Hi Philipp, 

> it looks like you are using bareos in production.
> Though we do extensive testing of our release candidates, they are not 
> intended to be used in
> production.
> For production use, we have our subscription and support offerings at 
> bareos.com:

First, thanks for your wonderful product. I have been using it for multiple 
years now. I know of your support offerings, but with our installed base with 
Bareos my company cannot afford such high costs for support. 

I know that we're taking a risk and nothing is guaranteed. I am not searching 
for a quick solution or a fix tomorrow, but I am more just filing a possible 
bug for which I want to work with you to get it fixed in a future version.

To add some details: we've had the same issue with the 17.2.4 release. As I 
couldn't then find a way to get the system up and running I decided to update 
to 18.2, maybe with the 18.2 version this issue was fixed. That was not the 
case. In the end, we decided to start with an empty database and this solved 
our issue.

What I have noticed is that the crash occurs after these events:
- System runs fine
- Change configuration
- Cancel running daily jobs
- Wait until all other jobs have been finished
- Reload director -> crash
- Wait at least a day
- Start director -> runs fine.


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