I'd try "bareos-dir -t" with reasonably high debug level (-d900, probably) to see which files are being read and which directives are being parsed. I know, it dumps a lot of stuff (you definitely want to redirect it to a file for reading with your favourite editor) but it should show what's going on.


W dniu 01.01.2020 o 18:11, pisze:
Thanks MK but I did do the show fileset="Full Laptop Set" and it displayed the correct information.

I used webui to see the fileset used in the backup, But looking at the actual backups, It used a previous version of the file (one specifically date as 8 Jan 2019).

The only way I could get it to update (shown below) was to change the resource name in the Job definition to "Full_Laptop_Set" and of course change the name of in the fileset definition in the fileset directory.


Job {
   Name = "BEE-XPS15_1bkup"
   Level = Incremental
   Storage = "BEE-XPS15-storage"
   Pool = "BEE-XPS15"
   Client = "BEE-XPS15-fd"
   FileSet = "Full Laptop Set"
   JobDefs = "Common_Attributes"


Job {
   Name = "BEE-XPS15_1bkup"
   Level = Incremental
   Storage = "BEE-XPS15-storage"
   Pool = "BEE-XPS15"
   Client = "BEE-XPS15-fd"
   FileSet = "Full_Laptop_Set"
   JobDefs = "Common_Attributes"

and in fileset


FileSet {
   Name = "Full Laptop Set"
   Include {
     Options {
       Exclude = Yes



     Options {
       Signature = SHA1
       Compression = GZIP6
     File = "/home/bee"
     File = "/media/windows/Users/bee"


FileSet {
   Name = "Full_Laptop_Set"


On 1/1/20 11:35 AM, Spadajspadaj wrote:
On 01.01.2020 17:24, wrote:
I have update my fileset to include a new exclude statement. I have restarted Bareos (including reboot the server). Unfortunately, Bareos continues to use the old version of the fileset definition for the backup. I do not find an update statement in the manual to force Bareos to use the new fileset definition. bconsole does show the updated fileset I have created. So what is the correct way to get Bareos to use the updated fileset in the backups.

I am on Ubuntu 18.04 server using Bareos 18.2.5-131.1 according to webui


Question is how did you "update" the fileset and is it really used in the job definition.

First things to check - do a "show job=<your-job-name>" and see what's the fileset name and if it matches the fileset you were editing.

Example from my installation:

*show job=srv2-linux
Job {
  Name = "srv2-linux"
  Client = "srv2-fd"
  FileSet = "Linux-minimal-fileset"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"

(to be on the safe side you can also do the "show client" on the client name to be sure you got the right machine configured for backup with this job)

Now if you have a FileSet (in my case it's called "Linux-minimal-fileset"), you do a "show fileset=<fileset-name>" command. Like this:

*show fileset=Linux-minimal-fileset
FileSet {
  Name = "Linux-minimal-fileset"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5
      Compression = GZIP6
      OneFS = No
      AclSupport = Yes
      XattrSupport = Yes
      Fs Type = "btrfs"
      Fs Type = "ext2"
      Fs Type = "ext3"
      Fs Type = "ext4"
      Fs Type = "reiserfs"
      Fs Type = "jfs"
      Fs Type = "xfs"
      Fs Type = "zfs"
    File = "/root"
    File = "/etc"
    File = "/home"
    File = "/var"
    File = "/srv"
    Plugin = "bpipe:file=/_rpmlist_/rpm.lst:reader=/usr/bin/rpm -qa:writer=/bin/bash -c ''xargs yum install -y''"
  Exclude {
    File = "/var/lib/bareos"
    File = "/var/lib/bareos/storage"
    File = "/proc"
    File = "/tmp"
    File = "/var/tmp"
    File = "/.journal"
    File = "/.fsck"
    File = "/srv/backups"

If the name of the fileset matches what you edited, but the contents don't, it probably means that you edited a wrong file (try grepping for the fileset name on your /etc, /opt, or /usr/local, depending on how you installed and configured Bareos).

BTW, it's not necessary to restart director after configuration change. It's enough to do a "reload" from bconsole.



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