained political correctness to love Big Brother. After he was trained, he was liquidated by Big Brother - read : Neo-Cons. It can happen to anybody from our "Government".


----- Original Message -----

From: Dragan Rakic

Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:24 AM

Subject: RE: [SNN] US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent


Mr Burns seems to forget so many things.  The most important is that although USA consider herself as a superpower,

she cannot do anything  against the Iraq except occupying it  and suffering many many victims, and second, five years

after the 9/11, USA is not able to arrest Osama bin Laden, and even less to oblige whosoever to do it in her place.

Obliging the new Serbian government to “repent”, is just a sadistic act. US  should have an obligation to arrest bin Laden,

vis-à-vis to its own population, and yet nothing happened and nothing happens. Why? Has the US government anything to hide to the people?


Of course , Mr. Burns is not obliged to urge Mr. Bush to arrest bin Laden, but it is funny that US citizens are more interested in Mladic’s arrest

then in their own victims .Maybe they should mind their own business. But if they are eager to arrest Mladic and Kardzic, they should do it.


Dragan Rakic



From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: mercredi 29 juin 2005 00:30
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Balkan News'; 'NEWS'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'SerbianNewsNetwork';; 'YUGO'
Subject: [SNN] US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent


SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: US Tells Tadic and Kostunica to Repent
2005-06-27 14:53:26


Boris Tadic and Vojislav Kostunica should repent, US Undersecretary for
State Nicholas Burns said today.

Burns told media that he suggested to the president and prime minister of
Serbia that they need to condemn the Srebrenica massacre on its tenth
anniversary on July 11 and that it would be desirable for them to arrest
former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic by that date.

"I shall remind Tadic and Kostunica in the coming days of their obligations.
I've told them 'You have to arrest Mladic. Until you do that, we are your
biggest problem: you'll never join NATO'," said Burns, as quoted by daily

Burns said in Belgrade earlier this month that the US Administration wants
Mladic in The Hague by July 11 and that there was strong pressure on
Belgrade for the arrest or negotiation for the Hague fugitive's surrender.
At that time he said that Washington was encouraged by reports from Belgrade
that the Serbian authorities wanted Mladic to answer the Hague charges.

Source: Radio B92



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