hatur nuhun tos nganjang ka dinya.


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   --- In Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com <Baraya_Sunda%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "Waluya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Kuring mah nyangka di Abad ka 15/16, ti saprakna urang Eropa
> Kang W,
> Kuring mah kurang satuju mun ieu istilah 'amparan Sunda jeung amparan
> Sahul (AS)' tea geus dipake dina abad 15/16.
> Alesan kuring kieu.
> Istilah AS teh mun ditengetan leuwih jero mah mangrupa istilah ilmiah.
> Ieu istilah teh mangrupa REKONSTRUKSI morfogeologi. Jadi istilah anu
> dipake mundur, sabab kanyataanana geus lawas, tapi diekonstruksi
> nurutkeun bentuk2 daratan jeung lautan ayeuna.
> Tapi siga na mah, memamng urang Eropa anu nyiptakeun ieu istilah.
> Cikan minangsaraya ka ahli geol di ITB tah, susuganan aya nu apal kana
> asal muasal ieu istilah tea.
> Keur Kang Ema,
> Kapanggih yeuh Kang teori Atantis di Nusantara teh. Ngan terus terang
> kuring mah can maca... (wegah ah he he he...) buku ieu:
> Introduction
> "Unlocking the Secrets of Plato's Lost Continent"
> Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, released on August 2005,
> is Prof. Arysio Santos' latest work. Following the same line of
> thought that made his homonymous website become the most popular in
> its category, having received more than 2.5 million visits within the
> past few years, he explains in this book his Theory on Atlantis, using
> an infinitude of arguments, which range from the strictly scientific
> (such as Geology, Linguistics, and Anthropology) to the more arcane
> and occult ones.
> A professional scientist with a PhD in Nuclear Physics and
> Free-Docency in Physical-Chemistry, the author has dedicated himself
> intensely to the study of the Atlantis problem, for about 30 years
> now. Being the first one to ever link the catastrophic events of the
> end of the last Ice Age (11.600 years ago) with the world-wide
> traditions of the universal Flood and the destruction of Atlantis,
> Prof. Santos managed to find a perfect site for the location of the
> Lost Continent. Such site strives unrivaled as being the most logical
> one ever proposed, matching all the features mentioned by the Greek
> philosopher Plato, as well as those cited by other sources.
> The reader will be confronted with strongly based evidence of all
> sorts to the existence of Atlantis, written by a reputed scientist,
> enough to shake the beliefs of the most hard-core skeptic. This book
> should also please the fans of the occult and symbolic disciplines, as
> the author frequently interconnects them with Atlantis and explains
> their meaning. Illustrated with over 30 line-art figures and printed
> in high quality white paper, Prof. Santos' book is a must for everyone
> interested in the subject of Atlantis and lost civilizations.
> http://www.atlan.org/book/

Ema Sujalma

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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