hello, I'm trying to use the Percona plugin.  backup seems to work
(although I am not certain), on this test server the backup jobs says:

  FD Bytes Written:       6,513,699 (6.513 MB)

mysqldump without compression is ~9 MB, the backup contains just one
file, /_percona/xbstream.0001457954

so, trying out restore:

  08-Feb 19:28 dump-sd JobId 1457958: Forward spacing Volume "incr/Incr-6247" 
to file:block 1:970713522.
  08-Feb 19:28 ece026-snapshot-fd JobId 1457958: Error: restore.c:1239 Write 
error on /tmp/bacula-restores/_percona/xbstream.0001457954: Child exited with 
code -268435457
  08-Feb 19:28 ece026-snapshot-fd JobId 1457958: Error: Restore command 
returned non-zero value: 1, message: 

(if you wonder about the Incr name: I did the full backup to the
Incremental-pool for convenience - didn't want to have to wait for

the directory in the error message is left empty.

I tried to grab the error message from xbstream, but was unable to patch
the python plugin to log it.  however strace delivers the goods, sort
of.  the xbstream process reads and reads and reads, and then:

  write(2, "xb_stream_read_chunk(): invalid checksum at offset 0xa00025: 
expected 0xf96cf5a6, read 0xc7ae89da.\n", 99) = 99

it doesn't look like the trace level 200 file from FD has much
interesting to say, but see attached file.

at this point I would like to see if the problem is in the backup or in
the restore.  can I extract the stream to a plain file on the client and
run xbstream on it manually?  other hints on how to debug the problem?

here are my versions:

* ece026-snapshot-fd Version: 15.2.2 (16 November 2015)
  x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)

* percona-plugin from Git master today

* Python 2.7.5

* mysql --version
  mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.30-76.3, for Linux (x86_64) using  6.2

* rpm -qf /usr/sbin/mysqld

* rpm -qf /bin/xbstream

Bareos server:

* dump-dir Version: 16.3.1 (01 July 2016) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (actually from Git, tag Release/16.2.4)

Kjetil T. Homme
Redpill Linpro AS - Changing the game

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Attachment: ece026-snapshot-fd.trace.gz
Description: trace file from restore

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