On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 12:42 AM, Ramdas S <ram...@developeriq.com> wrote:
> Looks Fine,
> Noufel, if you haven't already communicated, I think it will be good if you
> do write into PSF and complete all formalities.

Noufel,  thanks for the initiative taken. But I guess the further
communication to PSF done with a prior consent with the BangPypers
members. I hope we dont rush things up and all the stakeholders in
this conference. Let us prioritise what should be done or can be
avioded  . Before we start communicating aggressively. We need to
collectively finilaze on many tasks and sub tasks. We can meet up on
the #Bangpypers on say Tuesday 4:30 PM IST.

o Programme Committee needs to be formed
o Call for Papers. ( how do we peer review the talks, tutorials ,
unlike Fsck.in, lets have a open review system of the talks)
o Date ( Call for Vote)
o Venue
o Communication to communities

Ramakrishna Reddy                                               GPG
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