Looks Fine,

Noufel, if you haven't already communicated, I think it will be good if you
do write into PSF and complete all formalities.

Let's get the modalities done, and announce at least a tentative date for
the first meeting to form a committee to manage the event, and take things


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings people,
>   I have pasted below the mail I received from David G. when I asked
> him about the conference. Do take a look. I didn't know that he was
> the directory of the PSF. :-}
> Thanks
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> I'm sure that you'll be welcome to use the PyCon name for a community
> conference in India. There are several other national or regional
> PyCons out there, and we encourage their proliferation. The only thing
> we want to avoid is competing events in the same region, so ask that
> you cooperate with all interested groups and operate in an open and
> inclusive manner.
> Please write to p...@python.org for official permission. Be sure to
> describe the type of conference -- the term "PyCon" is associated with
> a volunteer-run community conference. We can also offer subdomain
> registration; in.pycon.org could point to your server, or to a site on
> the server we're using for the US PyCon.
> Good luck!
> David Goodger
> PyCon 2009 Chair
> Director, Python Software Foundation
> --
> ~noufal
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