On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Ramdas S <ram...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I didn't quite follow you here, I'm sorry.  I was chatting with someone in
> IRC a week back, and here's his theory. He says in languages such as Python
> or Perl, almost all I/O, database etc are all optimized in C and hence
> there
> should not be much of a difference when it comes to such programs.

What I means is that if your program is spending most of its time in doing
IO (i.e. in waiting for the database to return), then to speed up the
program you have to figure out how to reduce the total number of IOs that
the program is doing. Reduce the number of queries, or make the queries more
efficient, or add memory caching, etc. This is independent of the language
used. It's not a Python vs C issue.

In most cases, the reason for a program being slow is the IO and performance
improvements can be achieved by restructuring the program - not by looking
at which language feature is faster than the other

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