> --- In Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com, gusaeni <gusaeni@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Upami hoyong terang tujuan hiji organisasi, salah sahijina ditngali
> > tina tujuan ngadirikeun eta organisasi. JIL dijieun
> > ngaliberalkeun Islam, ngurak-ngabrik Islam. JIL dibiayaan ku USAID,
> > lembaga donor ti USA.

Tujuan JIL rek ngaruksak lebah mana? R

Jaringan Islam Liberal:  Background & Activities

Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) is a loose forum for discussing and
disseminating the concept of Islamic liberalism in Indonesia. One
raison d'etre of its establishment is to counter the growing influence
and activism of militant and radical Islam in Indonesia. The
"official" description of JIL is "a community which is studying and
bringing forth a discourse on Islamic vision that is tolerant, open
and supportive for the strengthening of Indonesian democratization."
It was started from several meetings and discussions among young
Muslim intellectuals in ISAI (Institut Studi Arus Informasi/Institute
for the Study of the Flow of Information), Jakarta, and then extended
through discussion using a mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in early 2001. The founders held the first discussion on February 21,
2001, in Teater Utan Kayu, Jakarta, on Akar-Akar Liberalisme Islam:
Pengalaman Timur Tengah [The Roots of Islamic Liberalism: The Middle
East Experience], presented by a young progressive scholar, Luthfie
Assyaukanie. That meeting was followed by other discussions, either in
the form of face-to-face meetings or through the mailing list. Since
mid 2001, the "official" name of Jaringan Islam Liberal has been used
on their website, http://www.islamlib.com/page.php, which displays
their activities, articles, discussions, and relevant sources for the
dissemination of liberal Islam. Their place of meeting and secretariat
is in Teater Utan Kayu, Jakarta, a complex owned by Goenawan Mohamad,
a leading journalist and author, and used for arts performances and by
non-governmental organizations.

Participants in the early process of the establishment of JIL are
diverse in their background. Most of them are middle class, young
intellectuals, but there are also politicians and prominent authors.
Several key figures in the early phase included Ahmad Sahal, Budhy
Munawar-Rachman, Goenawan Mohamad, Hamid Basyaib, Luthfie Assyaukanie,
Rizal Mallarangeng, Denny J. A., Ihsan Ali-Fauzi, A.E. Priyono,
Samsurizal Panggabean, Ulil Abshar Abdalla, Saiful Mujani and
Hadimulyo. Other important figures who became source persons in the
establishment of JIL included more senior Islamic scholars such as
Nurcholish Madjid, Azyumardi Azra and Komaruddin Hidayat. Assyaukanie
is the first coordinator of JIL who arranged discussions and
maintained offline and online discussions through a mailing list.
Since its first meeting, the participants and those who are interested
in joining JIL are increasing. As an open forum without rigid
organization, JIL does not have a membership system. Therefore, there
is no data on the number of members. The current coordinator of JIL is
Ulil Abshar Abdalla, the head of NU's human resources think-tank,

In the process of the establishment of JIL, support from Goenawan
Mohamad, a distinguished author and publisher, was very significant.
He not only provided a meeting place, secretarial support and
temporary funding through ISAI, but his involvement also attracted the
interest of many young intellectuals from his circle at Tempo weekly
magazine and the Korantempo daily newspaper as well as ISAI. He is
also a relatively neutral figure for either modernist or
traditionalist Islam in Indonesia.

Since its inception, JIL has conducted many regular activities
concerning public education. With the assistance from funding agencies
such as The Asia Foundation, JIL is able to voice liberal, tolerant
aspirations and interpretations of Islam in Indonesia. Activities and
programs of JIL include, first, syndication of liberal Islam writers.
This is the most important program done by JIL. This program is
intended to collect writings from authors who defend pluralism and
inclusivism and disseminate them to local mass media which have
difficulties in finding good writings and writers on those issues.
This syndication provides selected articles, interviews, and sources
every week for local newspapers. Second, talk-shows in the news office
of Radio 68H, Jakarta. The talk-show, which interviews those who
promote pluralism and an inclusive understanding of religion, is
broadcast through 40 radio stations in the Namlapanha radio network
across Indonesia. This program is the most effective effort to
disseminate liberal Islam. Third, publication of books on liberal
Islam, pluralism, and inclusivism in religion. Fourth, publication of
booklets or leaflets which contain a short article, interview, or
abstract from books on controversial issues in religion. Fifth, the
website, www.islamlib.com, which displays information and relevant
writings on liberal Islam. Sixth, public service advertisements on
television which contain messages for religious toleration and
peaceful co-existence among different religious followers and
pluralism in Islam. Seventh, discussion of Islam. With cooperation
from other institutions, JIL arranges discussions on Islam with
distinguished speakers from all over the world. Eighth, road-show
discussions to disseminate the idea of liberal Islam which are held on
campuses in Indonesia with the cooperation of student organizations.

These activities reflect the mission of JIL which is described as
follows: First, to develop liberal interpretations of Islam which
correspond to their principles and to disseminate them to the public.
Second, to provide a medium for dialogue that is open and free from
the pressure of conservatism. JIL believes that only through the
availability of this kind of dialogue, can the development of Islamic
thinking and action move in a good direction. Third, to create a just
and humane socio-political structure. For JIL, democracy is the best
system for that purpose.

For the proponents of JIL, using liberal Islam in the name of their
forum is intended to make a clear point. Liberal Islam represents an
Islam that emphasizes individual freedom in accordance with the
Muta'zilah (or Mu'tazilite) doctrine of human freedom and liberation
of socio-political structure from oppressive and undemocratic
domination. The adjective "liberal" for the activists in JIL has two
meanings: "being liberal" and "liberating." They use this adjective
because they do not believe in Islam as such, Islam without an
adjective, since in reality Islam has many different interpretations.
Therefore, liberal Islam is another variant of Islam and an
alternative to literal Islam, Islamic fundamentalism, radical Islam,
and many others.

Nico Harjanto 2003

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